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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 5

22 April 1976

I am Mevlana.
Our day leads to [spiritual] maturity,
Our heart is filled.

Let one not say, “Worry of the earth does not end,
Our day does not pass without worry.”
Say, “Our place is not at narrow [place],
Our heart is not in ember,”
Open hand to joy.

You are at the threshold of the bright day,
[you are] After the event that is wished for.
The subject is appropriate:
At the place where the sand is sifted,
Wish is for the one that is written.
Do not say, “I am in narrowness,”
Do not fall in the judgment of the day that comes.

One is ready since birth,
The One Who distributes is The Overlooking One,
The one that is put in order is “warning.”
[we mean] The order of [our] writing.
It means,
“What is put in order is arranged in order,
There is no contradiction.”
[it is thought that the previous verses are about ONEness of HEARTs…]

Say, “Close Friend,”
Give hand to anyone who is in any hal.
Say, “Close Friend,”
Greet him/her even if he/she turns his/her back [to you].
Say, “Close Friend,”
Show respect even if he/she adds word to word.

Find from drop,
Divide from drop.

Even if you repent thousand times,
If the one of whom you broke the heart does not pardon [you],
It is not counted as your divine [God-granted] merit.
On the [HIS] path that one goes on,
One does not find with broken heart. [one does not find HIM if one breaks [other human’s] heart]

In the blood that flows in your vein,
The one of which the number is a lot
Is influential.
The chat that is presented is like that too.

Cavity in [a tree’s] trunk gives shelter,
Storm makes [one] regret.
Even in negativity, [? Even in [spiritual] immaturity, ?]
There is the one that takes [one] to [spiritual] maturity.
Cavity in trunk is 'the hollowed out state of the tree;'
Its value in storm is that it shelters.

We said, “Close friend,” we gave hand to son.
Close friendship is for lifetime long;
It has no interruption
Like in the example of the giving of the sun.
Even if cloud enters in between,
Sun is still ‘giver,’
[sun is still] 'Seer' of HIS human. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]

“From south?” you say,
You ask.
The day on which you mature [spiritually] [while you are] without smoke,
You will see, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
You will say,
“My Allah, thank YOU.”

Sleep is waited from the one who is alive [on earth],
Worry is added to the one who fades. [who is in darkness]
World's order [orderliness] is
Not battle
But like in the example of toy.
It is not solved
Like in the example of toy.
The one who consults,
The one who is known to come since birth
From the place where the sand is sifted,
Will gather the scattered order, [will correct the disrupt order]
The wavy sea will calm down.

If you give the surrounding to the one who hears,
You will find The Beauty in the one who knows.
The one who knows the love is the one
Who conforms to what happens, [? Who conforms to the one who matures [spiritually], ?]
Who appropriates the writing.

One does not wait for negativity from soldier.
Didn’t we say, “There is no immaturity in you”?
Nevertheless, he/she does not know that
He/she has been sifted since birth until the [current] day.

Do never say, “Worry.”
Glance at events:
Where were you alone?
If it is like that,
When you say, “Hand of Close Friend is in me,”
What do we call as “worry"?
Our path [is] hand in hand,
Our heart [is] from rose to rose. [rose==1. Prophet Mohammad; 2. human who follows the footprints of Prophet Mohammad.]
We loved-we will love,
We loved-we will praise;
Even if we see [him/her] as faulty,
We will cover.

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

23 April 1976

I am Mevlana.
Say to the one who says,
“[spiritual] Immaturity is not beautiful”:
From where are
The one who is [spiritually] mature and
The one who comes as immature?
From whom? [because of whom is he/she spiritually mature and the other one immature?]
Smoky issue does not occur in smokeless heart.
The one who stays in shade [tree==Mevlana’s congregation; teachings of ONEness of HEARTs]
Does not complain about the sun. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
You came, we will give,
You asked, we will open,
We will untangle the one that comes as tangled. [we will explain what seems difficult to you]

Each event that is said about, “Why?”
Takes measure of value in accordance with HIS human.
What really happens, is not the measure that is given to event.
“How?” is being said.
Events change according to HIS human.
Some of them say, “I have crop,” he/she waits for rain;
Some of them say, “I have display [to exhibit my produce],”
He/she looks forward to sun.
Event is contradictory according to one's place.
What is being thought of is like that too,
Not because of what is written.

Omar says:
If you measure the one that comes [in the] opposite [direction]
According to the opposite one [human], then you see straight. [try to see from his/her angle, then you would understand his/her perspective...]

Universe is neither for you nor for me,
But for all [humans].

Of course we know that it will come
Because we see its direction.
If you say, “What I take is from where?”
Do not make what comes turn to you,
But [instead] turn yourself to ITS direction.
The Beauty That you seek is there.

The other side of the lake is of course land.
The one who finds passage goes.
When there is no passage,
He/she turns [walks] around the lake.

The one that is consulted about is beyond the measure.
Wideness will take place.
You took from the birth. [you had HIS Light at birth time]
What is jug?
[it is] What is meant by destiny.

The one who says, “I keep on turning around,
I am sorry for the birth,”
[is] The one who thinks that what happens
Will change his/her destiny.

He/she thinks that
If he/she says his/her trouble, remedy is found.
Let it be known
That trouble is given,
That remedy is seen,
That each one that happens is written from [by] The Lofty ONE.
As such, let our word be connected to the chat.

Darkness of the night reminds [one]
The brightness of the morning.
When it is like that, hearts stay without smoke.

Say to the one who says,
“There is disorder in intense event”:
The ONE Who gives the event
Solves [takes care of] the disorder,
Traces the destiny of the human.
[for that reason,]
Let one not say,
"How does the stove smoke without burning?
Day [is] worst than day.” [today is worst than yesterday]

The respect of the one who is respectful
Is equal to the one who loves.
Love is the opposite of singleness.
Manyness shows not separation
But togetherness.
Is single one of the flower or the bunch [of flowers] beautiful?
Form is beautiful in single one,
Union [is beautiful] in bunch,
Especially if you entered the garden:
There, creation is more beautiful than beautiful.
If you say,
“Neither could I enter the garden,
Nor could I gather the flower,
Nor could I see any beauty,”
“Stay away from separation,” I say.
“What is separation?” is said.
“The one who does not know,
The one who does not see, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
The one who does not conform to creation
Is in separation,” I say.

Look is taken from eye,
Chat is performed through tongue.
To the one who hears,
It is given since birth.

What the one who is in separation will find, is HIM.

I join through heart.

Let us say that path is convenient,
Let us give the one that is being consulted about.
Before one is filled sufficiently [in heart],
Before taking from the one who says, “HAK,”
There is no going of the path. [one can not move forward on HIS path]
HE does not give unless one stays without smoke.

To know The Reality before the day [of migration to after earth life],
To wish for assistance
Is of course not inappropriate.
Each one who comes [to earth]
Conforms to The Giver.

“I passed crop field.
In field, I chose flower.
When I saw HIS roses that open,
In every event, I loved the one that [? who ?] conformed to myself,”
He said, my Yunus entered the word. [he joined the chat]
The selection of the flower,
Its opening in heart
Occurs not in accordance with the essence of the one who knows,
But in accordance with his/her eye.
What you expect from the horse,
Do you get [it] from the lamb?
Because horse serves you,
Do you regard the lamb with disdain?

Let us glance at the birth;
Let us reach the hand of the [spiritually] mature one;
Let us educate ourself saying,
"We came [to earth], we will go [to after earth life]."
Let us know to bend forward. [let us be soft/respectful]
Let us open our heart to the one who is on HAK’s path,
Who is correct.
“When there is deep love,
It [heart] opens whether you wish or not,” is said.
Of course it does open [when there is deep love],
Yet, [only] when one says, "Eyvallah,"
To [for] each event.

Let us not say, “Dark,” for the night.
If you say, “We conformed to brightness,
We loved [it] more than darkness,”
Is the night not the one that rests the trouble of the body? [does the body not rest/not get relaxed during the night?]
“Does the image keep busy?” is being said. [does the dream keep one busy [during sleep]?]
We do not say word about jug. [we aren’t talking about the body]
We say to the one who says, “Let me see.”
Vision is given when one is [spiritually] educated, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
HIS human’s path is climbed like that.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel