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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 69

7 April 1978

I am Mevlana.
In leaf and soil,
We see variety,
We search equivalent,
Like that, we ask about our Original [Essence].
Soil represents The One Who gives,
Leaf [represents] the one who takes.
In each heart,
Deep love for Darling, burns.
Let selam be to all of you.
Let the one who knows to give
And the one who takes
Find one another.

On the day when we come,
In the direction that we give,
One reaches [HIS path],
One says, “Let my Allah be pleased.”

We are from the ones who know HIS giving,
Similar to the situation of [spiritual] maturation. [the more one matures spiritually, the more one knows HIS giving]

If we search in the variety of the leaf, [leaf==human]
[then] We find What is in eye.
[then one reaches HIM] As it is given from birth. [then one reaches HIM without loosing HIS Light that was given at one’s birth time on earth]

At the place where it is taken from Meryem [Virgin Mary],
There is the word of Toktay [Jesus Christ].
“He gives
Not the one that is narrow
But the one that fits the measure. [but the one that is permitted by HIM]
He knows
The dust from the earth, [dust==very small piece]
The writing from the sun,” [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
She said, Meryem took the word:
If you say, “I can not take,”
Find the one who searches.
If you say, “I do not know,”
Conform to the one who knows.
[when you are] Next to the one who knows,
Do not say what you know;
Conform to what you will take.
Each one who knows
Is from the ones who do not know.
There is one subject that
Each one who knows, knows. [each one who knows,
knows only ‘one’ subject.]

The image of the ocean [ocean==God]
Is the desire of the one who does not know. [According to ONEness of HEARTs, universe is the shadow/image of The Reality; human who does not know The Reality may fall in love with matter, i.e. HIS shadow/image…]

If we connect saz and word, [saz=a stringed musical instrument]
Its value is in [musical] measure.

If we plaster the wall,
Let us not keep the one who made [who built the wall], in judgment. [let us not blame the wall maker if it is possible for us to cover the fault with plaster…]

For the love of the one who comes,
There is respect of the one who knows,
She said, she hugged with her love.

(Question: Who is implied by ‘the one who comes’?)

The one who comes from the path,
The one who returns with love.
Let my Allah be pleased
With the one
Who gives intensive work
To taking without interpretation.
Let him/her [? HIM ?] give direction to flowing water
Like in the example of mill.
Let him/her [? HIM ?] show path
Not to the one that changes
But to the one who develops,
She said, Meryem [Virgin Mary] greeted all of you.

Every human who says, “I am full,”
Says, “I am hungry,” on the day that comes.
If it is like that,
There is place of fullness
Not [on] daily [life]
But in lifetime.
Spoon enters the soup,
Supply [enters] the bag.
Close friend searches in each heart,
Asks about [What] he/she finds in love. [? Asks the one whom he/she finds [to be] in love. ?]
We saw all of you in the love of the one
Who comes as guest,
Who erased the judgment on the past day.
“Let my Allah be pleased,” we said,
We loved as much as he/she loved.

We are from the ones who know the one
Who hears, who conforms;
We are from the ones who set up our post in every heart. [post == congregation to unite in ONEness]
If you say, “Throne,”
If you set up your throne in love,
[then] We are from the ones who find together.
We do not say, “Small,” to [for] bee’s wing,
[we do not say,] “Big,” to [for] eagle’s wing;
We do not erase [the] measure [according] to body.
We do not fall in judgment about
From where to where is the effort.
If we say, “Small,” to [about] the bee that gives honey,
[if we say,] “Big,’ to [about] the eagle that sees mountain,
Then we give measure
Not to the giving
But to view.

If you search the scale from the milkman,
If you ask the milkman from the traveler, [if you ask about the milkman to the traveler]
[then] You find what you search, late.
However, you still find.

Let us prefer ‘saying’ more than ‘being silent’:
With what we know,
Let us show path to the one who does not know,
Let us be helper to the one who is constructive.
Let us give with every hal,
Let us give again.
Let us convey the selam [greeting/peace] that we take
To its destination.
Let us enter the vineyard of close friend
With grape,
Let us be helper all together,
Let us collect all together.
Let our selam be
To close friend[ly] hands,
To close friend[ly] tongues.

“We came, let him/her know,
We gave, let him/her see,” [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
He said, Toktay [Jesus Christ] greeted:
“The one that comes as narrow is not from us,
The one that says, ‘Steep,’ is not from [our] word.
The universe does not rotate without love.
What is written, is never erased.
Informations are not divided according to human’s saying. [according to what human says]
HE [? He/she ?] is ONE,
He/she conforms to ONE;
He/she is One, [? HE is ONE, ?]
He/she hears in ONE;
He/she is One, [? HE is ONE, ?]
He/she satiated in ONEness.
Be entrusted to Allah,”
He said, Toktay walked.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

14 April 1978

I am Mevlana.
It is open [clear]
That we take from earth to sky,
That we laugh at every event.
Let selam be,
Let all of you laugh at every hal.

What is called as ‘worry’
Is to seek each human who falls in curiosity about the event.
In The Order [orderliness],
We turned the path saying, “Hay,” [hay==human separating his/her heart from his/her body]
We burned saying, “HAK.”
Our place is in the heart[s] of all [humans],
We knew.

What is waited from the one
Who wraps the surrounding,
Who asks about the nature
Is openness.

We said before:
Worry divides the vision.
If one does not fall in detail,
Each event fades.
In each heart,
The appropriateness of the interpretation
Comes according to the building; [every human interprets according to his/her heart]
HIS each human sets up palace according to his/her heart.

“Let nobody demolish anybody else’s palace,
Let nobody look at the fault of anybody,”
She said, Meryem [Virgin Mary] took the word:
“The water that I take from the creek,
Does it come from the mountain?
The love that comes to my heart,
Does it give from the path?” she said.

Pir Sultan Abdal took the word:
I drank the milk,
I put my foot on the earth.
I thought I was full,
[yet] I was hungry for HIS deep love every day.
I passed from the path, [I took HIS path, I went on HIS path]
At dawn, I harvested HIS word. [dawn==migration to after earth life]
I waited
For immature word from the earth,
For unripe fruit from the branch, [similar to how I waited for unripe fruit to ripen, I waited for human to mature spiritually on earth…]
He said, Abdal walked.

“[similar to how] I can not write melody on the wing of flying bird,
I can not get angry at my darling who comes from the desert,” [it is thought that darling who comes from the desert means ‘Prophet Mohammad’]
He said, my Yunus took the word:
Each path is the one that I search,
HIS each human is the one whom I love. [I love HIS humans regardless of the spiritual path that they take…]
Each event is the one that I erase.
When you pass from path to path,
When snow falls onto the surrounding,
You see the stone-the soil as One,
You recognize the universe with One single cover.

I came [to earth] so that I know,
I knew so that I mature [spiritually].
I matured [spiritually], I loved,
I loved, I burned [in heart].
I burned so that I arrive [at HIM].
If you say,
‘You arrived, what did you see?
You found Darling in heart,’
I arrived,
I wished to Darling,
Again I became One with you
In HIS name,
He said, my Yunus walked.

Let us say,
“I became leaf,
I stayed on the branch.
I became branch,
I bent forward in every wind,
[yet] Neither did I break
Nor did I fall apart.
I came from soil,
I returned to soil,”
Let us plead in the name of every leaf.
Page [on which sins and good deeds are recorded]
Is of course the record of human,
Is his/her shadow on earth,
Is the [circle-]ring of one another.

HALIK does not withhold what HE knows from people
As long as the one who takes, does not find [it] as odd.
Each one that I know is
Not from me
But from HIM.
Whatever I know today
Is from yesterday;
What I will give is to [for] tomorrow.

Say to the one who says,
“Let them know Me in me,
Let them see HIM in me”:
[HE is] Neither in you nor in me,
All of them [are] in HIM.

Our place, our path [are]
In all of you.

Each event that is valued
Wrap all of you.
“What is the event that is valued?” is said.
Each event
That is crossed in the name of HAK,
That is run in the name of HAK
Is said to be 'valued.'

I am Mevlana.
We presented the word to Meryem [Virgin Mary].
“'Intensive work' was said,
It was said before to HIS humans
Who are called as ‘leaf,’
Whose lifetimes are written.
When we are tied to one another [by holding] hand in hand,
When we take the foot from the earth,
Let us give flatness to face,
Let us know blessing in difficulty," [let us know the difficulty as blessing]
She said,
Meryem presented her heart that is full of love
To you.
Let my Allah be pleased.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

21 April 1978

I am Mevlana.
We came with peace,
We found in peace. [? We found [ourself] in HIS presence. ?]
We whirled in the name of HAK,
We burned with HIS deep love.

Every one that is written
While lining up in rows,
While gliding like in the example of bird
Is beautiful.

We knew one’s OWNER,
We found HIS path.
We became leaf,
We wrapped Its branch,
We became soil,
We arrived at Its root.

Mountain path makes [one] cross;
Sea path makes [one] pass;
HAK’s path
Makes [one] find,
Fills HIS human’s heart.
IT is in hal,
IT is on [HIS] path,
HIS love is in heart.

“I drove nail into wood.
In hal, I arrived,
On path, I saw;
I knew the nail from [thanks to] wood.
‘You fell in fault,’ they said,
They asked [about] my trouble from the one who knows,”
He said, my Yunus entered the word:

I took word from the wood,
I saw hal in the nail.
To the one who says,
I gave table and
I put his/her food in front of him/her.
To the one who asked me about his/her reality,
“You took your name from The Lofty One,” I said.
Neither the stone of the path
Nor the food of the poor
Stops the one who knows.
Even if snow becomes hail,
Even if the one who hears, says, “Lie [not true],”
What you will take is from me,
What you will ask is from you,”
He said, my Yunus walked.

Smoke does not enter interpretation; [one does not make the interpretation unfavorably]
Not HIS each path is stony.
Cleaning the stone is from you [you have to move the stone]
Because you conform to The Order [orderliness].
It is open [clear] that the one who says,
“I fell in trouble,”
Digs him/herself. [he/she is dug by him/herself]

“We took from the moon, [star==saint; moon==Hazrat Ali; sun==Prophet Mohammad]
We were transformed into star;
With its [? his ? [his==Prophet Mohammad's]] every hal,
We knew the sun during the day,”
She said, Meryem [Virgin Mary] entered the word:
Sun is the giver of the day;
Sun is the giver of the night.
Even though moon illuminates the night,
It conveys what it takes from the sun.

Let us put the patch in order [orderliness],
Let us hold hand in hand.
Let us convey our love
To the one who is in fault in the order [orderliness].
Human falls in fault only
Because of the lack of love.
Love, [is] of course, to [for] DARLING.
It is conveyed from Darling to Darling too.
“How ‘from darling to darling?’” is said.
DARLING: my Lofty Allah;
‘HIS Darling’ are HIS humans.
When it is like that,
When fault is seen in human,
Let us stay away from blaming;
Whatever condition he/she may be in,
Let us try to love.

We never make mistake.
[however,] Earth’s structure may confuse human.
The reason of our coming is
To take together [with HIS human] the stones that are seen on the path,
To put [the stones] aside,
To be helper to the one who comes, who passes.

What is the one
That is seen in tree’s root,
That dissolves in its trunk?
In which direction are the branches?
In whichever direction they may be,
They are from the same root.
Let hearts be tied to one another,
Let feet stay away from stones,
She said, Meryem greeted.

The one who matures [spiritually] on the skirt,
Takes the bird that sings at the summit.
Honey that is in honeycomb
Is left for HIS human.

Neither did we stay as ignorant and burned,
Nor did we become wise and satiated;
In point, we found ONEness. ['point' as in 'one point,' 'dot']
We came [to earth],
We burned [in heart],
We loved [all HIS creations],
We went out [we were extinguished];
We wished for ‘being ash’ for all [humans].
Be entrusted to my Allah.
Close friend’s hand,
Close friend’s tongue
In love.

If leaf becomes soil,
If soil gives from seed,
We give as much as we take,
We see as much as we love,
We become similar to my Yunus.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

24 April 1978

I am Mevlana.
We knew
The one who hears and conforms,
The one who loves and respects
As being in rightness.
“Let my Allah be pleased,” we said.
Let selam be to all of you.

[the fact]
That we are pleased with the one who comes,
That we stay with the hal that we found,
That you know what is called as ‘kal
Is tied because of the coming.

Our word is given to Meryem [Virgin Mary]:
There is
Blessing in rainfall,
Difficulty in race.
Let us be ready to [for] the race,
Let us not be daunted by the difficulty.

It is reality that we know the path of the one
Who comes to your himmet, [himmet= sincere effort to reach God]
Who opens your eyes.

Path of the water is open;
If there is cloud on the mountain,
The one who waits [for rain] in the plain, rejoices.
Consider your foot
Not faraway
From the water that opens in east,
From the path that passes mountains
But [as] cloth belt.
Spoon to hand, [? Spoon to human ?],
Let one not think that the one who serves is slave.
Previously, we gave the one that is passable,
We [have] put the pillow under the head,
She said, Meryem walked.

Not even one grain of every land that you own
Stays in [with] you.

If stick matures, [if stick was able to mature similar to how a child matures]
It does not know the hand. [it would not know the hand of human...] [==it would not let itself be used to hurt someone...]

Human does not come to earth saying,
“Let me be leaf,”
Yet he/she does not stand beyond leaf.

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

28 April 1978

I am Mevlana.
Straw mat does not cover the path,
HIS human does not say difficultly,
The Lofty One does not make happen badly.
Let us say, “Hay,” [hay==human separating his/her heart from his/her body]
Let us bunch,
Let us see every beautiful one.
Without saying, “Nonexistent,”
Let us know our place from each morsel that HE gives,
Let us say, “Thank YOU, Allah.”
Let selam be to all of you,
Let each one who comes, find The Beautiful One.
In what the nest gives, [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Let the place [in after earth life] of the one who takes, be filled.
Let all of you conform
To our soft path,
To our hal that gives peace.

Specialty of The Building is
Because of the beauty of all [humans],
Because all [of them] know The Beauty.

Our word finds its place
With the ones who come;
Our nest [finds its place]
With the ones who are [spiritually] filled.

Meryem [Virgin Mary] takes our word:
What deep love gives is that
Human matures spiritually.
The reality of the birth
Is because of the necessity of [spiritual] maturation.
The one that is scattered is gathered,
The one that takes to wrong [direction], is covered.
HIS each human joins one another, hand in hand.
Without discriminating [among humans],
Without favoring [one over another],
Without saying
To each beautiful one,
To every congregation,
“[fault is] In you! [HE is] In me!”

Do not search witness
For what you take in hand,
For what you give to laps;
The Creator knows,
Gives to the one who knows.

Iron keeps the building, [iron makes the building stronger]
Wood [keeps] the door. [door is made of wood]
There is service in bunch.

Stay away from the one who gives smoke,
She said, Meryem greeted all [of you].

“HIS each human who has no question, will find the [HIS] path;
In the order [orderliness] that changes, HIS human will conform.
I have put wine in the jug,
I conformed to the one who drank in meyhane,” [meyhane = bar/restaurant like public place in the14th century where wine was served]
He said, my Yunus took the word:
The one who breaks the jug, does not mature [spiritually],
The one who spills the wine, does not take.
Meyhane does not stay as ‘closed’ to anybody.
I wished, I came,
I presented to the one who wished.
I have been together with the one who said,
“I burned [in heart].”
I walked [with all of them] in rows.
With the one who walked,
With the ones who gave armful of their loves,
I crossed the passage,
I embraced all of you.

He said, my Yunus walked. [Yunus' chat ends here]

Every event is because of the order [orderliness],
Because of The One Who writes The Beautiful One.
If you are from the ones who know to love,
Do not take worry from the event.
From each building, do not reach interpretation.
Conform to what happen,
Say, “From my Allah.”
Of course, cure is from HIM as well as
Pleasure is from HIM.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel