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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 20

12 September 1973
(Berat night: the Night of Pardon, the night between the 14th and the 15th days of the month Sha'ban.)

I am Mevlana.
We became [spiritual] washer, we came to the nest, [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
We gave to each one according to his/her wish. [? We gave to each one when he/she wished. ?]
We saw the hearts as nice.
We said, “Eyvallah,” in each event.
We stopped, we explained the question of the one who asked, why?
The goal is neither to give the one that will happen, [our goal is not to tell you about future events, i.e. fortune telling]
Nor to turn the world;
[the goal is] Only to take [humans] to the place that will be arrived at,
[the goal is] To illuminate human’s path.
To the one who says, “My path’s light is sufficient”:
Even though [our] heart is together [with him/her],
It falls [on us] to say, “Eyvallah." [so be it, you are welcome to do as you wish].”

If you say to nightingale, “Stay away from the rose,”
It takes the body away,
However, it still laments saying, “Rose.”
In the word of the rose, there is The Essence of The Giver.
Word exists in the universe; [universe] is narrow for The Essence.
Even the greatness of the universe is narrow for The Essence.

Let our pleading be with HIM, to arrive in HIM.
Let one say, "Eyvallah," for each one that HE gives.
Let 'why' be erased. [let questioning be erased]
Let the [current] day’s interpretation be remembered in the name of Allah.

If you say, “We remembered, we became repentful,”
Even if we break our repentance thousand times, we still return,
In return, we find salvation.

In each stage that we cross,
We see HIM closer.
[because] HE is [already] The Closest One to us;
[therefore,] We cross the stage, not HIM.

Our nest is open for HIM. [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Each one who comes, takes,
Each one who seeks, finds,
Each one who wishes, sees.
However, it is necessary to know [how] to wish.

Openness of The Existence is neither in dream nor in image;
It is only in the heart that sees.
Let hearts be pleased,
Let all mistakes be covered with the day.
Let one enter the opening [new] day brightly.

If sun comes [even] from jasmine flower, it does not set in heart, [heart is always sunny]
Black smoke does not lie down in human’s heart. [black smoke can not occupy human’s heart]

The one who says, “Let me wind the wool ball,”
[he/she] Does not leave any knot in it.

To the one who does not know to take,
If you say, “Let me give,” is it not wasted?
To the one who does not know to love,
If you give flower, does he/she not laugh?
To the one who says, “I have trouble,”
If you say, “It is the order [command] of The Lofty One,” does he/she not revolt?
The one who knows not to [revolt], does not complain.
Revolt is
Not to conform to HIM,
Not to see what HE gives.

"Let us wrap phyllo on the tray,
Let us mix halvah in the caldron,
Let us set up table for all [humans], let us join the chat.
Chat is key to science,
Chat is 'warning to earth,'
Chat is guide for human’s heart,”
He said, my Yunus came.
Let us join the joy of coming,
Let us join the joy of all [humans],
Let us illuminate his/her day,
Let us find in green the cover of the universe. [green==LIGHT color of Prophet Mohammad]

Let us not 'look from the front and say word [talk] about the decoration.' [let us not talk about the interior decoration without even entering the house / let us not talk without thoroughly understanding]
If we said, “It will happen,” we gave the one that will happen,
Because we saw the one that is written.
There is no interpretation of the one that is said.
If you say, “I wonder/maybe,” HE does not laugh at you. [belief has to be without doubt]

The one who says, “Let me take the ship from the captain,
Let me make [it] move,”
Is the one who makes the ship wash a shore.
The one who finds mistake in [our] chat
Is the one who fills his/her heart with mortar.

As long as my eye sees, I say, “From YOU.”
When my eye is closed, “WHOM do I know [it] from?”
The essence of the word is One, the eye of the heart is Darling.

If you knew the [spiritual] water, it is benefit for human.
What do you find in water?
Where do you say, “Blessing”? [? You say, "Where is the blessing?" ?]
Blessing is in the one who spades the soil, who sieves each one of its sides.

The moment in which you say, “[I wish for] Helper my Allah,”
Light descends onto your path,
Each human’s helper turns around him/her.
“We wished, we came, we chatted, we returned,” he said,
My Yunus walked.

We owned Your merchandize,
YOUR property that is Yours.
We owned Your branch,
YOUR root that is Yours.
We owned in Your name, we remembered YOU with [from] heart.
We said, “Ya Allah,” we begged Your pardon.
We took shelter in the respect of the day,
In the intercession of HIS Representative.
"We became soft, forgive [us] my Allah,” we said.
Our deep love became rooted, found water nearby its root.

Do not say,
“It does not matter if my name is not remembered
As long as my oath is not broken.”
The name of the one who loves should be remembered.
No oath should be taken in the name of my Allah’s writing.
Because oath is revolt against my Allah’s giving.
Human asks: “I took oath, I broke my oath,
What do I pay [for it] with?
With one bread, [or] with one earthenware pot?”
[bread or pot:] It is not yours either, how come you pay with [them]? [since bread and pot are not yours, you can not pay with them]
You make contract in HIS name,
You put your seal on it;
When you break [your contract] with human, you ask… [? When you break [your contract], you ask human ["how do I pay for my broken oath?"]... ?]
I said before, do never give place to oath;
If you give, beg my Allah’s pardon.
When you say,
“YOU see my mistake, YOU repair,
Forgive me my Allah,”
The seal of oath is lifted.
It is necessary that one does not fall in the same mistake again.
[if one repeats the mistake again,]
Voila, at that time your oath comes back to you,
Makes what you do, break down,
Makes what you have in hand, corrupt.

Let our measure be:
The love of the ones who love,
The praise of the ones who do not know to love.

In respect of the night, let all of us take shelter in HIS pardon,
Let all sins be pardoned.

The bed of the lake is mud, [lake==bigots, religious fanatics]
The bed of the ocean [is] sand. [ocean==God]

When distances are crossed, [when one matures spiritually]
Vision shows one's blur like mirror. [his/her vision improves] [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Let us be among the ones who see, let us find in chat.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

23 September 1973

I am Mevlana.
We have been together with the ones
Who know to come to their senses,
Who remember our day.
We saw good deed in every event.
If there were smoke in hearts, we erased.

The word of the one who conforms to the circle of friends and acquaintances
Is apart from him/herself,
Is different from all [humans].
[let it be known that:] Word is said not according to the circle of friends and acquaintances,
But according to what is in heart.

There is no place for worry:
Open your day saying, “Good deed.”

It is not seen that eye gets used to chip of wood [that comes into the eye],
Anyway, HAK does not give permission [for that]:
Tear of eye flows, throws the chip of wood out.
Human looks at the reality [? The Reality ?] only when he/she opens the eye.
For that [reason] even tear of eye is good deed.
Let us open the eye, let us see The Essence.

Since the day
When I became Mevlana,
When I came to earth,
I have been talking in the name of HAK,
I have been giving in the name of HAK.
When I came to the shore [of the ocean], I erased all worries. [ocean==God]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

24 September 1973

I am Mevlana.
At the place where there is peace, there is what HAK says.
For HIS faithful human, his/her each day is benefit.
We have presented to your path, we have spread to your heart.

Let us close lid onto the day that you wish to erase,
About which you said, “My Allah, I took shelter in your pardon for my faults.”
When window opens to day, it disperses your smoke.
The one who opens his/her day to good deed, peace fills his/her heart.
As long as heart is pleased, let the basket be empty.

We believed in the giving, we saw on the display, we found in love.
In the heart of the one who loves, we saw that the shadow is erased.

Neither were we carried away with the one that went [that was gone/lost], [we did not worry about something that was lost]
Nor did we join the effort.
We pleased heart, when [we were] in shade, we knew [that it was thanks to] the leaf of the tree.
In every event that was referred to its [? his/her ?] Owner,
[if human was] Without doubt, we saw the salvation.
We are human of the door of salvation,
We are the key handle of the door.
To the one who wishes [for The Meaning] and opens [the door of which we are the key handle],
We say, "Eyvallah."
We check on the hearts of all of them.

Chicken that does not dig, does not find.
At the place where rooster does not crow, morning is not known.

Rise of the sun is cover for the darkness.
Even though night is cover for the day,
Moon and stars are window to the day. [sun==Prophet Mohammad; moon==Hazrat Ali; star==saint]

The food that is eaten is in accordance with your power,
Is in accordance with your writing that is God-given share.

The one that is real, is the one who comes from HIM, who conforms.
The one who knows The Reality is the one who says, “HAK’s hand is upon me.”

What is the superiority of the one
Who attains HIS attribute,
Who sees HIS hikmet?
His/her heart being open. [his/her heart is open]
Each one who opens his/her heart, attains HIS hikmet.

If you say, “It is trouble for me, the [spiritual] ladder tires me,”
If you refrain from climbing,
Can you think of rising?
The more you live inside, the more the angle of view of your eye narrows.
The more the vision narrows, the more heart is covered.
Where do you see more land, on the field or on the mountain?
Of course on the mountain.

What do you find in gazelle’s eye, in high plateau’s trump?
There is trump of every event.
The trump of the fruit, [is] its seed.
The trump of the high plateau, [is] its fruit.

We searched the soft path, we combed in accordance with our heart.
“Choice is in my Allah,” we said.
We did not load fault onto HIS human.
To the one who loaded, we did not say, “You are on HAK’s path.”
Because, the one who loads fault onto HIS human
Is the one who takes onto his/her [own] back load as [big as] mountains.
He/she is crushed, he/she shrinks, when he/she perceives, his/her load is lifted.

To the one who took, I gave to his/her heart.
I wrapped all [humans] with heart.
I mixed snow with molasses, I presented to the one who eats.
I said, “Eyvallah,” I stood on the path of the one who wishes [for The Meaning].
We did not look for fault in the one who denied us.
“My Allah, know his/her heart,
Make him/her see him/herself in the mirror,” we said,
We have been prayerful.
Neither did we feel sorry, nor did we take offense.
Let you be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you find oil lamps in the heart.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

27 September 1973

I am Mevlana.
Let greetings be to the ones
Who come to our nest, [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Who spread the hearts on the path of HAK.

They set up the intention, they conformed to the beautiful day.
Let good deeds be seen, let hearts open,
Let HIM be seen [perceived] on every day.
At arrival in HAK,
Let one say, “I passed my day [on earth] with Your name.”

We came with HIM,
We found with HIM,
We laughed with HIM.
To the ones who wish for our path,
We gave greeting from heart.
Saying, “Suffering is not from HIM,” we erased [suffering].
We became fire that does not go out [fire that is not extinguished],
We became ash, we were winnowed in the universe.
We were planted in the garden of human as rose.

To the one who says, “There is contentment in wealth,”
Eyvallah,” we said.
However, in wealth, each human’s consideration is different.
Some consider the matter as wealth,
Some [consider] The Meaning [as wealth].
One has to say, “Eyvallah,” to all of them.
The noise of the water comes to some as nice, to some as empty [meaningless].
The one who watches the beautiful one, does not listen to sad music, why?
[because] Watching does not make cry [shed tears], sad music does not make laugh.

The intention of the one who says,
“Let me climb the minaret,
Let me invite each one who wishes,”
Is constructive according to him/herself.
Which one is more skillful,
The one who discovers the ore,
Or the one who knows The One Who makes [it] be discovered?

Ask the one who knows his/her direction from what happens in the surrounding:
“What happens?”
[what happens is] Only as much as he/she knows.

The one who says, “Let me cover my sin with my good deed,”
Is mistaken.
The one who says,
“Let me beg pardon for my sin,
Let me do my good deed because I love,”

We presented until the [current] day,
We found until the direction that we wish.
We wished, we asked, we took from HIS rank [HIS presence].
For each event, “Eyvallah, it is from YOU, my Allah,” we said;
We said and we won.

Vision is not because of human’s lineage, but because of his/her [spiritual] water. [vision==to see HIM in all HIS creations]

Love is not next to human, but [it is] in his/her temperament.

We look at the sun saying, “It is only our light and heater,”
We give that value to it.
[however,] HIS giving is borderless.
HIS display
Does not come back with the one who goes [to after earth life],
Does not greet the one who comes [to after earth life or to earth].
[The above verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Therefore any matter that is visible to human eye, including the universe, is the LIGHT of Allah in matter form, in other words is HIM, HIS Display. On the other hand, one greets someone when he/she comes to a place or when he/she leaves a place. When a human migrates to after earth life, he/she is granted his/her spiritual degree and either he/she reaches HIM, or continues his/her spiritual education on another planet in the universe. Since universe is HIM too, therefore one does not go to another place, hence one does not need to greet…]

What is there in the name of the sun, on the back of the tree?
On the back of the tree, there is the service [care] of human.
In the giving of the tree, there is the hikmet of HAK.
Human gives the service [takes care of the tree], [then] he/she only waits for HIS hikmet.
What the tree will give to human is HIS Shadow [? its shade ?].

We came to the days
On which HE gives [what HE gives] when you rise to heaven, [we came to the days [i.e. today] on which God allows the spiritual knowledge that was only available in the past when human migrated to after earth life]
On which HE says, “The pleading of My human,”
On which HE puts worship on the scale [to measure],
We came to our day [i.e. today].
Let us enter after we leave all the load that is on our back.
Let us erase the smoke of the days that passed, without remembering [past events].
Let us cover the top of the copper pan with gold lid, [gold==spiritual meaning]
Let us rejoice saying, “We covered.”
Salvation is in erasing, “keramet” is in seeing the erasure. [keramet=1. miracle worked by God through a person. 2. the God-given power of working miracles.]
Keramet is in you, in your birth.
Keramet is in me, in me loving you.
If I loved you, it is because you are from HIM.
If you loved me, it is because I am with HIM.
You are HIM as well as I am [HIM].
When we know the doomsday, when we come to that day,
When we become only ONE, when “you-I” is erased,
What is left behind? Only HIM.
Today is the door of that day.
What you will take today, is that day’s title deed.
Let hearts be all one,
Let one enter the days like that,
Let one be hand in hand, let it be said, “We are all ONE.”

“Rose [is] on branch, nightingale['s heart is] in rose, sings love song,
As much as it sings, it cries [sheds tears].
Whether it sings or not, it adds what to its love?” he said,
My Yunus came.
We said lives, we found with lives.
“Let us also give one greeting, two words,” we said.
[one asks us:]
Apparition in you is up to where?
Up to the place where HIS path takes to,
In other words, from there to here. [it is thought that 'there' and 'here' imply 'earth' and 'Milky Way']
Eyvallah,” he said, my Yunus greeted all of you.

We gave our prayer, we entered [through] the day’s door.
No one who does not enter is left, [everybody enters / everybody is welcome to enter]
The one who does not know, does not find.

Be entrusted to my Allah,
Find good deed on the day.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel