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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 22

11 November 1976

I am Mevlana.
We came with armful of selam [peace/greeting],
We became one with the one who loves.
We put the new one in heart. [the new one==ONEness of HEARTs]
We saw the equivalent of flower in its coming into being. [? We saw the equivalent of flower in your [spiritual] maturation. ?]
At every step that you will take,
In every sip that you will swallow
Remember The Creator.
Say, “There is no [spiritual] immaturity,” find the peace. [i.e. every one will eventually mature spiritually]

Let one not say,
“The one who finds his/her equivalent
Has harmony.”
The one that you do not see as equivalent,
Try to love because of his/her/its color.
If you can not find his/her/its color, [if you can not manage that]
Enter his/her/its essence,
See in his/her/its essence.
At that time,
One says word about
Neither equivalent nor harmony,
One does not get upset saying, “He/she/it did not fit.”
My Allah does not write the one that does not fit.

You call the one who drives, as shepherd.
You call the one who scolds, as savage.
Each shepherd who puts on light shoe [to put on light shoe==to follow footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
Drives his/her herd.
The one who relies on his/her foot,
Makes his/her path longer.

The one who does not eat
Does not migrate [to after earth life]
Because of hunger.
The one who does not conform
Does not pass through HIS path.
If you say,
“What is the one that he/she passes?”
He/she does not see the beauty.
Whether he/she sees or not,
He/she will take from the wine,
He/she will of course see one day.

Do you wish for stain on the stone that you clean?
Of course you don’t wish.
Yet you still do not say,
“Let me not step on [the stone] so that there is no stain.”
Beauty is in conforming to equality in
Both praising and beating.
[however,] What is meant by beating is not 'hitting.'
Hitting does never conform to hal.
Nevertheless, value of beating is necessary
To make the order be found;
In the meaning of [HIS] Order.

Do not wait for ethics from tradition;
Conform to society’s judgment.
Tradition finds record according to each surrounding’s own measures.
Abstract [subjective] tradition can not trample on concrete rule.

In judgment, The Creator never consults with HIS human.
Because each human’s measure departs from one another. [each human’s judgment is different]
Refer [submit/leave the judgment] to HIM, do not worry about the rest.

“I ate my food,
I frowned,
I found my stone,”
He said, my Yunus came.
"You ate your food,
Why did you bend your eyebrow?” is being said.
Of course, on my earth day,
I conformed to the reason of the birth.
"What I ate finished, [I finished my food]
My snack sufficed," I said.
I thought about the next meal:
How about if I stay hungry? [how about if I don't have anything to eat?]
The reason I took the stone in hand:
Maybe I find one bird.
When hunger turned into deep love,
When deep love was put in heart
Neither dream nor stone
Was necessary,
Nor did Yunus stay hungry.
He took the full one in his hand,
He held [it] to passersby.
He took his hand away from pomegranate,
His God-given share from Darling sufficed.
Our path went like that, [I went on HIS path like that]
Our chimney smoked like this.

We took wood from straight ones, [we gathered [for the dervish lodge] woods that were straight [flat, not curved]]
We loved all [humans] quickly.
We became taker from Darling’s word.
They said, “God-given share [is] from Tabduk’s order [orderliness].” [Tabduk=Sufi saint who was spiritual mentor of Yunus Emre]
We passed through earth’s linen,
We took from the delight of Darling.
Deer gave its place, [humans settled at the places where deer lived]
Lion spread its pelt, [humans used lion’s pelt]
Gazelle touched with its face, [touch with one’s face==to show respect]
Tree stretched your rope, [human tied rope between trees’ branches]]
All [humans/living beings] saw one another.
The one who/that loves -  the one who/that does not love,
They mixed with one another.
Do not think that these ones that happened
Tired Yunus.
“What do you know?” he/she said,
The one who did not know, asked.
Neither did the one who knew, come [the one who thought he/she knew, he/she did not come]
Nor did the one who did not know, go back. [the one who did not know, he/she came, he/she took the spiritual water, he/she did not go back, he/she walked forward on HIS path…]
Each one who took burned [in heart],
He/she thought [that he/she took] the yeast from me…”

The one who gave breath with ‘ney’ [the one who blew into ney] [ney=a reed flute]
Thought that the effort was from ney.
Each event is human’s own talent,
Not because of the additive.
If you put yeast in mud,
Yeast disappears.
If you put yeast in dough,
It is transformed with dough.
Mud is ground’s yeast;
Deep love [is] human’s [yeast].
The one who is not in you [human who is not one with you / human who does not find him/herself in you]
Does not take the yeast.
[spiritual] Maturation is of course not because of the yeast;
Nevertheless, yeast is necessary for the one who fills.
How do you know the beautiful in the meadow?
Of course from green.
At the shore, you find the beautiful from blue.
In each color,
You conform to the beautiful
In accordance with your heart.
When your action conforms, you find your equivalent…

“What is the place of effort?” is being said.
"It is intention," I say.
You set the intention up to the going of the mountain
Not to its arrival.
The head that is not bent [to bend the head forward=to submit to, to yield to]
Does not make one surrender. [for one to surrender, he/she should first submit him/herself to conditions]
The stone that is not scattered [on the path of human]
Does not make one open the eye. [does not make one come to his/her senses]
[stones that are on the path of human, help him/her to come to his/her senses]
The ship does not go on every flowing water.
My word is to the one who says,
“Of course the ship does not go on flowing water”:
What is meant by ‘flowing water’ is not river.
Does anyone know that the sea flows?
“How?” is being said.
What is the tide resolved with?
Where do the rivers take from,
Where do they bring to?
Are you from the ones who know
Invisible wells of the sea?
Are you from the ones who see
That waters flow to canals?
For that [reason],
[only] What the eye sees is yours.
[let my Allah] Make your effort conform to your intention,
[let HIM] Make [you] find the one that is written.
Let my Allah be pleased with all humans.

I am Mevlana.
If I say, “I came,”
Does one say, “Did you go?”
My word is asked about like in the example of path,
It is given to interpretation.
My Yunus came to your pleading, [he came because you pleaded that he comes]
“My hand is in his [? her ?] hand,” he said, he walked.

“Of course hearts come together
When they flow,
[hearts] Have heart-to-heart talk
When one remembers.
Do not give your progress
To the interpretation of the day. [do not credit your spiritual progress to today’s chat]
You knew the beautiful since birth,
You referred [transferred/submitted] the judgment
To The Lofty One,” he said,
Omar saw your equivalent in your [spiritual] maturation. [? Omar saw his equivalent in your [spiritual] maturation. ?]
In HIS human, What he/she took/takes from Darling is seen,
Hand is given to hand.

The one who does not eat, does not eat his/her fill,
The one who does not promenade, does not see,
The one who does not love, does not know.
We ate,
We promenaded,
We loved;
Elhamdulillah. [=praise to Allah]
We loved,
We respected,
We wrapped [embraced];
We saw the one who did not eat,
We loved the one who did not promenade,
We wrapped [embraced] the one who did not love,
Let us respect [even the] dry leaves,
Let us stop, let us look [at them],
Let us see the beauty even like that.

I gave, my Allah,
I spread, my Allah,
I saw, my Allah.
Let us say,
“Do not make us one of the ones who do not see,
Do not make us one of the ones who do not love.”
Let us not find fault in order [orderliness].
Be entrusted to my Allah.
Each event is the order [orderliness] of my Allah,
Let you know.

When you see as beautiful,
Let you find the more beautiful.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel