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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 33

5 April 1974

I am Mevlana.
We conformed in hal, we heard in heart,
We found in all of you, we came with greeting.
Let greeting be to all of them.
"Blessing is wished to HAK,” is said.
The ones who are wished for, the ones who took pleadings, [the ones whom you wished that they come],
They came, they greeted respectfully.
Day’s interpretation is given from hand to hand, from heart to heart.
It is asked saying, “Who are they?”
The ones who found their places, who came without smoke,
Who came together in Milky Way.
Milky Way is the path of the ones who come without interrogation.
It is the path of the ones who stay on earth without questioning.
Hearts of course are filled with HAK.

Worry occurs
In the ones who doubt [about] HIS path,
In the ones who keep in their heart the one that is not wished.
What is the one that is not wished?
It is what my Allah calls as haram.
What is meant by haram is
What human wishes for as different from The Giving. [human wishes something that is different from HIS Giving]

Our chat opens, the ones who take word are chosen.
The One Who chooses is of course HAK.
Who is the one who calls to pleading?
Of course our rose, of whom we bring the greeting.
Who is the one who calls to worship?
The one who brings the greeting of our rose,
[the one] Who takes [the greeting] from all of you.
“My color is from my HAK, my heart is from purity,” he said,
He greeted, Hazrat Bilal walked.

Let no hand touch the one who hits,
Let one not be offended by the one who hits.
[because] The hand that hits is because of The One Who makes [it] hit,
He said, Hazrat Ebubekir greeted.

When HAK is in hand, when HAK is in tongue, when HAK is in heart,
Bring the rest to salvation,
Bring so that your hand, your tongue, your heart
Become as accomplishing their duty,
He said, Hazrat Omar greeted.

When going to battlefield, do not think about return as alone:
Think about the one who will come,
[think about] What HE [? he/she ?] will give,
[think about] The one who will laugh
So that
Your victory is celebrated not by you, but by all [humans],
He said, Hazrat Osman greeted.
[the above verses may also be translated as follows:
? When going to battlefield do not think about return only:
Think of The One Who will give the future, the one who will laugh so that [to laugh==to follow footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
Your victory is celebrated not by you, but by all [humans],
He said, Hazrat Osman greeted. ?]

In Adem [in Adam], we knew,
In Havva [in Eve], we heard,
We conformed to Hazrat Mohammad,
We greeted all humans,
She said, Hazrat Hatice laughed.
HIS roses are considered as the equivalent of the universe,
Not the color of the rose.
For HIS building, universe is given as example,
She said, she greeted.

There is no trump of the degenerate one,
Human is not delayed on HIS path,
My Allah does not give permission [for that],
He said, Hazrat Ali greeted all [humans].
The one who says, “I conformed to my destiny,”
What does he/she do if he/she does not conform?
It is necessary that he/she knows the faultlessness in [of] my Allah’s Giving,
Not that what you do, [your perception is more important than what you do...]
He said, he greeted all of you.

Whether your eye sees or not,
Even if my hal does not conform to the beauty,
Even if earth does not hear my love,
My heart is always from HIM,
He said, Hazrat Yakup [Hazrat Yaqoob/Jacob] greeted.

One loves the convenient one of the place, [one loves] human who is in assembly.
If the one who gave way to the smoke [who got rid of the smoke], is in cradle,
He/she adds the one who is mature to the one who is immature,
He/she does not ask about the one who comes, [about the one] who does not come.
If he/she does not ask, he/she does not know about the hal of the one who does not come.
Even if water wraps the universe, he/she does not know [about it],
He said, Nuh Aleyhisselam's [Noah's] greeting found you.

Do you know who the one who knows the reality is?
“The one who sees,” you say;
“The one who conforms to the one who sees,” I say. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]

I am Mevlana.
Our nest is full of hearts.
That are [spiritually] mature, that are immature,
That see, that do not see. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
In the bundle of seven colors,
In the battle of human’s heart,
Is there one that does not come as equivalent?
In [for] HIS human who says, “Help,”
On HIS path that he/she walks on,
Is there any one who is not seen?
He said.

What does take the place
Of the loaf [of bread] that is not eaten,
Of the subject that is not said about?
“From Yunus,” is being said,
Is being asked from Mevlana.
“Let Somuncu give,” is being said. [Somuncu=a Sufi saint who lived in the 14th century. He used to distribute loaf of bread to people. Somuncu means in Turkish 'loaf of bread maker.']
“One still walks on the known path,” he said
Somuncu greeted.
I am Mevlana.
Word is being said about the night, [one talks about the night]
Hikmet of the chat is being asked.
Hearts come [as being] so [much] loaded that
The ones who come find the equivalent,
My Allah gives the permission.
Full one is necessary for the full one. [for hearts that are full of HIS deep love, guidance should come from the spirits whose hearts are similarly full...]
HIS path is necessary for HIS human.
We gave before:
Matter to the one whom HE wishes,
The Meaning to the one who wishes [for The Meaning].
Wish according to your heart,
Take according to your hal.

Let greeting be to all of you,
Let it be known that your greetings were conveyed.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

10 April 1974

I am Mevlana.
We gave up our intention
Because intention is on earth day.
We passed beyond the day during which it is said, “It does not happen, it can not happen.”
We arrived at the vision of the one that happens, that will happen.
We greeted all of you.
We saw the one who held the hand
Of the one who was saying, “My [spiritual] washer is on my path,”

Hearts are gardens to be planted,
To harvest what is planted,
He said, my Yunus came.
If flowers opened, wait for their fruits,
If fruits formed, wait that they ripen.

I am Mevlana.
What human will take is neither by place nor by direction,
But only by his/her heart.

Hadji Bektas says,
The one who loves “softa,” is not seen to set up the [spiritual] table; [softa= 1. hist. Muslim theological student. 2. fanatic adherent, blind follower (of some cause). 3. very pious.]
One does not chat with “softa,”
Because one does not build wall for The Building jointly [together with the softa].
If you say to the one who builds the wall, “Roll up the ceiling,” he/she can not roll up.
Because he/she knows nothing but building the wall.
If you set up deep love table for softa, he/she can not take its taste,
Because he/she can not know [how] to cook.
For that [reason] think of the chat with 'master of chat' so that
Your oil lamp burns, your heart is filled with the universe.
“Softa” is said, his/her description is asked.
The one who does not know the going of the [HIS] path,
The one who says, “I know,” although he/she does not know,
The one who does not ask although he/she knows that he/she does not know
Is called “softa.”

My Yunus says:
Even your water, do not drink [it] from softa’s hand.
If they say, “Why?”
He/she gives the water that is not taken from the sun, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
From unordinary direction, he/she turns HIS human [to wrong direction].
Do not be mistaken, our word is for all [humans].
At the beginning of our writing, we gave that the path is without stone.

If the word is tied from the event of the day,
From the surrounding of the heart,
What is the one that will happen when one has [a] heart-to-heart talk saying, “Close friend?”
The one who looks in the mirror, sees as he/she looks.
Your [spiritual] standard  is measured according to your heart;
[similar to how] Dress is tailored according to the body’s measure.
Each event that comes to your name, is because of the secret of the universe.
[the events] That are being watched, what you will see on earth:
It is not the one that conforms to your intention, but only the one that is written.
If you put rawhide sandal on your foot,
If you say, “Even if it is dusty, path is mine,”
“Do not forget The One Who writes,” I say.
Each one that happens, know [it] from The Writing.
If The One Who writes, wrote,
[then] Conform to the going of the path. [i.e. conform to events, do not complain, always be thankful to HIM…]
Your pleading, your worship does not turn your intention,
Does not make your intention conform to The Writing.

I said:
Try to love until you arrive at the universe, until you wrap [embrace] all of its surrounding.
Be one with the one who loves.
Love fills, takes to the one that [? who ?] goes.
What is the one  that [? who ?] goes?
Is there any one that [? who ?] stops?
Pleading that is without love resembles saltless food.

If you see throne, if you ask [about] its king,
“It is written that he will come [? His future [destiny] is written ?],” is said.
One bows before the one who sits [on the throne], one greets;
Not that the one who comes, bowes before the one who leaves his heart empty, [he/she does not bow before a king whose heart is empty]
But so that he [the king] is pleased. [he/she bows because he/she has to do so...]

At the place where there is watching,
There is the one that comes to your heart as beautiful.
Stop at the place where it does not come to your heart as beautiful;
Say, “This is the place where I make mistake,”
Look for the beautiful one there.

Heart is mirror.
Let the one who looks, be inside it, let The One Whom you look at, stay in you.

Each one that is given [is] to all [humans], to each one who takes.

“Segmen” does not know his/her place, does not see HIS path. [segmen: member of militia that used to participate in battle usually as horseman]
He only conforms to The One Who writes.
He goes like in the example of wind, he flows like in the example of torrent,
He smells like in the example of rose.
He does not know the word of the soft path.
However, he does never fall in fault in conformity.

Let one not say, “Where do I start from?”
Each moment is the threshold of the one who starts,
Is the cradle of the one who/that is born.

The one that is written is seen, let one not think that it happens differently.
Ill-gotten gain:
It does not occur from curved to straight; it comes from curved to curved, [curved==the one who is on the wrong path; straight==the one who is on the right path]
And this, only The One Who writes knows.

Let greeting be to all of you,
Let my ALlah's Name stay in tongues, in hearts.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

21 April 1974

I am Mevlana.
One goes forward on the path by walking.
With each step that is taken, one goes farther beyond.
Our goal is of course
To go,
To drive the intentions,
To open the chats.
Let greeting be to all of you.

Let our chat open with three words:
You, I, HIM.
You: salt
I: ocean
HIM: The One Whom one goes to, from the ocean to the arrival.
When ocean is said, WHO gives?
WHO sends [us] to chat?
If you say, "ONE," for you, for me, for HIM,
If you find all of them in WE,
Then you solve the salt. [then you understand what is meant by salt]
Because when you say, “Water, salt, vapor,” you conform to manyness,
When you say, “From HIM,” [you conform] to only ONEness.
When it is said: “Salt [is] matter state of the ocean,” [ocean==God]
Then the attribute of the ocean is meant.
Even if there is matter in The Giving of The Giver,
There is HIS Attribute.

Silence is seen in each full one that/who brews. [1. after each event that comes to its end, silence is seen; 2. Silence is seen in each human who matures spiritually...]

Do not say, “My place [is] coming into being,” [==I have my place like a sand grain in the foundation of The Building]
Say, “View of my Darling.”

Path does not end for the one who goes,
One does not say, "Stop!" to the one who wishes.
Destiny is not read when one wishes.
Even if it is read, it is not solved before seeing.

What is meant by “being soft” is to look into the eye.
What you do not take from eye is the one that you do not find from heart.

When its day comes, the one that is asked is given;
Like in the example of ocean, one blends with the salt.

What is meant by “to live”?
Is it to breath in, [is it] to breath out,
Or is it “to know The Giver”?

If you ask the noble one, dust of the earth [is] the degenerate one.
If you ask the degenerate one, dust of the earth [is] the noble one.
The noble one is HIS as well as the degenerate one.
The good-tempered one is HIS as well as the bad-tempered one.

Like in the example of Yunus,
He/she breaks some with teeth, some with stone.
Who is the one who breaks, WHO is The One Who makes [it/him/her] be broken?
Who is the one who separates as teeth, as stone?

Let us find ONE in “many,”
Let us be all [humans] in ONE,
Let us greet respectfully all together,
Let us cross the stars,
Let us reach the Milky Way together with all [humans].

Let you be entrusted to my Allah.
Let you know [about] the matter like in the example of salt [in the ocean].

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

26 April 1974

I am Mevlana.
What is sought
In the hearts that wrap [embrace],
In the tongues that ask,
In the roses that open?
One sees
The heart that wraps because of love,
[one sees] The tongue that asks because of praising,
[one sees] The rose that opens because of respect.
Its record on his/her notebook is made like that.
Let greeting be to all of you.
Let one be filled with love in wrapping [embracing] hearts,
Let one take HIS science from asking tongues,
Let one see beauty in the roses that open.
What is meant by tongue is “giving.”
If you say, “Asking is giving too,”
It [tongue] asks to the one that opens in hearts.
If you do not look in the mirror, do you see yourself?
If it is like that, “looking” is asking [too].

Each drop that is presented, removes the thirst caused by the salt. [drop==chat; salt==matter]

Ocean gets neither big nor small. [ocean==God]
IT is seen beyond the one that is imagined,
[IT is seen] In the one that is not expected.
For that [reason], let the question be
Not about the one that is imagined,
But about the one that [? The One That ?] is necessary to know.

In the whole of the sand, you can not fall in separation.
When you take [some sand] in your palm, you search the measure;
What do you expect from the measure of the sand?
If you see [the sand] in grass, you do not look for [it] in its beauty.
Why? Because you see as many.
It is not mistake: if you see the grass as many, do you look [at the sand]?
If it is like that, when you find the beauty of ONEness,
Does your humanity not take you to ONEness?
If it does not, do you not become like grass that stays as single? [i.e. like one single grain of the sand that is not among other sand grains, one single grass]
Is the fault in you or in me or in the one who leaves as single?
If I was grass, I would say, “In the one who leaves as single.”
[however, you are human:]
Since you came [to earth] with your mind, you found with your logic,
With your heart, walk to Wholeness.
Be [an] example for the one who does not conform
With your love, with your respect.
Take him/her too, bring [him/her too].
Do not say, “If he/she does not come.”
The path is such that: It brings the one who takes [it], to the end [to the arrival].

In the interpretation of the day, there is human’s problem.
On the [current] day, earth is narrow to [for] human.
In reality, narrowness is in human’s own heart.
WHO is The One Who will make him/her find him/herself?
Of course HAK.
HE will give path to one, HE will cut from the other one.
From the two, the third one will find the middle.
If each existing one is in the middle,
How will finding occur?
The strong one will beat the weak one
So that the weak one finds him/herself,
So that he/she learns that he/she needs strength.
In reality, the beating that he/she is subject to
Is not in accordance with the vision; he/she merits [it]:
If he/she does not complain, if he/she does not look for [someone] stronger,
He/she finds him/herself.
The one who looks for [someone] stronger,
If he/she says, “Let me make the one who beat me, be beaten,”
He/she should know that he/she will be beaten on every occasion.

If there is oil in oil lamp, its light is abundant. [==if he/she does not waste HIS Light, he/she is wise, spiritually mature...]

If the day’s judgment gives peace to your heart,
“You lived one more day,” I say.
Because to live are the days of peace that are in your heart.

"If I say, 'I am in heaven,' you say, 'How?'” he said,
My Yunus came.
When I say, “I am in Heaven,” it is the moment in which I am among you.
If you say,
"Who is the path-fellow of our path,
Who is the heart-fellow of HIS humans?"
Of course Hazrat Mohammad.
What is being given is from him [? HIM ?].
From the Koran that he brought.
We are together with all [humans],
We are in peaceful existence in all [humans].
If you say, “Peaceful existence is in you, [not us],”
Of course I am among you.
Put the body aside,
Throw your ego to plane tree.
What would plane tree do with your ego?
Let crow come and claim its ownership,
Let it take it around, let it save,
Let it even not make [it] befit itself,
He said, my Yunus walked.

Is The One That is looked for in mosque, the one that is seen in assembly?
Assembly: manyness.
However, body does not take the mosque;
Day comes, like in the example of Yunus,
Human comes, stays as “single” in the mosque.
Let it not be misunderstood:
I said singleness, not ONE.
Let us be like that, let us see the universe in “I/me,”
Let us find in “we/us.”

Let us be entrusted to my Allah, with the universe.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel