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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 27

18 February 1977

I am Mevlana.
We knew because of soft path,
Because of hal that made [spiritually] mature.
We saw conformity in all of you.
Let selam [peace/greeting] be.
Let HAK be in your tongue,
Let HAK be in your heart
Because of the birth. [birth==to come to one’s senses]

Hearts find what they search,
Each human comes through the path that he/she wishes.
Of course, each human says,
“Let one's coming conform to HIS Representative.”
Our wish:
Let him/her conform [to HIS Representative] with hal too.

We came,
We laughed,
“How beautiful!” we said.
Our coming is together with my Yunus. [I come with Yunus]

"You said, 'Yunus,'
You remembered.
You said, 'Beautiful,'
You loved.
You asked about my hal.
What is meant by ‘beautiful,’
Is it my path?
Is it my tongue?
Is it my hal?
Hal conforms,
Tongue says, puts on the path.
Let us proceed on the path hand in hand,
Let us look at beautiful hal,
Let us pour [spiritual] water to the one who wishes,"
He said, he left turning again and again.
What is meant by ‘left,’ is that he left the word [chat] for now. [turning again and again==he has joined/will join the chats]

“At the place where there is manyness,
[common] Unit is love,” [at the place where there is manyness, common denominator is love]
He said, Ali took the word.
To the one who said,
“Let us be one
With the ones who conform to The Beautiful One,
With the ones who remember HIS name,”
I said, "ONEness is set up in hearts."
Its tree is planted,
Its fruit is waited.
Of course it is the tree of heart.
The one who searches the birth, [birth==to come to one's senses]
Let him/her conform to the view. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
The one who conforms to the view,
Let him/her know the saying. [the saying==ONEness of HEARTs’ teachings]
Tree comes to number [tree is respected according to the number of humans whom it may provide shade for]
As much as its leaves; [the wideness of its shade depends on its leaves] [tree==congregation of Mevlana/Garib; leaf==human who is member of the congregation]
Its shade gets bigger as much as its leaves.
“Is our path your path?” is being said.
Since we took from HIS Representative,
We say, “Eyvallah [affirmative].”
“Let what I will take be from YOU,
Let what I will see conform to Your Representative my Allah,”
Be prayerful.
I came with greeting,
I took your greetings,
We said, "Eyvallah [goodbye]."

I am Mevlana.
When life and Darling become one,
When universe comes to hal of ONEness,
Then you do not take the shadow from earth,
Then you do not stay away from pleading [with HIM].

Is it in your knowledge [do you know]
Where the sky begins,
Where it arrives at?
The one who exists
Knows at the place where he/she is,
As much as he/she is mature [spiritually],
As it is given;
He/she tries to think of the beyond.
The Reality is
Neither in the one who tries to know
Nor in the one who is used to see.
Because each one who sees, sees as much as his/her measure.
We gave before:
Cellar is [analogue to] human,
Wine [is analogue to] spirit.
Cellar, if it is patient,
Wine, if it finds its place [if grape juice turns into wine]
Then waiting makes [one] gain.
“How?” is said.
Cellar [is analogue to] body,
What it takes [is] blessing [spirit].
It can not say, “From where?”
The moment in which it takes,
Its duty starts:
The one who is educated,
The one who educates,
The one who makes wait,
If you are HIS creation.
The One Who makes HIS path given,
The One Who makes the cellar found,
The One Who makes one become [spiritually] mature in humidity
Is of course not you.
The pleading of the one who says,
"Let me become [spiritually] mature
Because of The One Who makes educated,
Let me find my place too,”
Finds its place. [his/her wish comes true]
The one that is poetry
Is the one that conforms to digestion.
Satiety is such that:
When one enters the cellar, [cellar==body]
When one attributes HIS secret to the wine, [wine==spirit]
When one becomes secret keeper in both hals, [when one knows earth and after earth life [i.e. The Reality] while one is on earth in body]
[then] Satiety is in you,
[then] Conformity is in you.

“Let there be effort,
How about if the most beautiful of wine stays in me?”,
Is said,
When one gives his/her [? HIS ?] secret to drunkard,
Wideness is seen.
When drunkard is said,
Let it not be understood as ‘drunk,’
Drunkard of heart.

“What is wideness?” is said.
We gave before.
Love is contagious,
It passes from human to human.
When human loves, his/her atmosphere widens [expands].
When hand is given to hand,
Of course wideness is seen.
Since The Creator gave to the love
The one that is from HIM,
The one that fills in HIM,
Then love takes us to HIM of course.
There is
Loyalty in love,
Secret in love,
Patience in love.
Love erases grudge,
Divides jealousy.
When it is like that,
When one fills with love,
Is wideness not seen in one’s [spiritual] maturation?

“How do we give to the one who does not know?
What do we educate him/her with?” you say.
Give your love,
Educate with love.
Let him/her know that
The One Whom he/she leans on is my Allah.
If he/she knows that we come from HIM,
Let him/her love us too,
Say [to him/her like that].

Say to the one who says,
“Cold freezes,
Hot makes burn”:
[hot also] Melts the one that is frozen.

We said our word,
We greeted the one who comes,
“Word is yours,” we said,
We gave the word to Omar.
“What the one who works intensively takes
Is of course not sufficient for the minority.
Cereal plant does not grow in sand.
Let our soil be touched, be spaded,
Let the day on which it is planted, be waited for.
Let it be known that
We are next to the one
Who conforms because of the birth, [birth==to come to one’s senses]
Who hears the interpretation.”

(Picture is given: Omar)

Let our day not put point to the beautiful,
Let our heart  not put point to past eternity nor to future eternity.
Let each moment be known.
Let the one who passes, open arms to the one who comes.
It is tied, let it not be untied. [hand holds hand, keep on holding]
“Who [is] the picture?” is being said. ["whose picture is it?" is being said]
I gave in my name [i.e. Omar].
The one who comes [to our congregation]: I am next to him
In his/her hand,
At his/her place,
In his/her direction, I said,
For the one who is next to us.
We said, “Eyvallah [goodbye],”
We gave the word to Mevlana.”

“The one that is given to the one who is next to us,” is being said,
His/her hand is known to be in hand. [we give him/her our hand:]
It makes one [spiritually] mature.
Interpretation, as it is… [? Interpretation as much as he/she is [spiritually] mature… ?]

You asked [about] the ship. [ship==the ship that sails on the ocean, the ship of which the crew are the saints] [ocean==God]
It is
The hikmet of the birth,
The blessing of HIS human,
The value of the earth;
[it is] The shelter of the one
Who knows his/her place,
Who says, “Ya Allah,” [ya Allah==thank YOU for my God-given share, I accept without any complaint]
[it is] The shelter at the place where there is water;
Yet one is purified from each event.
One comes to the ship,
One matures [spiritually] on the ship,
The one who sees, says, “Is my place too?” [the one who sees, says, “do I have a place too?”]
“Is it body?” is said.
If you say about the one that the birth brings,
It is hearts.

(Question: Is the ship, heart?)

ONEness of HEARTs,
Abundance of pleadings.

Of course one finds his/her provisions for the journey;
There is no one who comes to what is ready. [one has his/her own provision, he/she does not come to share someone else’s provision…]

In human, if heart does not fill, [if human’s heart does not fill]
He/she does not find oneness.
The one who finds [oneness],
Does not stay [behind] on the [HIS] path.

“What is meant by
‘The one who works intensively, does not give to minority’?” is being said,
It is asked.
The one who works intensively
Is the one who says, “Let me share.”
“Interpretation,” is being said.
What is given from us, [our chats]
HIS humans grind [them].
The one who can,
He/she sifts, he/she mixes.
Do not say, “How about if there is mistake [in his/her/our interpretation of the chats]?”,
When it is ground, it is refined;
When it is sifted, it is cleaned of its stone,
Its fine flour stays in hand.
Do not fall in worry,
Do not dig into the one who is [spiritually] immature.

If you say,
“We could not reach the interpretation of the one that is given,”
It opens in the coming one. [it will open in the future]

Be entrusted to my Allah.

You joined the ship,
Laugh from heart.

Let us say, “Eyvallah [goodbye],”
Let us entrust all [humans] to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

24 February 1977

I am Mevlana.
If you say,
“Do I find direction
To look at the new one, [the new one==ONEness of HEARTs]
To ignite the fire [of heart]?”
“Our path is open,” I say.

The coming one of one’s day,
Gathers one’s flower.
HIS each human waits for the beautiful day,
In the shade, he/she looks at the sun.
If he/she mixed the soil,
He/she adds the seed.
My Allah gives path
To each one that is planted.
HE sees the one that[/who] grows taller, in moment.
What I mean by,
“There is beauty in the flow of the water,
Be soft,
Conform to flowing water,”
Is that.

What is meant by,
“Smoke is not convenient path,”
Is “There is no place for smoke.”

Let my Allah be pleased with all [humans].

Faithful knows HIS path.
He/she does not say,
“From where do I take path,
Where do I arrive at?”

Standard of value belongs to the one who knows.
Pleading belongs to the one who hears.

(Question: Would you explain “Cellar makes secret, wine forces” some more?)

What is meant by 'secret' is ‘knowing,’
What is meant by 'wine' is ‘science.’
The more you know, the more you solve HIS secret.
‘Knowing’ tells The Meaning,
‘Science’ [tells] the matter.
To know that
The one who solves the earth
Is because of The One Who traces your path [Allah is The One Who allows the progress of science]
Is humanity.
The one who asks from the moon
Heads towards science.
The one who asks from the universe
[heads] Towards ‘knowing.’

We did not blame the one who is turned-away,
We did not question [about] difference[s].
We gave ONE,
We weaved ONE,
We spread [displayed] in front of all [humans].

The one that is said about,
“I could not take,” [I could not understand this part of the chat]
Is the one that is not given.
The one that is not given,
Is the one that is not solved.

[spiritual] Immaturity is human’s judgment,
Is the worry of the one who is not soft.

We took the carved design in hand,
[it was made from wood, we saw its essence, its essence was the tree:]
We respected the branch of the tree,
We saw the beautiful from the beautiful.
We sang song for the one who heard,”
He said, my Yunus took the word.
Say to the one who says,
“If you can not get out of the game,
Give the direction toward ‘being content,’ [? Give the direction toward filling [your heart], ?]
If you can not find HIS [spiritual] water,
Learn love from your close friend”:
What I take-what I know is from HAK.
I fill
Not my place
But my heart.
[if it is] Not sincere,
I make the life [spiritually] mature.
I am from the ones who know The Existing One,
I am from the ones who give heart to The Being.” [I am from the ones who fall in love with The Being.]

I am Mevlana.
Our ONEness is set up with all [humans],
Our pleading is performed for all [humans].
Let my Allah be pleased
With the one who finds path through mountain, stone,
With the ones who join the pleading with all [humans].

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel