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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 22

23 October 1973

I am Mevlana.
In each event where helmet is worn, where traveler participates,
Cheering is seen. [there is cheering]

The fact that the walking one conforms, means that he/she hears the one who calls.

If you look for footprint on the snow, the going of the path is not found,
Because when day passes, no footprint stays on the snow.
For that [reason], do not stay in temporary direction.
Do not divide the direction of the going.
Do not conform to the one whom you call “deaf.”
[however,] Do not break his/her heart because he/she does not hear what you say.
Think of the one who hears.
Human to whom you say, “[you are blind,] You do not [can not] see without having your eyes open,”
You can not know where his/her [heart] vision arrives at. [vision==to see The Creator in all of HIS creations]
For that [reason],
Say [bad] word about neither the one who can not see, nor the one who can not hear.

Our law
Teaches to conform to what happens,
Teaches to know the destiny.
If you say, “Is destiny known?”
The One Who writes [it], knows.
When one conforms to HIM,
One says, "Eyvallah," to whatever HE writes.
In other words, destiny is “eyvallah.” [destiny is saying 'eyvallah' for all events…]
When we say this, do we not become as knowing the destiny?

Child is the color, the joy of the home.
In other words, each new birth changes the color, the sound.
Even mud: when sun comes, it makes [the mud] dry. [when sun rises, mud is dried] [mud==religious fanatics / their followers; sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Mix the silver with gold, what is the one that changes? [silver==matter; gold==spiritual meaning]
Its color.

If you break the marble, if you mix [hit] it with stone, it becomes soft.
Does the softness come from the stone or the marble? [is softness due to marble or stone?]

What you seek in the color of the sun, you can not find on the ground.
Sun gave all of its colors to flowers.
When you say, “I can not hold the sun, I can not reach it,”
Then you forget about the flowers.
Of course one can not reach the sun, however, one becomes one [unites] with it.
When you took the flower in your hand, did you see its color?
Did you know Who makes it exist?

Oath does not make the progress of the day change. [with oath, human can not change the events…]

Even though it is said that the face is the appearance of ethics,
Seek not [the outside] beauty, but the beauty that is hidden in the face.
Seek [it] in him/her so that you find your own beauty.

If the jug that is in hand comes as empty, [if your jug is empty]
You take offense.
You think of consulting [with God].
Let my Allah fill the jug of HIS each human as much as
His/her God-given share.

If the colors of the face[s] do not conform [to one another],
You say, “It is far or close to the giving of the sun.”
In the color of Arabs, burning one of the sun is seen.
My Yunus says:
In the separation of the races, knot of the earth is hidden.
Eye that may see that, is not present on earth.
My Allah gave the key of the science to earth,
Said, “Promenade, see, solve!”
HE gave as example,
Fish for under the sea, [fish for submarines]
Bird for airplane.
Each one that HE created/creates, is key for human’s science.

The being of the one that does not exist, can not be proven.

I am Yunus, I say in accordance with my state.
I present one jug of ayran, [ayran=airan, a drink made of yogurt and water]
I put the helmet on the head, I wish salvation for the traveler.
To the one who ties his/her [moral] standard to Yunus: [to the one who listens to Yunus’ advices:]
Each advice that stays in open is forgotten.
Cereal plant grain that does not go to the mill, does not find its place.
When going back it does not stay in open
Because if it stays in open, wind takes, torrent carries.
Our advice:
Let him/her stay in open now, then let him/her sit at his/her place.
In order for our tree to stand straight when it grows up
You lean stone on its root, then you tie [it] to thick stick.
When it finds its order, when it gives its fruit,
There is need neither for stone nor for thick stick.

Let my Allah be pleased
With the ones who came to our night,
With the ones who say about our chat, “God-given share.”
“Let your days be filled with happiness,” he said,
My Yunus gave the word.

If you mix mud with clean hand,
Do you occupy yourself with worry saying, “My hand has gotten muddy”?
As long as your water flows [mud==religious fanatics / their followers; water==spiritual water]
Neither do you see the mud on hand, [? Neither do you see the mud on human, ?]
Nor do you give your heart to ground. [nor do you have groundless worry]

The one who knows to love the guest,
No measure is seen in his/her good deed. [his/her good deeds are countless]
The one who stays away from guest,
His/her path’s stones are not picked.

Even though unripe grape is not eaten, it is candidate to be eaten by you.

The one who does not tolerate the coyness,
Stays away from the place where there is pleading [with God].
Whom does one act coyly toward? Of course toward the one who loves.
I love the one who loves, I know that I am loved,
For that [reason], I believe that even your coyness will be welcome. [? For that [reason], I believe that even YOUR coyness will be welcome. ?]

Green grapevine on purple mountain.
Walk slowly, do not step on the flowers.
What you take from the lap, is the one that you collected from the grapevine.

The one who asks about the interrogation [that takes place during migration to after earth life],
The one who says, “In spare,” [the one who says, “I have so many good deeds in my spare that I am sure my interrogation will be good,”]
Smoke filled his/her heart.

The one who wishes for “keramet,” the one who waits for miracle, [keramet=1. miracle worked by God through a person. 2. the God-given power of working miracles.]
Let him/her open the door of his/her heart.
If your coming [to earth], if your vision [vision==to see The Creator in HIS creations], if your return [to after earth life]
Do not show you,
If you do not find [HIM] in yourself,
If you do not see [HIM] in the universe,
Say, “My Allah,” wish, take shelter in HIS pardon.
Because each event is miracle for the one who sees.
Wish to my Allah to be able to see, [however,] do not give your word to other humans. [do not make your wish be known by other humans]

Is return ever seen in the going of the water? [has it ever been seen that water that flows towards the ocean, to flow backward?] [ocean==God]

Beauty is not in specialty,
It is because of the Loftiness of The Creator.
The specialty of the nights is because of the giving of the events.

If you looked at the surrounding, [yet,] if you walked and gone [without seeing],
Your vision does not take you out of the surrounding.
However, your surrounding widens together with you.

Eyvallah, salvation for our path,
Effort for our human,
Strength for our arm.

At the place where water takes to,
What human waits for is seen.
Let us say, “Eyvallah,”
Let us tie [finish] our word.

THE ONE THAT you see in the long one of the water,
Let your heart make [HIM] come to your nearby.
[let your heart] Make you see in [the color of the] grass the rest of the green. [green==LIGHT color of Prophet Mohammad]

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

2 November 1973

I am Mevlana.
We came from soft path, we found the one who wishes [for HIS path].

[during our lifetime [in body] on earth:]
We conformed to events with hal, we counted the days.
We spread the flowers,
We saw each one that happened. [? We saw each one who matured spiritually. ?]
Like that we came to our senses.
We fell
Neither in the questioning of the one that went, [we did not question about the events that happened]
Nor in the judgment of the one that was coming. [we did not worry about future events]
Do not think that we delved into the one who matured [spiritually], [or] the one who did not mature [spiritually]. [we did not give spiritual measure to humans]
We were not mistaken in measure
Because we referred [submitted/transferred the measure] to HIM.

The one who wishes for help to the wing of the bird
That owns the nest,
Is the one who denies what is given to him/her.
If you say, “Why?”
Similar to how there is wing of the bird,
You, you have power to walk.
To each one whom/that HE created/creates,
My Allah gives strength to endure and
To resist the one who/that is more powerful than he/she/it is.
If you say, “Resistance [is] mistake,” it is because of the importance of its place. [because "resistance" has an important role in the test that is taken on earth...]
[? If you say, “Resistance [is] mistake,” it is because of the importance of his/her place [rank]. ?]

If what you intend to learn is beyond your power,
[then] Effort is in vain.
If what you see is beyond what your heart takes,
[then] Amazement is in vain.
When it happens like that, “HAK’s miracle,” you say.
Event is the opening of the heart eye of human.
Is 'finding of Ali' because of his science?
Of course because of my Allah’s permission.
HE does not return the one who comes to HIS door.
HE does not make turn [refuse] the one who asks about HIS Work.
The whole of The Building is the one
That the universe makes rotate/orbit,
That the soft path takes to.
At the place of each star, its [spiritual] washer sits.
What/who is the one that/who rotates/orbits without giving up,
And wakes up as much as he/she rotates/orbits?
What is meant by star is all of HIS humans,
Is the heart LIGHTs of all of humans.
The stars of the soft path
Are in the community of Milky Way.
Each creation that/who is in the orbit of the sun [sun==Prophet Mohammad; star==saint]
Takes its/his/her light from it [? him ?] only.
There is no mistake.
What is the meaning of the soft path?
The footprint that the one who found HIS path, left.
The soft path of the one who found his/her place, [of the one] who found the correct path.
The one who comes behind him/her, is the one who leaves footprint [too].

The intention of the one who enters the “meyhane” is evident. [meyhane=bar/restaurant like public place in 14th century where wine was served]
Wine server presents only wine,
What does he/she take [back]? Empty wine glass.
My Yunus says:
Let me be the wine server, let me fill the empty wine glass.
Let me ask the one who comes, let me stand away from the one who goes [without stopping],
Let me stand on the going of the path [to help the travelers].
If I ask the one who passes, about intention,
When I take as response, “God-given share,” let me rejoice.
How many travelers say, “God-given share,” and walk,
How many travelers read [wish for] their intentions,
How many travelers weave the path of intention. [how many travelers work hard to reach their intentions]
[however,] By saying, “Ya Allah,” path opens
Like in the example of butter and honey:
To the food of the one who eats, God-given share is given from HIS LIGHT.
Your God-given share is written by HIS hand.
If you seek solution for the wool ball, it is rolled up with patience. [wool ball==lifetime on earth]

When snow falls, soil is covered like in the example of cloth covering.
In CEMAL, beauty is perceived, [CEMAL (read as Jeemal)=One of the Attributes of Allah; manifestation of The Creator by means of HIS Favors and HIS Beautiful Giving]
In CELAL, anger is asked about. [CELAL (read as Jeelal)=One of the Attributes of Allah; manifestation of The Creator by HIS Anger and HIS Majesty]
HIS CEMAL and HIS CELAL are in HIS human’s heart.

Let us give up “feeling sad.”
Even if what we drink is bitter, let us look for beauty.
Let us get free of saying, “Trouble.”
Let us also leave footprint on the sand.
One does not pass before crossing, no load is put on the bridge. [in order to pass the bridge, human should be free of his/her earth loads…]
The one who comes, passes.
What is the one that comes from the effort
Of the one who beats him/herself up for the trouble
Of the one who takes, of the one who gives?
If you say, “Let me pour water to the ocean, let me make it larger,”
If you spend effort all your lifetime long [for that purpose],
What is the return of your effort?
Fatigue for nothing.
The only thing that you will take from and give to the universe
Is your love.
The rest is your God-given share…
To pour water to the ocean is for [the one who pours water to the ocean is:]
The one who says, “I am on my Allah’s path,
I worship HIM,
Of course I have contribution to HIS creation too,”
The one who sees him/herself as ready.

What is sheria?
Ironing of washed laundry.
If you iron dirty laundry,
You reveal its dirt [even] more clearly.
You wish to open. [you wish that it is explained:]
You cover the mirror.
[however,] Mirror, before all, shows you to yourself,
The one that you wear without ironing disturbs your [own] eye.
The one that annoys you is the order [orderliness] that is contrary to sheria.
When you see yourself as washed,
As purified with HAK’s LIGHT,
[then] Of course you wish for ironing too.
However, when you do not have spare time for ironing,
You are content with your purity.

Humanity is both easy and difficult.
Where is the easiness?
If you know that you are human,
If you conform to the one that comes from HIM.
What is the difficulty?
To fall in questioning,
To look for the reason of each event.

Let us eat what HE gives,
Let us roll up what HE spreads,
Let us love what HE wraps [i.e. all universe],
Let us respect what HE set/sets up [i.e. the order/the structure of the universe].
There is salvation in respect.
Let us say " Eyvallah,"
Let us tie [finish] our word.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel