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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 65

1 January 1978

I am Mevlana.
We gave the beautiful one
Of the temperament and [spiritual] water.
“If you are together with us,
Our hand is in your hand,” we said.
Is the one that we give,
Is that we see your hal.

Each door is opened because of HIM;
If you give from your hal,
It is passed nicely. [you pass through the door easily]
[there is nothing hidden from HIM:]
[even] What you eat beyond the wall is seen;
[when you are on HIS path:]
Your destiny is built brighter than you wish for.
[on the other hand, the one who is not on HIS path, takes lesson the hard way:]
The one whom you say about,
“He/she could not take,”
Finds HIS Order [orderliness].

“What is the one that conforms to our hal?” is said,
It is given to question. [it is asked]
HIS human who is loved,
His/her hal is evident.
We gave before,
“You are from the ones who are loved,” we said.
When it is like that,
Hand is given to your [spiritual] maturation [we help you]
While being in state of being loved.

Meryem [Virgin Mary] says:
Let him/her know that
What he/she heard four days ago
Was from me.
Let him/her find [me] next to him/her
On the day when he/she remembers.
Beauty is What he/she takes,
Specialty is What he/she knows.
Let him/her say,
“In the name of Meryem,”
Let him/her start his/her pleading saying, “My Allah,”
Let him/her call to his/her help.
He/she will find his/her day as bright,
His/her worries will disperse like in the example of smoke.
The most beautiful of all:
He/she will laugh at the path of HAK.
“I gave the word, nobody takes,
‘My situation,’ I said, nobody asks.
I fell in trouble, nobody sees,”
You said,
Do not forget.
[Hazrat Meryem’s chat ends here]

“On the day when I was stuck between four walls,
I called [HIM] with HIS name,
I shouted saying, 'HAK.'”
He said, my Yunus tied the word: [he joined the subject]
In each direction that I promenaded,
On each day that I knew,
I rejoiced for my humanity,
I knew HIS Place as next to us.
Let you be entrusted to my Allah,
Let you conform to the most beautiful hal,
Let you not find ‘ridiculing [even] sparrow’
As appropriate.

Moon-star [moon==Hazrat Ali; star==saint]
Is salvation,
Is ‘to erase the fear.’

I am Mevlana.
Spare does not become path. [spare==human who doubts WHAT he/she searches]
The one who walks is not delayed on the [HIS] path.
[HIS] Path is evident.

The hal of the one who conforms to The Order [orderliness]
Makes one [spiritually] mature.
Human of every path is of course being filled [too]. [human with old religious belief, he/she still moves forward towards HIM too]
Let us be
Not from the ones who stay [behind]
But from the ones who move forward on the [HIS] path,
Let us find on the path What we wish for.

Each tree’s flower is different,
Each tree’s fruit is separate from one another.
Neither does its color look alike
Nor [is] its taste [similar];
Yet its name is single: fruit. [analogy with humans]

The lineage that is valuable is
Not the one that changes
But the one that develops.
‘Generation’ is said,
It is remembered like that.
“Let us be partner in the order [orderliness] that changes,
Let us find our place ourselves too,” you say.
None of the ones who/that are created
Finds him/her/itself on the ground,
[none of them] Stays away from the help of The One Who created/creates.

Flower that opens newly
Does not wilt if it takes water. [analogy with humans and spiritual water]

What you will cross is on the path,
What you will run to [what you will work hard about]
Is in hal.
[you will come] To the place
That the creation knows,
[to the place] Where he/she finds The One Who created/creates.

You did not wish to give voice to the well, [you did not shout into the well]
You did not say, “Let me take my own voice [back].”
Of course there is path that you will cross.
The remnant that the well gives you, is narrow. [flowing water flows to the ocean; water of lake/well does not flow to the ocean] [ocean==God] [lake/well==religious fanatics]
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

2 January 1978

I am Mevlana.
We took
The saz from earth, [saz= a stringed musical instrument ]
The word from the path.
We gave leaf and branch as one [together].
“Our place is asked from heart,
Our hal is asked from HIS human,” we said.
We took the question from the leaf. [we heard the question about the leaf]
Leaf does not occur without branch.
The one that is not known
Does not give path;
The one that you know,
Does not erase you.

At the place of the sand,
Stone does not come to human.
Sand is the one that is sifted;
Word is the one that is known;
Place is the one that is asked [about].
Neither early nor late
HE does not erase your place.

Our word that is given
Does not drop from the record.

The one who knows, gives,
He/she is not mistaken.

If path is not on flatness,
Human does not run.

What you do not take
Is not from you;
What you do not know
Is not from me.

In the structure of the bone,
At the door of the one who loves,
There is the order [orderliness] that is waited for.

The one who says, “It does not open,”
Is blind.
There is
The One Who chooses, the one who is chosen.
There is
The one who loves, the one who is loved.
Let it be known that
The world of the one who says, “It is valueless,”
Is narrow.

Pen affects
The hand of the one who writes, [hand of the one who writes=Garib] [saints used to write the chats using Garib’s hand…]
The heart of the one who reads.
In the trial [experiment] that you go through,
It is open [clear]
That you know the formation,
That you give direction to the pen.
You will take your value appropriately,
On that day, you will erase the worry.

We gave before, didn’t we?
There is power [work] of HIS human
In the building of the wall,
On the display of HIS human.
Of course your helper comes.
Events develop day by day,
Each event comes into being
With your contribution.

It is taken
Not by giving with word
But by living day by day. [apply our teachings to your daily life]
Our giving is of course
Because of the open order [orderliness] of the plan.
You are made to want.

The narrative that one lives
Is daily:
It is written day by day.
Events find the order [orderliness] in human,
In daily life, they disappear from word. [they are not talked about any more]
The events
That accumulate in your saddlebag of knowledge, through daily life,
That develop until the [current] day,
[are] Not like in the example of addition [of one to another].
In the events
That conflict with one another at the axis,
That conform yet to one another at the same time,
The order [system] [that is] without additive [is seen].
[yet] On some days, degenerating pages [also] open.

It is the judgment of day:
The one whom you show as witness
Is the one who caused [the event].
He/she is the one who says
“Let me bend knee on sand,”
But [he/she says]
“Let me cover my footprint [that is] on snow.”

Let you erase the worry[, let you know that:]
Every particle of the sky
Is One with earth.

When you do not come to your senses:
Oath: [when one swears:]
One bends [is bent] like in the example of iron.
Of course,
Even the one who does not know his/her place [in after earth life]
Finds him/herself. [comes to his/her senses in a hard way like in the example of worked iron]

It is known
That you take concrete evidence,
That you know your place in the vision, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
That you conform to The Order [orderliness] without question.
In each event when you make mistake,
Your Helper comes in moment.
In every hal, it is necessary to consult.

He gave the one that is temporary,
Lokman took the word:
He/she will come as arms [being] full,
Smoke will rise [disperse] from the mountain.
Close friend [? Close Friend ?] will fall in your tongue; [you will talk about close friend [? Close Friend ?] a lot]
Close friend will laugh at your hal.
“Arms will come as full,” we said,
[this is] What is wished of course.

Iron is tried;
The one that is tried
Is given from shape to shape.
In each event that you have been through,
You found yourself. [you came to your senses]
With what you took yourself,
You matured [spiritually] yourself.
Packsaddle is the one that you threw away [from your back],
Shore [of the ocean] is the one that you found. [ocean==God]
Sun is the one that you are. [? Sun is the one that made you [spiritually] mature. ?] [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Deep love is the one that you are filled with.
The Reality is WHAT you know until the [current] day;
After the [current] day,
[The Reality] Is that you live your each day knowingly.

Is The Reality The One That opens WHAT appears?
Openness is in events.
Each event takes to flatness.

“Do not fall in worry,” we said.
The smoke that is on the mountain disperses.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

3 January 1978

I am Mevlana.
We gave the new one every day.
The one that passed,
The one that will come,
We saw [them] as appropriate.
To each one who came,
We gave the writing that is wished.
We have spread what happens in lifetime
Onto the display.
What is inappropriate does not come [from us];
What is said about, “It does not happen,”
Is not given by us.
Chat is not entered
Before The Order [Allah’s command] comes. [we only chat when Allah gives permission]
Word is never said from human to human. [we never gossip about humans]
We gave, we will give,
We will be together with each one who loves.
We will laugh with the one who laughs,
We will give hand to the one who cries [sheds tears].
In the one who is said about, “Child,”
We will see the seed of [spiritual] maturation fruit. [we will see the seed of a fruit that will ripen]

Our name is known because of our promise:
Our word is remembered as
“Wherever you are,
Whomever you come from,
How much ever you [will succeed to] mature [spiritually] [? Whatever you are ?]
Our path is path of hal,
It is never word of entertainment.

There is no fault in any hal.
Let us
Neither blame ourselves
Nor accuse the one who comes.
Whatever is said is from HIM
As well as whatever is caught… ['catch' as in 'to catch a fish']

Day of birth was given,
Toktay [Jesus Christ] was gathered in our heart.
That [his] selam [peace/greeting] came
Was interpreted with each word.

Selam [peace/greeting]
Is HAK becoming manifest to HIS human,
Is HIS human knowing him/herself in HAK.
Since connection is set up,
Since both worlds are kneaded [with one another], [1st world==earth life, 2nd world==after earth life]
Then selam occurred from one [world] to the other one.

“The one who knows his/her place,” we said. [place==one's place in after earth life]
Of course what is taken is from HIS Representative:
Selam and each divine word that comes.
Our pleading is with all of you. [we plead for all of you]

“I wished for path to come,
I wished for hal to laugh,
I gave heart to stay,” he said, [I wanted very much to stay]
My Yunus entered the word: [he joined the chat]

“Nest [is] warm, our guest[s are] abundant. [nest == Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
Each heart [is] free for what he/she knows. [each human is free to choose what he/she wants to learn/know]
The one who wished,
He/she came, he/she stayed,
[he/she] Took God-given share from each chat.
Some laughed, knew the rose.
Some walked, found the [HIS] path.
Our name stayed in each one who came.
When I say, 'Let me stay,' is that.” [when I said a few verses above 'I gave heart to stay,' I meant this...]

(Question: The meaning of the hadith, “The one who knows him/herself, knows his/her RAB,” is being asked)

If me, I know myself,
If I find [myself] in God,
Then I turn to myself.
When it is like that,
I know myself.
Do you have chat with Darling? [do you chat with Darling?]
Is its each moment benefit for me?
If it is like that,
[then] The one who knows him/herself, knows God.
WHAT he/she knows is HIS Being;
What he/she erases is nothingness. [? What he/she erases, is his/her nothingness. ?]
What are both Being and nothingness?
If you exist, then ‘you’ are nothing.
[because] The One That exists is HIM.
You can not solve HIS BEING with ‘you.’ [you can not understand HIS BEING if you only think in terms of matter that is imaginary]
“What does it mean?” is said.
The moment in which we know ourselves,
We erase ‘I/me,’
We exist in HIM.
THE ONE Who exists is HIM,
The one who knows him/herself,
Finds HIM.
This is the essence of the word.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel