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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


On the skirt[s] of the mountains,
In the fruitfulness of the fields,
I saw the flowing waters.
I asked the one who comes, the one who goes;
I asked His brave ones
[about] The saplings that you planted
They said:
We planted rooted saplings;
We blended each sapling’s order
With one another
So that its yield is abundant,
So that its owner gets his/her God-given share…

Mevlana said,
One’s Owner is only One.
God-given share
Of the one who gives His Giving
Is a lot.
One works hard,
Takes its fruits that ripen,
Takes and shares with the ones who participated in effort.
In the presence of Hak
Human earns nobility like this.

Yunus Emre said:
I entered His vineyards,
I saw the God-given share that is given.
It is said that:
The God-given share of
The one who works hard,
The one who sees [gives to] his/her surrounding,
The one who stands on the path of Hak
Is abundant.
We work to chat
Night [and] day,
We reach our goal.
We say that:
To pass through many paths,
To choose the most correct path
Is because of the wish of human.
My Rab Who says,
“I created human from one breath,”
Created first Mohammad.
We open his interpretation,
We fly like butterfly.
[The last three verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: According to the teachings of ONEness of HEARTs, although he was born on earth in body in the 6th century, Hazrat Mohammad was the first human spirit that Allah created. Sufism originated from the teachings of Prophet Mohammad. Hazrat Mohammad taught humans who were close to him, the others taught one another from generation to generation. It is thought that what is meant by "We open his interpretation" is "We open/understand Hazrat Muhammad's interpretation [which are the teachings of ONEness of Hearts]." It is also thought that what is meant by "We fly like butterfly" is "thanks to his interpretation we rise spiritually higher"...]

Hodja Ahmet Yesevi
Will keep his promise,
He will add his breath
To the essence of each person.
Yesevi said:
Let one arrive [in Him]:
Let human come into being with human,
Let each being who comes into being
Come together with his/her Rab.
We became close friend with His close friend,
We grabbed hold of His rope.
We assumed our manner that is full of love.
If human does not give shelter to human, in his/her heart,
If human does not make human be protected in his/her surrounding,
His/her ego is in storms,
He said,
Yesevi greeted.

Hadji Bektas,
The ones who love him
Are in his word, in his eye.
He takes greeting from each one of them,
He greets each one whom he sees.
He says:
To remember my Rab’s name,
To present your love in The Being of Rab
Is within the power of the ones who know [The Meaning].

Hazrat Ali said:
I took the morsel in my hand,
It is the remedy of every trouble,
It is the cure of the hunger.
The ones who break off my morsel
Are the calamity of the creation.
“Close friend,” we said,
We wished to my Rab.
“Close friend,” we said,
We presented our labors to every surrounding.
The morsels that we present
Will be remedy for you,
The ones who eat the morsels
Will plead with my Rab.

Meryem and Fatima [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Came from the same path.
They laughed at each creation, [to laugh==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
They greeted.
To take their greeting
Is God-given share of each one of us.
Let us know the world like that,
Let us write on our pages like that.
Each one of its lines reaches my Rab,
Our hearts come together with one another.

In the hand of my Merkez
I saw [a] writing of three lines:
“From Hak,” they said, [? They said about Hak, ?]
They knew the second line because of ‘a lot,’
To [on] the third line, they pleaded. [our thought is that the implied meaning of these three lines is: "plead with Hak a lot"]

Let Meryem’s pleading be upon all of us,
Let good deeds come to each one of us.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel