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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 7

25 February 1973

I am Mevlana.
The one who goes on path in peace
Is the one who conforms his/her heart to what happens.

The door of which the time has not come, does not open.
The path that is not drawn [in destiny], is not passed.
If you think of the oath for the path, it does not open your path;
Because neither oath nor ground is necessary for [HIS] path.

If you say, “Depth,” one does not dive in moment;
If you say, “Many doors,” variety is not divided.

If you attempt to take [spiritual] water from the well,
Your heart does not bow. [well/lake=stagnant water==religious fanatic; flowing water flows to the ocean whereas stagnant water does not] [ocean==God]

If there is no sun, grape does not ripen, does not give wine. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]

Oleaster [plant] does not grow on mountain because it does not tolerate rock;
Oleaster’s root goes to [prefers] wideness.
It shows its deep love for the giving of the sun.
In the color of green, it turns to white.
Who is the one who is in deep love with the sun?
The one who is faithful.

The one who looks for more beautiful than beautiful
Is the one who does not take root in the ground.
How does one look for more beautiful than beautiful?
Where is the beauty of the rose?
In its root, in its branch, in its leaf, in its flower of course.
When you climb from its root upwards
You find more beautiful than beautiful.
The One That is Real, is Beautiful;
More beautiful than beautiful is its [? HIS ?] fruit.

“Determined path” is not found and gone on [it].

Human does not bow to human.

The one who wishes for [spiritual] water, takes from spring, drinks from his/her [own] palm.
The one who wishes, fills [it] in golden cup and drinks.
The one who wishes, puts his/her mouth [in water] and drinks.
You drink in [a] way that comes to you as sweet.
We stood by the spring,
With golden cup, we presented to the one who wished. [gold==spiritual meaning]
If you ask for the meaning, [if you ask for what I mean]
On my earth day, I wished to present like that.
I presented my Allah's giving after evaluating like that.
If you ask about my Yunus, he presented from the same spring too.
However, his pot was earthenware.
Value is in presentation, not in its container.
Its container shows only The Beautiful more Beautiful.
In Reality, there is nothing that changes.

The one who says,
“I could not take what I hoped,
I could not find peace on my earth day,”
Does not know what his/her hope is
Because border of the hope is not drawn.

We said, “Eyvallah,”
We gave the word to my Yunus who comes to chat with pleading,
Who brings greeting from Omar.

My name was said as Yunus, one asked about, one sought [the place of my tomb].
Where was it found?
I told before:
Why is it sought in ground, [why] is it asked on the road?
Let my pleading be put only in hearts. [if you want to remember me, do not seek my tomb; put me in your hearts, remember me from heart...] [location of Yunus Emre's tomb is not known; there are many towns in which people claim that his tomb is there.]

I stopped by the water,
I saw [a] beaver nest.
It scratches, it digs, it stops on [the] raft, it thinks.
The existence of the raft is asked. [the connection with raft is not understood, it is asked about]
If I say, “Its nest,” is it irrelevant?
Who is The One That gives the state of the earth, the science of human?
[human] Learns to fly from the bird flying in the air,
[human learns] To keep the water from beaver. [human learned to build dam from the beaver]
“What is the one that is hoped,” I said, I gave that.
If word is said about the one that happened, [then] it is “turning [back]”;
[? If word is said about the [spiritually] mature one, [then] it is return [to after earth life]; ?]
However, there is no going back in the universe.

Sickness in the one who is tyrant,
Cowardice in the one who does not conform
Is not absent [as wergeld of their negative intentions].
Each event finds its place on earth;
In after earth life, human takes only his/her place.
If you say, “Where does one get his/her place from?”
From his/her heart, from his/her intention. [? From his/her intention through heart. ?]
Your heart is your garden,
Your intention is the flower that you plant.
Some plant thorn, some [plant] rose.
Your intention is yours, however, your work may not be.
Intention and work not conforming to one another,
Finds place by human taking shelter in HIM. [occurs when human takes shelter in God]
If HIS human takes shelter in his/her Allah continuously,
Even if his/her intention is not convenient,
My Allah makes his/her work conform [to HIS path].

I am Mevlana.
The one who does not conform, does not take what he/she hopes,
Does not say, “I am in peace.”
Let me give the word of Merkez. [Merkez=Sufi saint who lived in the 15th century]
Let him/her plead, let him/her read [prayers] every day, let him/her conform to what he/she reads.
“My day is good deed, my path is good deed,
I conformed to YOU,
I saw conforming as convenient in the name of HAK.
If I conform, I conform to Your name,
With YOU, I feel peace.”

To conform to the one who does not conform, pleases my Allah. [to be soft and not to oppose the one who does not conform, pleases my Allah]

To conform together with the one who conforms, shows earth as empty. [spiritual maturity leads one to see earth as matter]

Earth is not a Mesir-table [that cures each one’s trouble]. [Mesir paste=medicinal paste prepared by Sufi saint Merkez in the 15th century]
Let it not be forgotten:
Even Mesir-table [festival] comes and goes once a year.
To correct [your fault] is in your hand, in the patience that is on HIS path.
It was given before:
One does not run away from destiny.
Return [from fault] does not change the destiny.
My Allah tests HIS human, measures his/her patience.
The measure of patience that he/she could not pass on day,
HE turns to another direction. [if he/she fails, HE tests in another direction]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

27 February 1973

I am Yunus, I came, I greeted all of you.
From the one who considers effort as talent, if you erase the talent,
[then] You see the emptiness of the effort.
To the one who is amazed at the emptiness of the effort
You say, “God-given share is from HIM.”

Line [of destiny] is interrogated about.
If you ask the one who stops while going on the path, he/she says, “I wait.”
If you ask how the word ends, he/she puts dot.
[it is irrelevant to question the line of the destiny; the one who questions, he/she does not progress on HIS path...]

Wherever his/her yeast may be from,
It should not be forgotten that it is made of flour and water.
Mother of the flour is soil. [flour originates from soil]
Soil gives continuously, human takes continuously.
Soil gives, does not get tired;
Human takes, does not get tired.
How does human not put heart to the going of the path? [how could human not like such an order in which he/she always takes what God gives and gives?]
You do not say of course, [do not be among the ones who say:]
“I took, I did not give, I saw, I did not know [The Meaning],
I came [to earth], I did not turn [to HIS path].”

Did you gather the flowers?
Did you spread [them] out on the flatness?
Did you make bunch[es] and distribute [them]?
The garden of my heart is so big that
I distributed to all [humans], I educated each human according to my power,
I have not been one [together] with the one who bowed,
[because] Human does not bow before human.

If you want to be renewed, live the moment within the moment.
Each moment is your re-birth, is 'getting free of the old.'
Moment erases, moment writes anew.

If you say, “Let us look at the end, let us ignite the oil lamp,”
Do you know where the end starts?

My Yunus says,
If you look at the effort and the situation [events]
[then] You fall in sorrow, [then you may feel sad]
Because is there any value in the situation, in the effort?
Be among the ones who are not mistaken: [do not misunderstand]
I did not say, “Cross your arms and sit.”
If you wish for the [spiritual] meaning, you find;
[however, for the matter:]
You take the God-given share from The Writer.
To live occurs with working, of course;
[however,] Abstain from the work that harms the one that/who lives.
The effort of the horse that participates in [a] race, is until the outcome [of the race].
If it runs after the outcome with the same speed,
Then it goes beyond the work.

The one who listens to the poem, is the one who takes the taste of the word with honey.
Insult [the one who insults] is the one who throws soil to the eye of the human.

Even though it is our pleasure to say as you wish,
Consider 'saying like the one who wishes' as politeness.

Shah’s value is in his cloth. [shah=the title of any of the former rulers of Iran]
Once the cloth is taken off, he becomes one [same] with you, with me,
Finds salvation in HIM.
Salvation opens door to HIM [if he is] with you, with me.
Without being one with you, with me,
It should not be thought that he goes through the door.

If you ask the traveler who is faraway from homeland, he/she sings the song of homesickness. [traveler==human on earth/in universe]
At arrival he/she says, “Birth,” syllable by syllable. [birth==migration to after earth life]
We came with HIS Light, did we stay with HIS Light?
Our heart is the garden of HIS Light,
Did we use [IT] up?
[Previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: each human comes to earth with HIS Light. However, due to his/her bad intentions, he/she wastes some or all of HIS initial Light. At the time of migration, human is granted his/her spiritual degree according to how much of HIS Light he/she saved...]

Our vineyard dries, our garden fades;
It is thought that human lives on earth like that.
To live is not with body but with spirit.
What is it that the body separates?
Earth life.
Spirit’s intention makes the body pay its wergeld.
If you set the intention up for the one that will not happen,
“Return from the path that you walk on,” I say.
What is the one that will not happen?
The one that my Allah does not order.
With Koran, my Allah
Gave/gives the one that will happen,
Gave/gives the one that will not happen.
If you say, “Let me steal,” if you set up the intention [like that], is it positive?
Body pays the wergeld of the intention on earth;
Spirit’s wergeld stays for beyond [for after earth life].

If no water comes to the fountain,
The value of the fountain stays in its weight,
Not in its output. [analogy with religious teachings lacking spiritual water]

Let our chat come sweetly, let it present honey to all of you.

Omar says:
Give water to the tree that you plant, in shade.
If you say, “Why?”
Water and sun give fire to one another. [ocean==God; sun==Prophet Mohammad]
If both fires become one, they over roast.
For that [reason], a little water, a little sun are necessary.
“Do they not have the same meaning?” is being said.
They do not.
One is “farz," one is “sunnet.” [farz=religious duty required of all Muslims as ordered by Allah in Koran; sunnet=the Sunna, Muslim law based on the teachings and practices of Mohammad: a supplement to the Koran]
However, both of them are obligatory.
Does each sharia lean on one another? [sharia=Islamic law as derived from the Koran and the traditions of Islam]
If you look at what there is [? If you look at what happens ?]
[then] You [may] say, “It is like that.”
It is not “there is,” but the judgment of The Giver.
[? It is not “the one that happens,” but the judgment of The Giver ?]
What HE gives, is human’s vision. [vision==to see HIM in all of HIS creations, as such to know HIS Meaning…]

If hand is in hand, you take the warmness [love].
“Why is that?” [I said,] I gave [it] to question. [I asked].
Who holds hand in hand? Of course close friend.
Give your hand to each human, even if you know [him/her] as enemy.
Then it comes to other human beautifully also, close friend finds close friend.
Close friendship starts by giving hand to hand.
You do not give both of your hands to one close friend of course;
Two hands make you win two close friends.
Do not forget that there are four hands in two close friends also.
Hand grows with hand, becomes one with all [humans].
Oneness starts with close friendship.
Oneness is transferred not from hand to hand, but from heart to heart.

Do not say, “What I have, you do not have [it].”
Each human is not evaluated separately.
However, it is necessary to find his/her point of value.
Not each human can find the same taste in wine.
Some take [drink] [it] to become drunk.
The one who says, “Let me be drunk [with joy],” is the one who seeks HIS path.
The one who says, “Let me forget myself,” is the one who tries to erase the earth.
The one who says, “Let me find Darling,” is the one who passes beyond both of them,
However, he/she is not the one who reaches [HIM].
The one who reaches [HIM] is the one who knows that Darling is in his/her heart.
Is HE in you in every moment of the day?
I gave to question. [I asked]
HE is of course in you.
However, you are not in HIM.
If HE is in you,
Neither would you fall in the worry of God-given share,
Nor would you seek solution for the event.
You would know that The One Who will solve each event, is only HIM.

Let us say, “Eyvallah,” to all of you,
Let us wish for salvation.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

9 March 1973

I am Mevlana.
I saw nicely. [I am welcome]
In each event, I found peace.
Mevlana sought the peace in himself,
He presented to all [humans].
If you know the peace yourself,
[then] You become as if you give [it] to all [humans],
You know the universe as lived.
What is meant by living
Is to tie each event to HIS Building.
Because outcome is obtained when events are reunited with wholeness.
In each event that is not reunited with wholeness,
There is grinder like in the example of wood shavings.
Similar to how when you chisel the wood,
The one that is useless is the wood shaving that falls.
The one who is faithful knows: event finds HIS order sooner or later.

The progress of the day[s] is like that too:
On the past day, janissary [band of musicians] used to play.
On this day, [military] band plays, soldier conforms to what plays...

The one who does not take, does not know.
The one who does not mature [spiritually], does not find.

Without making mistake, one does not find the one that is right [correct].

If you tolerate the mistake of the little one [the child],
You teach him/her the pardon.

My Allah has been showing HIS human on each occasion
To give direction to[ward] patience. [to be patient]
[for example,]
If you wait for the flower that you plant, you gather and make bunch.
If you wait for the baby that you give birth, you raise him/her and caress [him/her].
None of the creations comes to hand in the moment it/he/she is born. [no creation is born as mature]
Human is kneaded with patience since [his/her] birth.

The one who looks at the rise of the sun, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Is the one who opens his/her heart to HAK.
The one who says, “My Allah,” and runs,
Is the one who crosses the path fast.

Each human wishes for love, he/she says, “Let me love all [humans].”
However, love is like in the example of chain:
It does not resist forcing.
When left on its own,
There is no end of love,
Not because of being added.
What happens when you force the chain?
It is separated from one another.
The chain that is strong resists as much as its strength;
If you push harder, it breaks off.
If you say, “I loved, let me be loved,”
If you respect the one who loves, your love becomes endless.
It finds border at death.

The one who says, “Let me be closer to the sun,” [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Is the one who wishes for higher [spiritual] level.
[then] Prepare yourself first for the sun.
I say to all [humans].
To say,
“Let me eat, let me wear, let me walk around the world,
Let me see the beautiful, let me love every thing,”
Is beautiful.
To find each creation as beautiful
Is to be HIS soft human.

Human finds with his/her intention.

Reading [prayers] of each human who is soft [reading==praying to God, pleading]
Is the order [command] of my Allah.
Do not forget that
The one that takes each path to going, [path to going==successful test on earth that leads to a higher spiritual level],
The one that opens each door [each door that is between spiritual levels]
Is 'pleading.'

To open the [spiritual] meaning is not God-given share of every human.
Human who gets [it as] God-given share, let him/her say, “My Allah, thank YOU.”
Mevlana came with the order [command] of Allah,
Opened the meaning to you day by day.
The one who knows HIM in every event, he/she finds HIM in every order [arrangement].
Say, “YOU are The One Who will make me find Your order,”
Refer [submit/transfer] [it] to HIM.
Read [pray, plead] without stopping, do not leave without prayers.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

11 March 1973

I am Mevlana.
Our nest is open, our heart is chosen [? our heart has chosen ?]. [nest ==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
Homesickness falls on the one who is faraway in heart.
We are not faraway in heart.
Our rose is in hearts, our hearts are in my Allah.
Let us know not beyond of the day, but its moment,
Let us conform to the birth [that occurs in each moment].

Do we count the stars? [? Do we respect the stars? ?]
[star==saint; moon==Hazrat Ali; sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Do we put heart in the moon? [do we love the moon?]
Do we look at the sun and burn?
Let us work not to count [? not to respect ?] the stars,
But to conform to HIS Light.
Let us put heart not in the moon,
But in all [humans].

Let us know
Emerald, if we love green color,
Ruby, if we seek red color.
[green==Light of Prophet Mohammad; pure red==LIGHT of God]

Donate your cloth that you do not wear.
I say to all [humans].
“To keep [it]” is due to lack of confidence in that HE will give in the future.
Let it not be forgotten that caution is in vain.
How much ever you take precaution, you can not oppose God’s will.
Think about the one that you will give, not the one that you will take.
Think about the one that you will see, not the one that you will display.
At the place where you will see, there is no place for display.
What is it that we will see?
At arrival, the presence of The Lofty One.

Do not say about the food that is cooked for the neighbor.
You can not know his/her food.
It is considered as revolt.
You cook, you know,
If you give, [then] rejoice.
“My Allah, I shared your giving,
I had a heart-to-heart talk with Your human.”

Hazrat Ali says:
The giving of The Lofty One is in accordance with HIS human’s vision.
HIS human who can say, “Let us share,” is the one who erased the doubt.
If you collect the leaf, does the tree stay without leaf?
If it stays [without leaf] this year, next year it is decorated [with leaves].
For that [reason] do not fall in doubt.
Spend [share with humans] as much as HE gives.

Each event that you long for, is the one that comes close to you.

My Yunus says:
Who feeds the fish in the ocean?
Who decorates the tree when day comes?
Our day is not confused:
It does not turn to summer in winter,
[it does not turn] To winter in summer.

The one who says, “Let me go at the same speed as the one who runs”:
It is necessary that he/she runs.
However, there is no need to run.
The one who runs, let him/her run.
Let human go step by step.
One does not arrive quickly by running.
The one who runs, gets tired quickly.
He/she waits, he/she stops, he/she runs again.
The one who goes step by step,
He/she does neither stop nor sit.
He/she sees more beautifully.
He/she increases his/her vision and knowledge.

I put handkerchief to grapevine,
I held its four edges as one,
I took the grape inside [it].
I said, “While eating my food, let me make the grape, partner.” [let me eat the grape together with my other food]
[however, I realized that]
My Allah made the taste of my food
Equal to the taste of the grape.
Let HIM give all humans’ food as sweet,
Let him/her find the taste with grape,
Said my Yunus, he walked.

What is the One That is Real?
It is The Lofty One, HIMSELF.
Earth is the shadow of the after earth life.
Let us stay without worry, let us not put the shadow in worry.

The one who blames the society, is the one who knows [considers] him/herself outside of it.
[because] If you know [consider] yourself as being inside, you blame yourself.

Let you be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel