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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 21

2 October 1973

I am Mevlana.
We have no question about HIS favor,
We have no worry about what comes. [we do not worry about future events]
We have no doubt that HE will give.
Let us say, “Elhamdulillah [=praise to God / all praise belongs to God [in everyday speech it simply means "Thank God!"]],”
Let us thank HIM for every one that comes.

The mountain that we can not cross, is not crossed not because it can not be crossed; [the mountain can be crossed, however, because we do not use our mind, it may seem as if it could not be crossed]
If it is like that, we do not cross not because of its height.
You set up bridge over the river,
Then you cross the one that is not crossed.

Oath belongs to the ones who do not find their places.
Oath belongs to the ones who do not know the right [correct].

He came by us, my Yunus took the word.
I sieved the stone, the soil,
Callus formed on my hand.
“Hey The Creator, you looked after my hand so beautifully,” I said.

Ghazal’s word
Resembles the wretched one’s saz, [ghazal=A kind of Oriental lyric, and usually erotic, poetry, written in recurring rhymes; saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
Says what passes through his/her heart, [says according to his/her heart]
Makes the herd find its path.
If it was known what a happiness the herd is, [if it was known that to be part of the herd is such a great happiness]
You would be prayerful for all humans to join the herd.
It is beyond mureed.
Mureed observes mursheeds.
The Mursheed Who is here, is no one but The Giver HIMself,
There is no intermediary.
I gave before,
Whether shepherd is there or not, he [? HE ?] looks after the one that [? who ?] separates from the herd. [similar to how a shepherd would look after the sheep even when he is far from the herd, God looks after HIS humans like that...]

You look for shade, you look at each tree.
Your own shadow covers the tree that you try to take shelter under.
Give up your desire to look for [it], choose your own heart.
Before becoming Yunus, before igniting [the heart] fire, I kept on looking for.
I  found my path there, I thought I found there.
In reality, path was in my own heart.
If you do not know you, yourself, who finds you?
Yunus [is] on HIS path, the one who wishes [is] in his arm.
Stone in one hand, sand in one hand; [take stone in one hand, sand in the other]
The more you walk, the more you see [realize] the weight of the one that is in your hand.
You first leave the stone from your hand, then the sand.
What do you lose with the ones that you leave from your hand?
Then, you see that taking in hand is unnecessary.
Is the usefulness of the stones that you take with you without counting
More than the ones that you take after counting?
The one that you wish to take, take knowingly,
Then you see its usefulness.

What is the harvest?
If you say, “Straw,” when the crop reaches maturation,
When saddlebags are filled, harvest is countless.

The one who knows yellow, does not take the word for red,
Because there is no need to take the word when one knows yellow.
You find yourself inside it.
Let us not say, “We did not cross.”
Each stage [spiritual level/degree] shows the beauty of one step farther.
In each view, human finds him/herself as incapable.
This does not mean, “You stayed at your place.” [this does not mean that you did not move higher]
It is the excitement of the first step.
The more you climb, the more you are amazed.
Each time you climb, you harvest the fruit of your amazement.

Did you find what you looked for in the soil?
Did you mix snow with molasses?
We presented to you,
What we presented, we made [it] known to your heart.
Palace belongs neither to you nor to me,
However, it is set up for us.

If you found HIS soft path, walk.
The path of the one who wears light shoe with silver thread ends fast. [he/she can not go far on HIS path]
Silver thread is used in delicate fabric,
And that is not convenient for the path, it does not serve you.
If your path is [with] event, it has [it provides] no respect.
I did not say, “You do not wear,” [just] do not conform to the one who wears [it].
It is not said [either], “Let the one who wears [it], not wear [it].” [i.e. do not tell him/her to take it off, just leave him/her alone]
It is said that he/she does not know his/her place.

I took bowl, I found honey in earthenware pot.
I knew what I ate, I asked the one who did not eat.
“Whether I eat ten spoons or one spoon, it will finish,
If so, let me share [it] with the one who did not eat,” I said [to myself].
I put [it] in the middle.
Are bees in the universe used up?
Or is the God-given share of Yunus blocked?
HE gives bee, Yunus shares again. [? Bee gives, Yunus shares again. ?]
HE does not give the food [directly].
On the other hand, the one for whom “more” is not his/her God-given share, does not find.
He said, my Yunus gave the word.

I am Mevlana.
In the foundation of the nest, there is HIS Work. [nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
In the knot of the wool ball, there is HIS hand. [HE creates the knot]
What HIS Word gives, what your heart sees
Is up to the place that you wish. [what you learn/understand from our chats depends on you, i.e. if you wish for The Meaning from heart...]
Let us eat what HE gives, let us roll up what HE spreads,
Let us love what HE wraps [i.e. the whole universe], let us respect what HE has set up.
There is salvation in respect.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

16 October 1973

I am Mevlana.
We were not feverish, we did not find in number [we did not count / we were content with our God-given share],
We took, we did not stay [behind on HIS path].
We did not ask saying, “From whom?”
We knew The Giver, we said, “From my Allah.”
We rejoiced for HIS record [of our good deeds and sins].
We came, we have been one with all [humans];
With the ones who came/come, we said “Eyvallah,” to all of you.

The one who seeks at the summit, does not find in the rose;
The one who seeks in the heart, can not turn back from HIS path.
We all came,
We became one with the ones who open [set up] the chat table.
We saw the ones who become one.

[The Reality] Is not taken [bought] per cubit, is not found by measure.
My Yunus says:
I took path with lifetime,
I found heart with one word.
It happens
Not by saying, “Let me take,”
But by adding mortar to the wall that is being built.
The wall is built whether you wish or not;
[however,] With [you] joining, your name is remembered.
Each root that you burry [plant], becomes tree.
If you say, “Let me seek The Reality,
Let me find the right path,” it is wish.
On the other hand,
Which moment is the moment in which The Reality will be opened to you?
In order for you to know, it is necessary
That your heart eye opens,
That The Reality of HAK is wished for.
What is meant by “The Reality” is not HIS secrets.
Each existing one is open.
However, secret is in you.
The door that you try to force open, shows you the second door;
There, your power is lost.

Gamsiz says,
I wished to Gani, “Send me my Allah,” I said.
HE sent, I took, I thought that I took.
[I used to think:]
Let me buy the hearts, let me own a lot of hearts…
However, I realized
That heart is taken with love,
That [only] matter is exchanged with matter.
“What do I do?” I said.
I gave [it/the matter] to birds as feed,
Even them, they did not wish.
“Let the one who wishes take [it], let the hearts be mine,” I said,
I have been prayerful to my Allah.

“We wished to YOU, we took from the chat,” is said.

Happening of good deed is from HAK,
Vision of human, [is] from events.
“Of course good deed is from HAK,” he said, my Veled came.
If you go to desert, do not say, “I may stay without water.”
Your water giver comes, presents [the water] with[in] his/her bowl.
We took, we came, we greeted with respect.

Eyvallah,” he said, Geylani greeted.
The most beautiful one of the chats, [is the one in which] hearts are connected together,
[in which] One cries [sheds tears] for Darling, [in which] The Beautiful One is seen.
We became One with Darling, we sat at the table of Darling.

“In the sherbet that we drank, in the chat that we opened [started/participated], [sherbet=any of a number of nonalcoholic drinks made with sugar and spices or sugar and fruit juice]
We erased the doubts, we became one and only one,” he said,
Celebi greeted.
From HIS name, my name is remembered, became one in HIS name,
He said, he greeted.

Before opening your month, before passing your day[s], [before becoming spiritually mature, and this takes time]
Before choosing HIS direction, you can not take, you can not know what you take,
He said, Hadji Bayram entered the chat.
You do not sweat in the shade, if you do not sweat, you can not know.
Let him/her stay in the sun, let him/her know as much as he/she sweats, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
He said, he walked, he hugged all of you with love.

Let my Allah be pleased with the one who opens the chat.
Let ONEness stay in all [humans].
Even if the slope of the path is upward, even if it tires human,
Let him/her not separate him/herself from the beauty of climbing.

When skin is in you, is life yours?
"If skin is yours, life is yours too" does not occur.
If you say that skin is yours,
“[then] Own [it] as you wish,” I say.

You separate what from where, [and] how do you find the face that you wish for?
If you wear yashmak, [yashmak=tulle veil for a woman's face which leaves only the eyes exposed to public view]
Then you stay underneath the veil [and nobody can recognize you].
If you are curious about the writing of the book,
Then you stay as incapable of reading,
Because the book is not open to you.

If you begin [a] journey with light shoe on your feet, [light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
The walk is up to the place
Where the feet take you,
Where the line is drawn.
If you say, “Let me take precaution, let me go beyond,”
Then you waste the path that you [already] went. [the distance that you moved is cancelled]
Since we know the going,
Let us be ready for the going.

Let us say, “Eyvallah," let us tie the chat to word.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

19 October 1973

I am Mevlana.
We did not eat so that it ripened, [we waited until it ripened]
We did not laugh so that he/she turned [to HIS path].
We entered the path of the one who laughed
So that he/she gave his/her hand to us.
To the one whose vineyard was big, we said, “Eyvallah,”
So that he/she spread in front of us.
We showed all [humans] the essence of the path
So that he/she loved The Creator.
Do not say, “Is there any one who does not love?”
Is it [ever] seen that the one who knows and the one who does not know, are one [the same]?
Who is the one who knows, what is the one who does not know?
The one who knows, is the one
Who erases him/herself,
Who finds HIM in him/herself,
Who says, “Every creation is from HIM,”
Who solves that what belongs to HIM is from HIM.

We are in The Building of The Architect, at the door of the one who sees.
In The Building of The Architect, there is stone as well as sand as well as wooden board;
All of them become one whole, bring forth the building.
For that [reason] we say, “Do not seek the faulty one!”
When one becomes “one whole,” see his/her place too.
It is known that fruit comes into being,
Develops in the hand of human,
Is eaten with delight.
The fruit that does not ripen, is thrown away to the soil.
When it is thrown away [to the soil], does it become wasted?
It turns green again, becomes [a] tree,
It gives fruit too.
For that [reason], do not say [bad] word about unripe fruit. [unripe fruit==spiritually immature human]

Each one that develops, is the one that comes into being.
When sand is sieved, what happens to the stone that is thrown?
If you say [bad] word about the fire of the sun,
If you say [bad] word about the bleat of the lamb,
Where do you find The Beautiful One?
If there is no stone, where do you seek the sand?
Your foot hits the stone
So that you find yourself,
So that you say, “I did not see because I did not look.”
Stone does not walk and [does not] come to your foot.

If you do not take the mirror, if you do not see your face,
You can not know the [spiritual] washer, you can not untie the knot.

The one who asks, “Where am I?”
If he/she knows that he/she is at the place where The Creator created,
He/she would stay away from the question.
Wherever you are, you are at HIS Post.

Our shore is sandy, the one who comes, knows.
Our oath is HAK, the one who hears, takes.
We give the patch to the one who wishes, our heart is pure.
We said oath, we said to the one who seeks way for its solution.
When we say, “We come [to shore],” it is meant:
Hearts flow, in other words, they come together on the shore.
Since each one that we give is from HIM,
[then] There is [a] solemn agreement between the one who takes and us.
Is solemn agreement not oath?
To take an oath is separate [different].
Solemn agreement is celebration of formation.
If you know HIM in the sound that comes from the minaret,
[then] You take not the sound but the word.
Because in word you find The Essence,
Once you find The Essence, you become One with HIM.
In ONEness there is you, in ONEness there is me:
If it is like that, in ONEness there is only "we."
Being "we," [when we become "we,"] we celebrate every hal.
Because we found ourself.
“To find oneself” does not happen with word.
The one who finds him/herself, does not play saz. [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
The one who finds him/herself is the one who reaches silence.
He/she is not the one who takes, but the one who gives.
He/she is the one who laughs at the one who says, “Let me take patch,”
Because him/her: he/she has become nothing, but the patch itself.
He/she left “being cloth” behind.
He/she went away from saying, “Let me be servant at Your door,”
Because he/she removed the door from in between.
He/she removed him/herself from the assembly,
He/she is transformed into the assembly again.
In the assembly you were single, you got out,
In returning again, you became “one” with the assembly;
Similar to how food is separate before cooking, [similar to how each ingredient of the food is different from one another before they are all cooked together]
Alone, their tastes are separate too, [each ingredient’s flavor is different too]
When they become one, when they enter the pot,
When all become one taste, they fill the table of the human [as one].

“Do not be among the ones who come with wind, who go with torrent.
Do not mix The [spiritual] Meaning with matter.
Salt and sugar are not eaten together,
However, one does not stay away from any one of them,”
Said my Yunus,
Congratulated the beautiful one of the day, became spokesman.
He said that he saw flower gardens in all [of you].
We did not own HIS property,
We did not leave from our hand the God-given share that HE gave.
Let us say, “Eyvallah,” to the one who says, “To live is beautiful,”
Let us give the essence of the living:
If you have your lover [if you have one who loves you], you live as much as the one who loves,
If you have not your lover…
For that [reason], in cause seek the cause in yourself:
“To find oneself” is that!
["to find oneself"] Is to seek the fault in oneself.
"To find oneself" does not mean to say,
“I do not want [any] merchandize,
I am not partner in your property.”
Neither does HE give [you] the merchandize as much as you want,
Nor does HE make you partner in HIS property.

If you seek sky without smoke [cloud],
Then you turn your face away from HIS rain.

Delight of the difficulty happens as big. [accomplishment of the difficult task gives more pleasure / difficult test's reward is bigger]
Tyrant sees the suffering of the cruelty. [the one who is cruel suffers for his/her cruelty]
When the one who is subject to cruelty
Takes shelter in his/her Allah,
Then he/she sets up his/her own throne.

The one who keeps in step with the flow of the [spiritual] water,
Finds him/herself in the ocean. [ocean==God]

I am Mevlana.
If you make [a] lasso, whom do you throw [it] around?
Is the one that you take [with you] as spare, yours?
What is the one that you will take as spare?
It is the one that is done
So that it is seen by human's eye,
So that he/she is said about, “He/she has many good deeds.” [good deed that is done to show off]
However, each one that is done, is without spare
Because there is no need for any spare.
The one that is done, is [a] necessity of the humanity.
If you eat when you are hungry,
Is it an extraordinary event?
Your execution of your humanity duty is like that too.
If so, there is no need for spare.
[if you do it as spare,] Then do you not become as if you lasso your duty of humanity,
As if you put it behind yourself perforce?
Why is there spare?
Because of the doubt that what will come, will be cut [will not come]. [one doubts that what is expected to happen may not happen]
One does not lasso the good deed.
One does not expect favor from ordinary events.

If there is human's eye on what The Giver gives, [if another human desires what The Giver gives to you]
Shake yourself, throw it away from yourself. [do not keep it with you]
If you think of the ones who can not eat from the food that you eat,
“Eat bread with water,” I say.
The stage [spiritual level] that one crosses, is not the one that he/she is amazed that he/she passed.
What food gives, is the one [test] that HIS human gives on earth.
To think about the front, about the back of the God-given share
Is not the worry of the human. [is none of human’s business]
It is not, “I do not care.” [what we mean is different than “I do not care” / we do not mean that human should not care at all]
To doubt the giving of The Giver includes every event.
It is not seen that dervish lodge stays without wood.
One does not think of anybody who does not find fire there, why?
[because] It is known that fire burns there in every moment.
The one who wishes can come to dervish lodge in every moment.
If it is like that, one receives the one who has no fire in every moment with open arms,
“Let the one who comes, come, let him/her get warm as he/she wishes,” is being said.
If you knead the yeast for yourself,
Only yourself, you get full.
If you say, "For all [humans]," [then] you open bakery. [if your intention is for the good of all humans, then God helps you...]
This is the word. [this is the main point]

Is the breath yours or mine?
Spiritual measure is yours;
Its [? HIS ?] measure is neither in you nor in me.
Do not solve the word with daily events, [do not try go guess spiritual measure by looking at daily events]
Do not measure your own maturation.

Earth is tied with body.
Universe is loaded with atom.
One work comes into existence at each stage.
When eighteen thousand curtains open one by one,
ONEness of the universe is found.
The power to open it, is in whom?
The channels that are being given are from where?
Earth’s evolution opens with every new one who comes,
One goes one step farther.
If you say, “How?”
The signals that are being given, is that.
None of them owns his/her own will.
When 'will' is said, it is not like the situation on earth.
When 'extraordinary discoveries' are said,
Discovery is connected to the channel that gives the signal.
The going of the earth exists thanks to you, thanks to me.
The beings who live outside of the earth
Are a lot higher than you.
You, where do you live?
[on earth;]
If it is like that, there is a world of the being,
However, it is not like how you think of.
Body is in you.
In the one that is higher than you, there is no body at all.
Is what you call 'matter' not imagination?
What you call 'matter,' every thing that you see as matter: Imagination.
If you seek “the work,” you ask about the building.
If you set up the building, you seek light.
The signal that comes to you is that light.
“I held with hand, I saw with eye,” you say;
Extend your hand and hold, let us see how you hold… [when you are in matter environment, i.e. in imagination, you are not really holding, seeing...]
Let us say, “Ya Allah,” let us give the word to Ali.

I am Ali, I came, I found the greeting in all [humans].
I found ONEness in the one who/that is given, in The Giver, in the one who/that takes,
In ONEness, I found peace.
In each one who entered the ship,
I saw conformation to travel attribute.
From the questions, I deducted the meaning
Of the solution of The Most Superior Being.
If you take the matter away from The Meaning
It is seen that each existing one comes closer to HIM step by step.
Each one who comes closer,
Sends HIS giving to the one who waits with his/her body [on earth].
What is HIS giving?
It is LIGHT which is the state that he/she is [currently] in.
The closer he/she is, the more powerful HIS giving is.
The one that is seen, the one that is called 'light'
Is the one that is sent by the one who is close to HIM.
Is what you take not signal?
Let your heart be LIGHT, let your wish be HIM.
You are happy because you take the open one of the signal,
You are not among the ones who try to solve.
I came with greeting, I saw, I am pleased.
“Let my Allah be pleased with all of them,
Let their hearts be filled with LIGHT,” I said.
I thanked The One Who sent.
I opened eighteen thousand curtains, I came.
I reached you, I found.
I said,
“My Allah, let them be among the ones who find salvation,
Let them find without looking for the curtains.”

I am Mevlana, I came.
I saw the ones who are washed with HIS LIGHT.
I said, “Ya Allah,” I greeted respectfully.
Earth [is] for earth human,
Universe [is] for the one who/that is created.
All of them [are] for you, for your finding [for you to find HIM].
What a happy night that is given to you that
Skies opened, the one that is sent is chosen.
Let you be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you stay with your LIGHT.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel