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[He [God], Him [God], His [God's] are used throughout the text when "he," "him," "his" are used about God.]
[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]

I am Mevlana
If I am, I am from Him;
If I am not, I am in Him.
? June 1969

I am Mevlana
Allah considers Himself as [being] One with His humans,
[HE] Says being "One Being" [with His [God's] humans].
Think of its meaning, is this not our philosophy?
Am I separating when I say,
"My Allah [is] mine,
Me [I am] my Allah's"?
Because humans are one by one
[you may] Say "me/I";
However, Allah and His humans [are] One.
Why do I say,
"Love His human"?
Because each human is a part of Allah.
We came from Allah, we returned to Him.
The moment HE said "be" to earth [when God created the earth]
Is the moment [in which] HE said to His human to mature [spiritually] [and] come back.
[What God meant by the creation of earth was a test place for humans; humans come to earth, the ones who mature spiritually join God]
21 September 1969

I am Mevlana
Allah gives only what is [for] good.
? November 1970

I am Mevlana
It is wrong to say,
"Let him/her be sad, [let him/her give up earthly matters, pleasures]
[let him/her] Bow,
[let him/her] Know his/her Allah."
To know Allah
[it] Is up to the heart.
[it is wrong to teach about God by force; to know God one has to wish for The Meaning from heart]
2 January 1970

I am Mevlana
Praising my Allah
Is possible only
Not by seeing
[but] By loving His givings. [by loving His creations]
4 February 1970

I am Mevlana
I am speaker on behalf of my Allah.
? March 1970

I am Mevlana
Slap the bigot [religious fanatic]
Who goes [tries] to prove The Being of my Allah.
It is not up to human to prove The Being of my Allah.
HE makes Himself be known [when necessary].
Human's duty is to be worthy for Him.
The duty of the one who realizes The [spiritual] Meaning
Is to wake up the one who is asleep.
I took duty to serve this purpose
Not to make myself be known.
16 March 1970

I am Mevlana
There is no small one or big one of human;
No one claims proprietorship of The Being of my Allah.
[No religion or faith is superior to one another]
21 May 1970

I am Mevlana
The only and without stone path of arriving [in Allah]:
[is to]
Love so that you are loved.
8 July 1970

I am Mevlana
You are loved as much as you love;
You are protected as much as you ask shelter [from God].
13 July 1970

I am Mevlana
Each human [who is] created by my Allah
Is in His shadow.
23 September 1970

I am Mevlana
[the] One who knows how to wake up [spiritually]
Is the one who knows to ask.
If you say,
"Who should I ask?"
Consult with my Allah,
Wait without suspicion.
You will see that
HE opens your path,
HE sends you guide.
1 November 1970

Hazrat Osman says,
It is more important to know
Not where we come from
But where we are going to arrive in.
In any case coming is from my Allah;
However, if you put your heart
Into [something] that is not in your purpose,
You can not find way to going. [you may not be getting your spiritual level]
Let me tell [you]
Yes, your speed is cut
You get [spiritually] higher as much as you can get lighter [less heavy, i.e. get rid of earth load].
13 December 1970

I am Mevlana
The moment you ask shelter from my Allah
Not even a fly perches on you. [nothing can hurt you]
30 December 1970

I am Mevlana
[the] Ones who know to take [and] to give
Should also know to go around,
To see [around],
Also to love [what they see].
If you love [in order] "to arrive by loving"
You [will] arrive. [you will reach God]
One says,
"Can you not arrive without loving?"
My Allah does not force His human,
[therefore, HE] Would not let him/her find WHAT he/she does not love.
[God never forces humans, humans decide themselves with free will; if a person has not loved God while on earth, then after earth God would not let him/her find something that he/she has not wanted while on earth]
It is such a [great] structure that its order never changes.
[this order [rule] has always been in place, existed; it never changes]
20 January 1971

I am Mevlana
Arriving in [reaching] my Allah is [like] a ladder:
You climb higher as much as you love.
My Allah has exposed the ladder in front of all humans
[so that] Whoever wishes climbs, arrives in his/her Allah.
Whose fault is 'not climbing'?
[the fault is] Your own heart path's!
There is no reason for not climbing if one believes in His Being.
If you say,
"Let us see the ladder,"
[then you should] Desire, not the human structure,
But Allah's structure so that you may see it.
If you say,
"Is there anyone descending?"
Who would desire to descend
Once he/she finds the ladder?
30 January 1971

I am Mevlana
Did Hazrat Meryem [Virgin Mary] prostrate?
She knew her Allah,
She submitted to Him,
She consented to her destiny in her Allah's name.
17 February 1971

I am Mevlana
My Allah loves His human more than you do.
HE knows the duty that HE gives;
HE does not ask,
"Whom should I give [whom should I assign the duty to]?"
HE chooses Himself,
HE sends the teacher [guide].
2 August 1971

I am Mevlana
Similar to how you would try to protect your boat from waves,
My Allah protects you from dangers too
As long as you do not run wild like [a] boat without owner.
24 August 1971

I am Mevlana
In each human there is my Allah Himself.
21 September 1971

I am Mevlana
Realize what my Allah gives;
That is enough to know Him.
[in order to know God, it is sufficient to realize that everything comes from God, and to love ALL that HE gives]
One said,
"What would I do with His philosophy?
It is enough [for me] that I know Him."
[someone said, "I don't care about God's philosophy, I don't care about loving all that God created, I just recognize the existence of God"]
[in order to] Know to know
It is necessary to enter His philosophy,
It is necessary to hug what HE gives.
That is the philosophy!
Hugging with what HE gives
Is hugging with my Allah
16 October 1971

I am Mevlana
Each [spiritually] mature one is the one who finds my Allah,
[he/she] Knows [about] it in the moment of migration.
5 December 1971

I am Mevlana
The moment in which I found Him,
I found Myself also:
I knew Him in Myself.
3 January 1972

I am Mevlana
One arrives [reaches God], not with prostration, but prayers;
One finds [God], not with bad word, but open heart.
16 February 1972

I am Mevlana
Of course, if you start everything with His name
You find salvation.
1 March 1972

I am Mevlana
Living starts at migration [time];
[living is] Not in [to]day.
In [to]day there is only [the] test.
In order to live after migration,
You have to succeed in [the] test
Because one does not live without Him.
If you leave Him on earth,
You come here without Him.
Who is Him?
My Allah!
What is "leaving Him on earth"?
[in order] To love earth
You have to take Him out [of your heart]
Because there can not be two loves in one heart.
If you love earth [because it is] from Him [God]
[then it is different, it is good for you:]
Then you will have fortified your love
You will have known Him [while you are] on earth
You say [thankfully], "I came to earth, I ate [had] my share from Him."
[however, on the contrary] If you think about your place [in after earth life],
[then it means] You suspect Him. [you do not trust the judgment of God]
5 March 1972

I am Mevlana
[target of the] Going is one single point:
Arrival is only in Him.
Many humans who say "I turned" [who indeed are turning their back to God]
Who see themselves as they [already] reached God
Get lost in either [a] flood or wind.
[many fanatics, extremists who see themselves as they [already] reached God, find themselves lost in a flood or wind; they do not reach God]
11 March 1972

I am Mevlana
I came in the name of The Greatest,
I greeted all of you.
18 April 1972

I am Mevlana
Soft path [without stones] is found
[an earth test with no problems to solve, with no suffering is found]
Not by wishing
But by loving in the name of my Allah.
11 August 1972

I am Mevlana
Why [a] saint disappears once he/she reveals his/her secret?
[that is because]
Whatever he does [accomplishes] is also by divine order;
My Allah saves him/her from being worshiped.
My Allah lets him/her be known to His human[s],
HE makes His order be executed through him/her,
And shows him/her his/her migration at that moment [as soon as possible].
[what the saint accomplishes is in fact done by God [by God's permission]; once other humans witness the extraordinary event, God lets the saint migrate so that other humans do not worship him/her]
28 October 1972

I am Mevlana
Let me open a curiosity of yours,
That you question continuously in your hearts.
[let me tell you about something that you always wonder about]
"Why is there no night and day in your life [after earth life]?"
Night and day is special to earth, not to universe.
Earth finds shadow from its own shadow,
Universe has no shadow.
Universe gets its light, not from sun, but from The Lofty One.
It [universe] gets lighted [bright] with His [God's] light.
Earth nourishes [the] matter,
Universe [nourishes] The Meaning.
Universe is all [that is] created by my Allah by saying "Be!"
There is shadow in everything that is matter.
Shadowlessness [being without shadow] is special to The Meaning
Because my Allah has no shadow,
HE has only LIGHT.
16 November 1972

I am Mevlana
You say, "my child"
You try to protect;
It should not be forgotten that
The Protector is God.
God does not separate [discriminate]
God does not favor [one over another]
God's Being is for each human.
25 December 1972

I am Mevlana
In earth state [on earth] HE is in you,
At [your] migration you are in Him.
If you say,
"Shall I erase the earth, Darling
Shall I come to you [now]?"
HE says [would say],
"Wait [until] your day,
[and] Add to your heart the love that is infinite."
22 February 1973

I am Mevlana
Each event that you see as negative,
We know that it is in the right direction
According to my Allah's order.
[know that each event that may seem bad to us, is indeed from God and for good]
11 June 1973

I am Mevlana
Each being that you see
Is only God's shadow;
Human body can not bear seeing The Real One.
25 August 1973

I am Mevlana
Allah is The Owner of even what you call suffering.
[everything comes from God, including suffering]
17 November 1973

I am Mevlana
Created is only One, one structure.
If you divide [distinguish between matter and The Meaning]
Universe is [God's] attribute.
When you say God, [it] means [His] Person [essence]
When you say Allah, [it] means "[His] Person and [His] Attribute[s]"
21 November 1973

I am Mevlana
To the one who says,
"My heart is with Mevlana":
Have you loved what Mevlana loved?
Have you found God's name in hearts?
Have you opened your heart's wing to [for] each human?
11 December 1973

I am Mevlana
Wherever we are
We are with God.
25 January 1974

I am Mevlana
Am I from Him?
Or Am I in Him?
I used to be from Him,
I came to Him.
You are from Him,
You will come to Him.
12 July 1974

I am Mevlana
God is The Creator;
The One who is from God
Is the created [one].
22 November 1975

I am Mevlana
My Allah is with you;
You too be with my Allah [also].
21 December 1977

I am Mevlana
If I know Myself,
If I find [myself] in God,
I turn to Myself,
If it happens so [then] I know Myself.
Do you have chat[s] with Darling?
Is each moment benefit for me? [Do you learn from such chats; do you enjoy such chats?]
Therefore, the one who knows Him/Herself, knows God.
What he/she knows is God's being.
What he/she erases is his/her nothingness.
What is "being as well as nothingness"?
If you are [if you exist] [then] you are not [your self [ego] is not];
Being [the existence] is God.
You can not solve [understand] God's Being with yourself [ego].
"What does that mean?" is said
The moment we know Ourselves [God who is in us], we erase self [ego],
[then] We are in God.
Being [existing One] is God.
The one who knows Him/Herself [God who is in us] finds God.
That is the essence of the word!
3 January 1978

I am Mevlana
Say to the one who says,
"Let them know you in me,
Let them see God in me":
Not in you, not in me
All [humans] are in God.
14 April 1978

I am Mevlana
Each body is from Him,
Each coming is to Him. [Each coming to earth, coming to after earth life is to Him]
6 October 1978

I am Mevlana
If you know Yourself [then] you find Him [Darling],
[then] You solve [understand] where you take your love [from].
We came from Him.
We matured [spiritually] with what we got from Him.
We found with His love,
Love is One.
? February 1978

I am Mevlana
In each step that you take
Think that you are from God,
[think that] you come from God, you will go to God.
If you say,
"Am I not in God?"
[that's it! then]
You will have found Yourself [Darling].
23 March 1979

I am Mevlana
"Would God not protect the one who does not know [The Meaning]?"
Is said. [is asked]
Of course HE protects [the one who does not know also]
The one who knows [The Meaning] sees. [vision==to see Him in His creations]
14 September 1979

I am Mevlana
God is human's.
My word is to the one who says,
"Can't be": ["God can not be human's"]
Does the one who says "I am Allah" deny [God's] Being?
Of course human is God's, and God is human's.
Each particle that is created
Whether [it] knows it or not
Is from God,
Is from what God said to "Be!"
My word is to one who says,
"Let me be ash, let me arrive [reach God]":
You are [already] with God in every moment,
You are [already] in God [in each moment]
Whether you are ash or you stay stone.
[ash == when one burns with the love of God, and then joins God;
stone == human who does not know The Meaning yet]

If you come [came] to earth
[then] You find Yourself,
You die before you die, [you realize The Meaning before passing away]
So that you stay where you are told [to] "remember" [?moment?]
2 May 1980

I am Mevlana
You are from God,
I am from God:
Why is the separation [of religions and faiths]?
15 May 1980

I am Mevlana
We are His human, HE knows us,
We are His human, HE protects us,
We are His human, HE loves us.
13 July 1980

I am Mevlana
The Greatest God is such a huge [immense] energy.
10 September 1981

I am Mevlana
My Allah is not incapable of making Himself be known by each one of His human[s].
27 September 1981

I am Mevlana
Know the Creator with His creations.
18 December 1981

I am Mevlana
You are the One who is created;
The Creator is in You.
19 February 1982

I am Mevlana
HE is in your soul, let Him be in your word also.
[God is in you; discover, realize God; understand The Meaning; share The Meaning using your words; be also soft to other humans by not breaking their hearts with your words]
HE is in your eye, let Him [God] fill your heart also.
[your eyes see ALL that is created by God; love ALL that is created by God; let God's love fill your heart]
21 April 1982

I am Mevlana
HE is everywhere One [the same];
HE is in each human,
HE is Darling to each human. [God is every human's Darling; God loves every human so much]
7 May 1982

I am Mevlana
My Allah,
You are with me in every moment;
Let me be with You,
Let me be filled with what comes from You.
25 May 1982

I am Mevlana
My Allah is together with every one of His humans in every moment:
[HE is] In soul, in word, in eye.
If human knows his/her humanity
[God is then also] In his/her interest [in his/her mind].
30 September 1982

I am Mevlana
I kept on thinking:
Not in the root,
Not in the sky.
God is in me, in my knowledge.
3 November 1982

I am Mevlana
The writing [plan] of [the] future is ready from day. [everything happens according to the plan that has been in place since the beginning]
The One who created the [divine] order,
Who gives [assigns] the duties in the order
Is Him.
We give the word's order.
7 January 1983

I am Mevlana
Where I will arrive in is Him.
Know [that] each event [is] from Him.
The One you will love is only Him.
Know that each human is from Him.
Know that His path is the only one,
[know] That each path's end [destination] is to Him.
[Whatever the religion or the faith, all humans reach God at the end]
8 February 1983

I am Mevlana
Each event that you aim [to start] in His name by saying "my Allah"
Will let your path be without stone,
Will open the doors that are said to be closed.
[if you start an event in the name of Allah, God helps you]
14 February 1983

I am Mevlana
If you ask yourself about Yourself,
If you fatigue yourself with Him,
[then] You find The Reality.
[if you start asking about the meaning, then you look for God who is in you; you will find Him]
29 March 1983

I am Mevlana
On the day when I knew I was with Him,
[when I knew that] All humans [are] from Him,
I erased what I called puzzle;
I said interpretationless [lack of interpretation]
I laughed.
17 May 1983

I am Mevlana
To each branch of tree,
To each state [attitude] of human,
I said [that they are] His, from Him
[and] I did not mind my love.
I did not look around saying, "What happened?"
[I gave my love without questioning]
17 May 1983

I am Mevlana
Let us know Him in each cycle
So that we do not stay for [the] new [next] cycle.
Public peace is not [does not depend on] the law of each human;
Universe's law ties human. [universe's law is the highest law; human has to obey universe's law]
The one who does not obey [the law of the universe]
[he/she] Surely cries;
[whether] He/she cries or not,
He/she waits next cycle.
17 June 1983

I am Mevlana
Cage [is] yours, breath [is] yours,
Is the [egoist] desire mine?
Heart [is] yours, beauty [is] yours,
Is ugly mine?
Whatever you created [is] from you. [You are responsible for all your actions]
Only the knowledge that is in my soul is from me [is mine].
That is birth: to find the knowledge that is in my soul.
The moment in which I find [the knowledge that is in my soul]
It is mine to know. [then I can know]
What comes from You
What stays in You
What gets tangled in [between]: soul and eye.
17 June 1983

I am Mevlana
I saw Him in Myself,
I greeted Him from Him. [Myself = God/Darling who is in me]
5 July 1983

I am Mevlana
Allah is One,
[Allah is] in One,
Human who loves is in Him.
22 July 1983

I am Mevlana
If you are responsible for yourself;
My Allah is responsible for all humans.
22 July 1983

I am Mevlana
HE is The Creator,
[HE] Is the structure as well as the gate;
If you turn from yourself to Yourself
[that is] Still Him [again].
28 September 1983

I am Mevlana
If I am human, I came from Him;
If I knew my humanity, [then] I am directed to Him.
Of course I am His human
[I am] with Him.
I am happy with my knowledge.
4 October 1983

I am Mevlana
Each word is selected,
Heartily love is expected from each one of you.
"What is heartily love?" is asked.
To the one who does not criticize one another,
To the one who does not see fault in one another,
To the one who does not question [what is] coming from The One:
My Allah lets from His love as much as he/she desires,
That is called heartily love.
Each human loves my Rab;
[however, the ones] Who love Rab [, and His/God's] creations
Possess heartily love.
4 November 1983

I am Mevlana
I found You in Myself,
With You I have been in all humans.
17 November 1983

My Allah's name is called from everywhere, from each heart.
One thinks that once called God comes nearby.
Whether you call [Him] or not, [HE] is near you.
If you ask "Where?"
Then [He is] in your belief [superficially, not Really].
[however] If we got from heart [if we know The Meaning, then you would not say, "Where":]
[we] Know that HE is there [in your heart, in Yourself].
Said Hadji Bektas, [he] took the word
8 December 1983

I am Mevlana
We have not been separated from your Rab
Neither yesterday nor today
Nor will we be separated tomorrow.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
My Rab is in all your surrounding[s].
5 January 1984

I am Mevlana
My Allah, You [are] in me,
My Allah, You [are] in skin,
My Allah, You [are] in life,
My Allah, You [are] everywhere,
My Allah, You [are] in everything,
My Allah, You [are] in my request.
2 September 1968

[Please note that these are the translations of just SOME of the messages on the topic "HIM [= God/Allah]"


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel