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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 36

28 April 1977

I am Mevlana.
Our place-our direction,
Our day passes saying and saying, “HAK.”
Let selam [peace/greeting] be to all of you,
Let beautiful days find you.

If we found the new one, [the new one==ONEness of HEARTs]
If we knew our path,
“He/she learned to love,” we say.
“At the place where the water flows, [flowing water reaches the ocean; ocean==God; flowing water==teachings of ONEness of HEARTs]
We found the [spiritual] maturation”
Is said,
Then we reach the conformity.

When you give sound to well
What you will take is your own voice.
For that [reason],
Give your sound to the universe so that
The one who will hear is from you. [so that one hears you/so that you are heard]
“How is sound given to the universe?” is said.
By loving each creation whom/that exists
You make your voice be heard in the universe.
If you give heart [if you fall in love with]
To the singing of the bird,
To the flow of the water,
To the look of the gazelle,
Then you see yourself
As believing in the existence of the universe,
As being decorated with it.

When you tie [connect] the place of the day
To the one that comes,
What you will see is that
You will conform to The most Beautiful.

We gave since the day you came to the nest, [nest == Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
“Your heart door is open,” we said.
Yet from the door that you opened
Take first the universe in;
Love as [he/she/it] is,
Come to The Meaning like that.
What is meant by “come” is:
‘Conform as much as you are [spiritually] mature.’
Let you be in the same state as the matter first,
Then as The Meaning,
Let you be filled with The One Whom you are.
Let you make pen conform to what is being given, like that.

Let your pleading be abundant,
Let your day open with pleading. [start your day by pleading with HIM]

What is called as “difficult,”
Is the one that is gathered on the day. [if you try to understand our chat on the same day, then you say it is difficult]
[our spiritual water:] It is given sip by sip,
Do not think that it is poured with jug.
The one that is poured with jug
Is the one that scatters.
The one that is given with writing [i.e. our chats]
Is the one that accumulates.
For that [reason],
Let us take sip by sip,
Let us digest each sip that we take in three days.
In [spiritual] maturity,
Value of the sip is big.

What you see in tea,
You do of course not see [it] in sea.

Disperse the smoke! [smoke==doubt]
“Is effort not necessary?” you say.
In the day’s event, intention is necessary
Not effort.

Spare does not mature [spiritually];
The one who gives [produces] smoke, does not find.

Say, “My Allah,"
Set the intention up:
“I am filled with YOU,
I found with my heart,
I took shelter in YOU,
I asked for remedy for my trouble.
YOU know my Allah.”
Do not wait for answer to your question,
It does not come to your lap.
You see [the answer] through event,
You say, “Thank YOU, my Allah.” [don't forget to thank HIM [so that you have face to wish to HIM again...]]

You took from the place where [spiritual] water flows, [flowing water reaches the ocean; ocean==God; flowing water==teachings of ONEness of HEARTs]
Let you erase the doubt.
Yet let you give place
Not to pen
But to logic.
You will overcome the difficulty like that,
You will return to HAK as you mature [spiritually],
You will open the door that is in between.

Be entrusted to my Allah.

It is the moment in which you erase all kinds worries
From your heart.
[The last two verses, and other sections in ONEness of HEARTs in general, may be better understood under the light of the following information: ONEness of HEARTs teaches, among infinite number of other things, that human can communicate with Allah through wishes and pleadings. However, such a communication is successful only if one’s belief in God is without doubt. If there is any doubt, God tests human with that doubt. The way for the belief to be without doubt is by understanding /perceiving The Being of Allah…]

You took with intention,
You came with pleading,
You found saying, “HAK,”
You came to your senses saying, “Good deed.”
Let my Allah be pleased.

He/She/It is embroidered like embroidery,
He/She/It is nourished like lamb,
He/She/It is decorated like in the example of bird,
Life, Darling are remembered like that.

It will happen,
Your pleading will find its place.

That you mature [spiritually] is known,
That you will laugh is seen.
We said to the one who is next to us:
Do never put smoke in your heart, [smoke==doubt]
Do not cover the door that is in between, with smoke.
“Is it in my hand?” you say,
Do not forget:
I am in your heart.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

30 April 1977

I am Mevlana.
Soft path is ours.
If you say,
“Dissatisfaction is my word,
What happens is my writing [==my destiny],” [if you accept everything [that you consider as non-satisfaction] without complaint knowing that it comes from HIM]
[then] Peace is yours.

One comes into being as small, as big;
One knows one another as beautiful, as ugly;
Good, bad develop with one another:
In the hal that is said,
Human traces his/her path.
Each door
That you promenade,
That you see,
That you cross
Takes [you] to the other door,
Makes you find the salvation from door to door.

“I will find The Reality, is it long?” you say. [will I find The Reality soon?]
In your [spiritual] maturity state,
You watch the sun from behind the curtain.
Not to what you hear-you see,
But to your [spiritual] maturity.

The one who is full, does he/she eat more?
By the stove,
Its stone is of course black,
Yet it cooks the food.
If it is like that,
The blackness of the stone that is by the stove
Is neither bad nor ugly.
There is beauty in specialty;
Universe is narrow
To the one who does not see beauty.

You conformed to the lofty one of the tree,
To the vision of the one who hears.
The day on which you said, “I stayed without Owner,”
You found The One Whom you searched, next to you.
Let you know your path like that.
The moment in which you say, “I am full,”
Let you make known that you conform.
'To conform' is the order [command] of my Allah.
The moment in which you conform to the orders of my Allah,
What you hear gives you peace,
Disperses your smoke.
Each event
That is arduous,
That comes as difficult
Opens like in the example of flower.
Be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you know that I am next to you in the moment when you wish.

Birth is the day on which you come to your senses.
If you say, “What is ‘to come to one’s senses?’"
It is the day on which you turn to Yourself.
We gave before:
‘Turning to Oneself’ is 'entering The Essence.'

Your essence gives like in the example of mirror
When the new one is known, [the new one==ONEness of HEARTs]
When one conforms to what happens.

The Reality is
Not the one that is divided
But the one that is found.
What is the one that is found?
It is
‘Returning to The Essence,’
[it is] ‘Falling in deep love.'

What you weave saying, “Dream,”
As Yunus says,
Is the one that you conform from heart.
If you know the birth
You conform to event. [? You conform to [spiritual] maturation. ?] [? You conform to The Existence. ?] [? You conform to coming into being. ?]

The one that is said about, “He/she will be born,”
Is when one conforms to order [orderliness].
Each event is the one that is written.
‘Frame’ resembles imposing [one's] order [orderliness] upon [HIS] order [orderliness].
For that [reason],
See the order [orderliness] as it is,
Take the one that happens without disrupting [the order].

The one that is called as ‘effort,’ develops, [if you think that you are the boss, and try to do it on your own:]
Comes into being in amazement. [the outcome amazes you [because you can not succeed without HIS permission/help... [You would probably have to try it over and over again...]]]
If you tie knot,
Do not think that it solidifies. [there is no knot that HE can not untie]

The one that comes from mountain
Is the one that gets used to stone-soil;
The one that comes from sea
Is the one that comes into being with water.
The one that stays in soil
Is the one that mixes with dust, with mud.
Know each one who matures [spiritually]
At the place where he/she is,
As he/she is. [? As much as he/she is mature. ?]

Green makes [one spiritually] mature. [? Green makes [one] come into being. ?]
Blue makes [one] come together.
Orange makes [one] familiarize. [? Orange makes [one] take from one another. ?]
Yellow makes [one] develop.
Red mixes.
Purple makes [one] race. ['race' as in 'to run a race']
White makes [one] be sifted.
Blue makes known the ceiling.
Green [makes known] the base.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

6 May 1977

I am Mevlana.
The ones who come to the beautiful day,
The ones who reach The Secret of HAK,
The ones who say, “I loved,” and laugh,
Be One with all [humans];
Let him/her walk on the path that is said to be open
In the hal that is called as ‘kemal.’ [kemal=the highest rank of wisdom]

Let selam [peace/greeting] be to all of you.

The one that is called as “The hugely big earth,”
The one that is seen in the universe as point, [earth that is seen in the universe like a point]
Is the view
Of the one who comes [to earth],
Of the one who goes [to after earth life].
“How?” is being said.
The one who comes [to earth]
Sees earth at the place where he/she is,
As much as he/she is [spiritually] mature.
The one who goes [to after earth life]
Walks and walks in the universe.
When it is like that,
He/she sees the earth as point.
He/she is the one
Who develops in point,
Who comes into being in the universe. [? Who matures [spiritually] in the universe. ?]
The one who comes into being in the universe [? The one who matures [spiritually] in the universe ?]
Is the one who knows
That The Giver makes [one] [spiritually] mature,
That HE makes [one] find with all [humans].

“We came with [after/while] writing,
We said with saz, [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
We laughed with delight,” he said,
My Yunus came.
The place
At which waters flow, [flowing water reaches the ocean; ocean==God; flowing water==teachings of ONEness of HEARTs]
At which saints take care,
Beauty grows.
To grow
Is to mature [spiritually], [? To grow is to come into being, ?]
Is to come together with all [humans],
Is to come together and chat with one another.
The one who chats with one another,
The one who has heart-to-heart talk
Is the one who is united while going on the path.
ONEness belongs to the one who knows [The Meaning].
Nothingness does not come
From the one who knows
To the one who does not know.
Manyness does not give to the one who does not know.

Let us know the birth on the [current] day. [birth==to come to one’s senses]
Let us respect from the day we gave, until today.

Let it not be said,
“If we came to earth,
Then let us be satiated.”
Earth is
Neither to be satiated,
Nor to stay on [forever].

The one who takes worry from the event [the one who is worried about the event]
Is the one who wishes for word to the writing.
The one that is written is seen. [the one that is written==destiny that God traces in every moment]
The one who hears
Knows at the place where he/she takes the sound.
He/she is in The Reality, [he/she is] at the place where it is written.

I got excited saying and saying, “Darling,”
I said, “My Allah,”
I overflowed with all [humans].
Let one not say,
“How does one overflow with all [humans]?”
When ‘Yunus’ is said and remembered,
When he/she wishes to take my word,
Does one not become one with all [humans]?
Does Yunus not come to the call?
Does he not find himself in hearts?
Does he not get excited at the place where he finds?
Since I became Yunus,
Since I saw the vineyard of earth, [? Since I saw the connection of earth, ?]
Since I weaved the era of deep love,
I came, I found you.
We matured [spiritually] as much as we could,
We loved to die for.
We wrapped with heart
The one who finds, the one who does not find,
The one who remembers, the one who does not remember;
We mixed the one that is said about, ‘Beautiful-ugly,’
We saw all [humans] in one dough.
Selam [peace/greeting] to all of you.
With face, with knee,
We stood on mountain, in field;
We asked the wind that blew:
“Did you see the one who loves?
Did you find at the place where he/she remembers?”

“Comes from east to west, sees the leaf and the branch as one,” [leaf==human; branch==congregation of Mevlana/Garib]
He said, Pir Sultan Abdal entered the word.
Whenever I said,
“Which branch do I hold,
Do I throw advice,
Do I look at the flowing water,
Do I ask the God-given share from the one who goes?”
I was remembered as ‘Abdal.’ [abdal=1. a rank in some dervish orders. 2. formerly begging dervish. 3. formerly dervish saint. 4. Wise person who lives far from earthly pleasures.]
The day on which I complained, I was mistaken.
Whatever they may say,
Let them eat honey and cream. [let them talk sweetly]
Let them take me to interrogation, [let them question me]
If they wish, let them hang me,
Let them ask [their question] to the one that is hanged. [let them ask my hanging body]
No complaint of mine can be,
Abdal can not find fault,
[Abdal] Can not put heart in the one who finds [fault],” [Abdal can not fall in love with someone who finds fault, who criticizes]
He said, our close friend walked.

Spring [source of water] is beautiful at the skirt of the mountain,
Honey that you take [is beautiful] in its honeycomb.
Close friend is beautiful with each one of his/her hals,
He/she is special with each one of his/her words.

Let one not say,
“We could not cross our path,
We could not reach the flat place.”
Our place-our path is on flatness.
Mirror is in hand,
Eye [is] on face.

Water’s color is in sea.
What the sea takes, is in the sky.
All look at one another,
Flow at the place where one looks.

Let us be smokeless, [smoke==doubt]
Let us know that each one that comes is from HAK,
Let us conform to our writing.
The moment in which, “I am depressed,” is said,
Let us say, “My Allah,”
Let us wish to HIM.

“Let us work intensively,” was said,
One entered the work like that.
Let us not be complainer.

Let our pleading be
To see The One That exists,
To know The One That makes exist.
“What is The One That exists?” is said.
The One That exists [is]
Each particle that is created in the universe.
The One That makes exist:
Of course The Creator.
If we see The One That exists,
[then] We know The One That makes exist,
We find the birth like that. [birth==to come to one’s senses]

The one who says,
“Let me scatter the rock,
Let me grind it as sand,” [let me grind to make it sand]
Is the one who attempts hard work.
If one says,
“Let our path be opened,
Let the rocks be crossed,”
[then] Hardness stays in foot,
It [foot] takes the place of the arm. [if one wishes to Allah to cross the rocks, Allah helps him/her to cross them; then he/she walks instead of trying to break the rocks with his/her hands/arms…]
Of course, let us leave like that,
Let us not scatter with hand
The one who knows his/her place on foot.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be to all of you.
Let one say,
From close friend’s hand,
From close friend’s tongue.”

We said, “Pleading,”
We connected the word to the [current] day.
Is the [current] day, yesterday in me,
[is] Tomorrow in you?
Stop is not our measure of value.
We are with the one who wishes,
We find in all of you.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[* Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel