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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 40

23 June 1977
(Regaib day/night) [Regaib day: the night preceding the first Friday in the month of Rajab, regarded as the anniversary of the conception of Prophet Muhammad.]

I am Mevlana.
Our nest is 'building' [structure] to all of you, [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
Your hearts are door to HAK.
Let my Allah be pleased
With the one who opens,
With the one that is being opened.

“Our nest [is a] building,” we said,
We said about the one that gives to hearts.
Door does not occur without building;
The one who puts [his/her door] in its place, [the one who places the door in his/her building and opens it]
Does not stay [behind] on the path.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be to all of you.
We brought selam
From HIS Representative.
“They cross the mountain,
They run on flatness,
They proceed on HAK’s path.
Let my Allah be pleased,” he said.

The ones who give to vision, [instead of taking from vision, instead of perceiving HIM] [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
The ones who laugh at the event, [the ones who do not take our chats seriously]
The ones who conform to birth [on earth, i.e. the ones who fall in love with earthly pleasures instead of coming to their senses]
Are the ones who do not know.
Let my Allah make known,
Let HIM make one find the one who knows.
Let HIM make one conform to the one who knows, too.
The one who finds in assembly,
Hear in Life,
Let him/her say, “Darling,”
Let him/her run sincerely.
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you.

Let HIS Consent be with you,
Let HIS good deed be with eyes.
“What is it?” is being said.
Good deed in eyes
Is 'seeing as beautiful.'

Circle comes into being,
One comes together in kemal. [kemal=the highest rank of wisdom]
The one who comes, the one who sees, mix with each other.
Our night is happy,
All of you, you are blessed.
Happiness of the night
Is because of the blessing of the ones who come.
The one who comes and the ones who are [spiritually] mature meet.
When they meet,
Happiness comes into being.
“Who is the one who comes,
Who is the one who is [spiritually] mature?” is being said.
The one who comes [is], you;
The one who is [spiritually] mature [is], us.

The one that is said about, “I take”:
Every one that we give, is the one that is taken.
When one conforms to [it],
It is 'taking step toward blessedness.'

‘Circle comes into being’ we said,
We gave The Reality.

We give
Not from moon, from star
But from the place
Where each color comes into being,
All [humans]
Come together,
Open arms,
Spread Light to the universe.
When ‘not from moon’ is said,
What is seen is like in the example of matter.
Even though our giving is seen,
[our place is] At the place that can not be reached on earth day.

One arrived at the moon,
Step was taken.
If it is like that, then it is matter;
[on the other hand] My existence is The Meaning.

Beauty is ‘building’ [structure] to The Meaning,
Is door from The Meaning.
Build your building,
Let us open your door.
We have put the building in years, [we have been building the building for years now [i.e. chats]]
We gave its mortar to your hand,
We showed with each hal.
What [a] happiness for the one
Who found his/her mortar,
Who set up the building.

"Mevlana, Yunus, Hadji Bayram, Hadji Bektas," we said,
All of us, we came.
We mixed one’s sand, stone, water, mortar,
“What will come into being is yours” we said, [? "The one who will become [spiritually] mature belongs to you [you will mature [spiritually]," we said, ?]
We have been giving for years.
We have been helper of the one
Who sets up,
Who does not set up,
Who can not set up.
We gave The Beautiful One,
“Let us conform to The One Who is Beautiful,” we said.
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you.

“When nest is open, [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
When each one who wishes, comes,
When open [clear] word is given,
There is blessing,
There is happiness,” he said,
Hazrat Ali came.
Sword cuts,
The one who is not brave, is offended.
The one who does not conform
Falls in worry on the day when one conforms.
Let there be no worry of ours, [let us have no worry]
Let HAK’s name not fall from our tongue. [let us always remember HAK]
Say to the one who says,
“Let HIS Representative not deprive [me] of his intercession”:
HIS Representative is
Neither from the ones who are offended
Nor from the ones who cut;
His intercession is for all [humans].

We took,
We came,
“My Allah make [them] laugh,” we said,
We have been prayerful,
He said, Hazrat Ali walked.

Do not keep Yunus as witness
For what you take from oil,
For what you consider as olive;
Do not add partner to in between. [do not use intermediary; plead with HIM directly]
You are responsible for you,
Yunus [is responsible] for body.
He found with essence.

In the word of our nest [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation; word==chats]
The essence of all of us becomes heart.
What is called as our nest
Is the place
Where chat comes into being,
Where close friends come together,
Where ugly-beautiful mix with one another,
Where Beautiful in human comes into being.
Ugly is erased
Because the moment in which
Every event turns into beautiful,
One becomes one of the ones who conform.
Variety of flower is seen in the garden.
If “Beauty is in colors,” is said,
It is divided.
Circle comes into being in such a way that
Color-shape-smell come together,
Have heart-to-heart talk with one another,
Conformity [harmony] is there.

"Let us not undo the bunch,
Let us not be silent in musical composition,"
He said, Hadji Bektas came to word.
If "Rose is in harmony when it is in bud,
Leaf [is in harmony] when it is in clover"
Is said,
[then] Hundred comes as flat,
Gives flat word,
Word stays in eye.
Three with seven,
Seven with eleven,
Eleven with forty one,
Forty one with hundred
Become flat.
The one who takes
Finds on flatness.
The one who asks,
He/she does not know the place of the one who hears.
The one who knows,
Does not ask the one who sees.
"What is three?" is said.
The one who takes,
The one who gives,
The one who [? The One Who ?] makes be given.
[another meaning of three:]
The one who hears,
The one who makes be heard,
The one who [? The One Who ?] gives permission to the one who makes be heard.
[yet still another meaning of three:]
Three states of HIS human whom
HE made reach blessedness:
Youth that is temporary,
[spiritual] Maturity that measures, [spiritual maturity that is measure for spiritual degree],
Oldness that takes to migration,"
He said,
Hadji Bektas found on earth,
Turned in direction [to HIM].

What is called as ‘gayb,’ [gayb=the one that can be known neither by five senses nor by physical mind]
Is the one that is thought about as if it can not be reached.
Would there be any door [that opens] to the one that can not be reached?
Would any helper come to the building?
WHAT can not be reached
Is The One Whose path is not gone on, [when one does not go on HIS path, then he/she can not reach HIM…]
He said,
Our close friend came.
“I became close friend,
Let me be remembered,
Let me be present at the place where I am wished,”
He said, Hamza Dost took the word.
"The one who takes [spiritual] level,
The one who finds [spiritual] level
Is the one whose wish comes true in drop. [the one who drinks spiritual water [chats] sip by sip]
The one who takes close friend,
The one who finds close friend,
The one who has heart-to-heart talk with close friend
Is the one
Who reaches blessedness,
Who gives drop by drop,
Who plows HIS soil.
Let the one who can plant, come,
Let him/her plant whatever he/she wishes.
Let him/her pour HIS water abundantly,
Let his/her God-given share be abundant,”
He said,
Dost shared his hand,
Dost [shared] his tongue
With all of you.
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you.

All the ones who are asked about
Are here,
Because they all are in Darling.
They are the ones who crossed from the notch,
They are the ones who ran/run saying, “HAK.”

Mevlana helped
The door of the one who hears-who sees,
[Mevlana helped] The building of all [humans].
He added the days to days on which he/she will exist.
“What does it mean?” is said.
We came until the day. [we came until today]
We will add the days that will come to the ones that passed,
We will hold you by hand on the day that is wished for.
Until the day that passes,
Until the migration of Garib,
Our word is at our nest. [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
Let my Allah be pleased with all of you,
Let prayers open our night.
Repentance to the ones who passed.
Let it be known
That the one [the new order] that comes is not scattered,
That it connects all [humans].
Let one conform to the one who knows.
“What is ‘scattered]’?” is said.
[it is:]
The one that is said about
“We knew-we found-we conformed”
Finds HIS order [orderliness].
To know only,
To find only
Takes to [spiritual] immaturity;
What is called as 'scattered' is that.
Let the dust of the one that passed [i.e. old order]
Not be made sprinkled upon the one that comes [i.e. new order].
Let the one that [? The One That ?] is known never be covered.

When "the conclusion that we reached," is said:
Let us take
The earth as he/she matures [spiritually], [earth is where one matures spiritually]
The universe as he/she finds,
The Meaning as he/she knows,
Let us conform like that.

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Share your pleadings with the ones who wait.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel