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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 36

12 July 1974

I am Mevlana.
Our nest is open to hearts, it does not close. [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
“Our path is with [for] each one who wishes,” we said,
We greeted all of you.

The one who takes the ship knows:
Captain gives its path.
“Who is the one who takes the ship?” is said.
The one who takes the ship is the one who sees the ones who wish to walk [on HIS path].
Captain is the one who gives HIS path.
We entered the path of the ship, we held all [humans] by arm [to help/guide them].

Separate the one that happens and the one that does not happen.
Do not say “Why?” for the one that does not happen.
The one that does not happen is the one that is not written.
My Yunus says:
I erased the one that happened,
I put the one that does not happen on fire, I cooked [it];
It became smoke covered the surrounding,
In human who burned, its pain stayed. [the one who put the smoke in heart, worried irrelevantly]
I took the one that happened, I cooked,
It became food, I made it ready.
I found the most beautiful one in conforming to the one that happens.
You take the new one, can you not throw [away] the old one?
When you find the one that is hoped for, do you not look for its new one?

I mixed sugar and water;
I dissolved the sugar in the water.
I put [them] on fire, I boiled.
It became honey, it came to hand,
It was eaten, it came to tongue.
One ate sweetly, one said sweetly, his/her beautiful one is found like that.
If you add its taste to the one who is in [water] well,
He/she takes as much as the one that is in his/her hand.
[however,] His/her own water’s taste stays in the well again. [the one who is in the well [i.e. bigots/religious fanatics] would not understand...]

I said, “The day’s event is the pot of the intention.”
The pot of each creation is as much as his/her own [spiritual] measure.
Some as much as jug,
Some as much as [water] well,
Some as much as ocean.
Intention is in human’s structure,
His/her action is at his/her heart gate.
If you say, “Is his/her pleading in accordance with his/her intention?”
When pleading is for HAK, [then] soft path is found.
If you say, “Is there any pleading that is not for HAK?”
What is wanted from HAK, is not pleading, it is intention.
Pleading is when you say,
“Let me know myself,
Let me find YOU in myself.”

Lifetime being longer is in tongue
Because lifetime is as much as it is written.
[end of the lifetime:]
Neither does it come earlier nor does it stay late.
Each one who comes [to earth] knows,
The moment in which he/she is called, he/she walks.

Earth gives shelter to every one who/that comes.
If it is said “Hunger,” it erases materialism. [If you say, "If earth can give shelter to every one who comes to earth, why is there hunger?" It is part of the test on earth: it helps materialism/matter to be erased...]

What is freedom?
Did he/she know the “meyhane”? [meyhane=bar/restaurant like public place in 14th century where wine was served]
Did he/she come to the place that he/she knew?
Did he/she find when he/she came?
Did he/she conform to what he/she found?
[if he/she did, then]
That human is free.
If he/she can not find the “meyhane,”
If he/she does not enter through its door,
If he/she does not return after being drunk,
Does one call [that] 'free'?
Does earth give shelter to HIS human like that?

What the one who knows to come to his/her senses, will do:
Is that he/she will hold the hand of the one who does not know.

“Manyness,” is said.
What is meant by what is said, is it that they [humans] do not fit onto the earth?
Is it new that death decreases, birth increases?
Lifespan of the death is in the moment.
Birth is in the ninth month.
Do not be mistaken, there is no mistake in the question.
Tomorrow’s judgment becomes today’s worry.
However, my Allah sees what is 'a few' as well as what is 'a lot.'
“If measure is taken, is it faulty?” is said. [is birth control wrong?]
If you know The One Who makes the measure be taken,
You say, “Of course not.”
If you say,
“Two [kids] that I can take care of are more good deed than
Five [kids] that I can not take care of,”
It is because of the one [mind/intelligence] that you take from HIM.
Otherwise, even if it is five, you take care too, you conform to The One Who makes care be taken.
Intention is to conform to HIM,
Not "to know what happens, what does not happen from yourself." [not "to think that you make things happen."]
If you say, “I wished, I stayed in two,”
Then you give from yourself. [then you give credit to yourself]
However, you can never become 'The One Who gives.'

The measure that the island will take is of course as much as its bigness.
The ones who come as many, they spread.
The one who says, “What will happen to me?” is mistaken,
Similar to how the ones who come to earth as many, will be mistaken.
If it is said, “How?”
He/she does not walk before taking his/her place. [he/she does not migrate to after earth life before taking the test and his/her spiritual degree is granted]
Do not fall in worry:
He/she will conform to The Writing, he/she will know that he/she came,
He/she will find him/herself, he/she will return like that.

For each one who comes,
What is the remedy of the trouble?
If you say, “Where is peace?”
When one knows The One Who gives. [? In the one who knows The One Who gives. ?]

Say to the one who says, “My place is narrow”:
Open your heart,
Pass the narrow one of the land. [do not worry about the matter]
Even if earth may not be enough for bodies,
Universe is too large for hearts.
It goes as much as you go, it wraps each one who goes.
Your love puts the earth in order;
However, earth is still the same earth.
The beauty is that:
In your own heart structure,
You want to see each human of the earth;
You say, “Let us hold hand in hand,”
You want to reach [HIM] together [with all humans].

Pleading is that:
You erase yourself, you open hand [you pray] for all [humans].
Let your pleading be abundant.
I told before, why did we hold hand in hand?
Why did we come to the nest?
Why did we set up the chat?

I became Yunus, I took word.
When the branch gives leaf,
When each human sees that,
Does he/she know its number? [does he/she know how many leaves there are?]
When leaf grows, does he/she see the branch?
Is what the leaf takes, not from the branch?
Is what the branch takes, not from the root?
To be the leaf of the tree
Is to give shelter to each one who comes to its shade.
When one is branch of the tree, when one gives to each leaf,
Does the path not become convenient?
If it has eleven branches, that tree is loaded.
So much meaning is hidden in it.
The one who wishes, comes to its shade;
However, [only] the one who holds hand in hand becomes its leaf.
The fruits that grow spread [around] of course.
Day comes, one tree becomes thousand trees.
You became leaf, you knew HIS Reality.
You bent forward in the wind, you held hand in hand,
However, you did not fall.
We had said in our writing:
Let us be leaf, let us not fall.
When we become our branch, let us not be bent,
Let us not keep our shade away [from humans].
Let us not feel sorry for the fruit is thrown [away]:
Even if its outside is not eaten, its essence stays,
Soil gives again life to it.
Our coming is that:
Birth again in hearts.
Soil is the one that gives to hearts, that nourishes the one who takes care.

I am Yunus, I came from the path. [when I was on earth I went on HIS path]
I took word, I knew my place. [I took [spiritual] word, i.e. I was spiritually educated, I knew my place as grain of sand in the foundation [of after earth life]]
I conformed to hearts,
I erased the smoke of all [humans].
Neither in my coming [neither when I came to earth]
Nor in my return [nor when I returned to after earth life]
Did I conform to the one that does not change. [==I always conformed to the one that changes, i.e. I always conformed to events…]
Stove burned, ember formed,
HIS human matured, knew as trump.
What did he/she find, where [did he/she find]?
He/she said, “Universe,” he/she burned,
He/she burned, he/she fell in love, he/she became ash,
He/she returned to HIMself.
Did he/she return recently?
He/she [only] recently knew that he/she returned.
If he/she did not seek, would he/she not return?
Would he/she not find him/herself?
Let us know ourself,
Let us be thankful that we are leaf.
If we say, “Why did we not become tree?”
Then we become as directing question to HIM.
However, interrogation is only by HIM.
What HE will ask [you,] are about your questions.

Our vote [wish] is for our shade to be wide,
For our heart, for the universe to be filled.
If you say, “Where is our place?”
It is of course to HIM. [our return is to HIM]
Is there any one who is without HIM?
Is there any one who stays without HIM?
If it is like that, then return is again to HIM
Because [our] word is from HIM.
To the one who is on HIS path, HE opens HIS path.

I am Mevlana.
Am I from HIM or am I in HIM?
I was in HIM,
I came to HIM.
You too, you are from HIM,
You will come to HIM.
Am I on earth, am I in you?
I am not on earth, I am not in you either.
If it is like that, I am in HIM.
“How about your name?” is said.
Voila! The one that is on earth and in you
Is my name,
Is my deep love that opens in your heart.
The seeds that came to their senses:
While they were one on my day [on earth], they became thousand.
The universe knew my name.
Now one sits in its shade.
What is being given to you is from HIS Blessing.
If HIS Blessing is not there,
How is the tree nourished?
How does its fruit ripen?
How does human roll up?
Our giving is from HIM;
However, you take from the tree that you take shelter under,
You know like that. [you think that you take from the tree...]

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

25 July 1974

I am Mevlana.
For each human who is faithful,
On the path that one goes for so long,
Arrival is [at] the single door.
Earth is structure for human.
You are on the going of the path,
In the saying of the word.
I say to all [humans].

Let us turn not to the one who is defeated, but to the one who bends forward [bows].
The view [opinion] of the one who is defeated does not conform to the one who bends forward [bows].
The one who does not know word from [our] chat, does not say, “It is the one that is written." [the one who does not know the teachings of our chats, does not say, "It is the one that is written [in HIS name [i.e. from HIM to all humans]]."]
He/she takes from the ground, he/she knows from [his/her] hand. [he/she plants; he/she thinks that the harvest is the outcome of him/herself; he/she is unaware of The Giver...]
He/she conforms his/her path not to the new one [i.e. ONEness of HEARTs], but to the old one.
The old one is the one that is thrown [away].
The New One [is]:
The One That is known,
The one that takes to the correct one.
The New One
Is the one that does not get old since IT came, until the [current] day.

If he/she/it is beautiful, from WHOM?
If dry autumn leaf falls, from WHERE?
Let us laugh at our hal that takes from the rose,
Let us laugh at our path that we know.
Let us laugh at our greeting that we take.
Comes from Whom, gives from Whom?
We pleaded with The One Who gives,
We took shelter in his [Prophet Mohammad’s] intercession.
From full hands, from full tongues,
We became overwhelmed with full hearts.
We came from [the source of the] water with [spiritual] water;
To the one who wished for water,
We said, “Wash your heart [with our water].”
The one who does not wish, of course he/she does not mature [spiritually].
[if/when he/she wishes for The Meaning:]

Even if he/she is buried in earth’s suffering,
He/she does not come out from [our spiritual] water without remedy. [he/she comes out of [our spiritual] water with remedy]

Without eating, I can not know what I eat,
Because of hunger, I can not find remedy,
He said, my Yunus took the word.
If you do not try to eat, try to drink.
If you can not take from drinking, try to pass.
Let smoke not know your place,
Let it not find and cover you.

The place to which the return occurs, is the place that human hopes for.
If you say, “[how about] If I am not at the place that is hoped for?”
“Do not cross your diameter,” I say. [don't cross the line]

Each stone that is thrown to ocean makes waves circle.
However, circling is in accordance with the measure of the stone;
If you do not wish to stop, do not mind your foot,
He said, my Yunus walked.

Know HIS [spiritual] water on earth,
Find your love in your heart,
He said,
Seyyid Selamet took the word. [seyyid=a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad]
I came from the lineage, I became Seyyid;
I conformed to HIM, I knew myself.
I drank HIS [spiritual] water, I consulted.
“Your path is from whom, your water is from where?” he said.
It is from HAK.
“It is ONE, I knew ONEness, on the day I knew, I found,” he said.
Let you give what you find,
Let you never say, “It is mine.”
The one that is yours is your heart.
What comes from me is all’s. [what comes from me belongs to all humans]
The one who is together with all [humans] finds the salvation.
In the hal that he/she finds, he/she sees,
In vision, shape is erased [shape disappears]. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
In each human, events are divided.
Let you give what you take from me,
Let you know your humanity.
“Let you love the one who is My human.”

Our chat
Continued and continued,
Drove all [humans] like in the example of lamb.

The being of the one that is called “salvation,”
Is the one who sees the narrowness when he/she knows the peace that is in his/her home,
Is the one who walks to the salvation of the homes,
Is the one who says: “HAK gave, HAK saw, HAK rolled up."
I became Seyyid,
I got not my body but my heart free of the narrowness.
Each one who/that exists revolves,
Each one who stays in narrowness revolves;
Revolving is 'stopping,' is 'coming to the same point[/dot].'
Do not be mistaken: stopping is in coming to the same point. [stopping occurs when one comes to the same point]
He/she comes, he/she sees his/her period, he/she finds at the same point.
"Path [is] convenient," he said, Seyyid Selamet walked.

Our word is connected to the night.

One does not expect from the narrow one, it is not added to the abundant one.

Ocean is not purified by hand [? by human ?]. [ocean==God]
Why? Because no dirt stays, IT covers each one that comes.
In the case when it conforms to weed, it ends. [weed==bigot, religious fanatic]

Let greeting be to all of you, let HIS each human be pir.
We said, "Let close friend come to [hold] hand [in hand],
With hand, let him/her give to tongue,
Let him/her take from tongue, let him/her go to the rose from heart.
On the path of the one who goes, there is the heart of HIS rose.

Let HIS each human know that
When he/she wishes, his/her heart is in HIM,
That HIS love wraps all [humans].
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel