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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 43

1 August 1977

I am Mevlana.
Let us not be under oath,
Let us not give to worry. [let us not worry]
We knew with our hal,
We gave with our path.
“The One Whom we lean on [is]:
My Allah,” we said.
We brought greeting to the one
Who sews the cloth bag, [the bag made of cloth]
Who pours his/her sand [in order to sieve],
Who disperses the smoke.

“I came
While knowing The Reality,
While dividing the destiny,
While conforming to every path,”
He said, he (Aksit) took your greeting.

[Aksit, who was a member of Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation, and who passed away recently, attends today’s chat too]

“I found the peace
While looking and looking at the sun, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
While pouring and pouring HIS water.
I came to satiety, [I was filled with HIS deep love]
I saw. [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Let them be at ease,
Let them know that I am at my place [in after earth life].
I erased aimlessness,
I found The One That is HAK,
I saw flawlessness in the writing.” [the writing==1. Destiny; 2. ONEness of HEARTs]

When he says,
“While looking and looking at the sun,”
It means:
Nearby HIS Representative,
Under the order [command] of The One Who writes.

“Is his word not given?” is being said.
It is asked saying, “Is he nearby you?”
He is at the place
Where he can come,
Where he can give.

I did not take
Time from narrow,
[I did not take] My place from difficult.
I did not worry saying,
‘My child stays.' [my child will stay without me]
I did not stay far from your side.
The One That exists gave,
Saw your writing as beautiful.
I saw clearly.
I am not alone.
I brought next to you
The one who conforms in the hal that is called 'kal,' [kal==spiritual state beyond 'hal']
The one who bowed on my path.

[Aksit says:]
I am with Mevlana.
I knew the worry as a matter of hal.
I remembered HAK’s name until I came [to after earth life].
I loved,
I was loved as much as I loved.
I found salvation
In close friendship of the one who loves.
Unlike I expected,
I saw abundant [many] helper[s] at my place. [many spirits/saints helped me when I migrated to my place in after earth life]
If you ask about my coming:
In moment there,
In moment here.
I peeled off the body like in the example of shirt.
For the one who said,
“I could not look at the sun,” [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
I thought saying,
“How about if I give [him/her] my hand?”
I saw Mevlana next to me.
“You will give your hand,
You will show the sun,
However, on our path,
You will first conform to the example,” he [Mevlana] said.

Let one not say,
“Is he offended by the one who falls in fault?”
Let one not interpret earth hal as our hal.
Beauty [is]
At the place where I am,
As [much as] one matures [spiritually].
Say to the one who says,
"I come while turning and turning,
I wipe my tears.
To live is beautiful”:
To live is beautiful
With beautiful ones,
Without separating from The Reality,
Without giving path to the spare. [spare as in 'spare tire']

If you say, “What is your wish?”
I am sorry for the one who cries
Because they can not know my place.
Stove will smoke,
Sun will enter the nest. [sun==Prophet Mohammad; nest==Mevlana’s/Garib’s congregation]
What I will say to my child
Is the one that I will take from my Allah:
Do not know worry,
Do not say harshly,
Do not stay in equal.
There is unlovableness in equal.
Even though it is said,
‘There is unconformity in variety,’
Because it gives value,
Because it shows the interpretation of ‘beautiful-ugly,’
It is more beautiful than equality.
Let my Allah
Send [me] to your side permanently,
Let HIM tie day to night, [? Let one tie day to night, ?]
Let HIM tie the one who conforms hardly, to circle.
Be entrusted to Allah.

If you see [some]one who begs,
Stop, listen.
If his/her arms are empty,
Give with your hand
As much as there is,
As much as your power suffices.
Your Owner is with you,
Our existence is with HIM.
We were created,
We have been watched over.
[yet] We complained saying,
"We have been made cry,
We have been made long for,
We have been made wait."
When I found my path,
When I gave my hand
Every path connected,
Provided my peace.

(Note: Aksit addressing Garib:)

The day on which I reached the sky,
I took what came from you.
I learned what [? that ?] you have been seeing;
I asked from the one whom you know;
Mevlana said
That he gave
That he spread with writing.
The one who hears, comes,
The one who comes, takes.
Your path is open.
Let your pleading be [for] the day,
Let my Allah come from you, as pleased. [let my Allah be pleased with you]

Hemp is not suitable for sifting,
Flax does not give the stem. [? Stem of flax does not give. ?]

I matured [spiritually], I came [to after earth life];
I was filled [with HIS deep love], I found [HIM];
I entered with joke,
I became wise like in the example of joke;
I am in the help
Of the one who knows,
Of the one who does not know. [I help the one who knows as well as the one who does not know]

I am Mevlana.
We are next to the one
Who takes from the rose,
Who finds from [thanks to] the sun. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
He/she is student;
In drop, he/she knew, [drop as in 'drop of water']
In destiny, he/she conformed,
He/she wished for salvation to HAK.

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Search the one who finds with the one who found.
If you say, “How?”
With pleading.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

1 August 1977
(second chat on the same day)

I am Mevlana.
There is no mistake in interpretation:
What is asked from the path
Is the one that is taken from the stop. [stop as in 'bus stop']
When one passes [without entering the caravansary in which the saint is the boniface],
It is what the unconformity gives.
What is called as, “You can not erase,” is that.
Yet unconformity takes to conformity:
It makes the litter that is in the river
Be thrown into the well. [well as in 'water well']

Let us know the vision from the eye, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Let us find ONEness with love.

You learn the right [correct]
From the one who takes,
From the one who opens his/her hand to you.
“Who is the one who opens his/her hand?” is being said.
The one whose God-given share depends on you,
The one who says, “Let my Allah be pleased,”
The one whom you give his/her morsel to his/her hand,
The one in whose home, you add your food.
If you give morsel to sparrow,
You take sparrow as partner in your divine merit.
If it is like that,
How can you see your divine merit as small?

There should be respect-love in events,
One should find
Not in number
But in love.

You will take like in the example of six horsemen.
Let me say to the one who is next to you,
Who gives from the path that changes, [who gives from different path]
Who enters from word to voice.
In yellow and in black
Do not see separately,
Do not separate beautiful from beautiful. [do not discriminate according to skin color]
Do not say,
“Similar to how I take from word,
Will I find from sound [voice]?”
You matured [spiritually], [then] you found,
However, do not erase the one that is different! [tolerate the one who is spiritually immature/different...]
He/she will become ripe fruit,
He/she will find Darling’s hand.
He/she will stop at dawn,
He/she came as noble,
He/she will stay as noble.
The one that you call about, “Concrete example.”
Say to the one who says
That you saw The Reality:
“I did not look in the well, [lake/well==stagnant water that does not flow to the ocean; ocean==God]
I did not hope about what HE will [would] give.”
He/she will arrive like in the example of arrow,
Will find his/her target.
Let you be at ease,
Let you conform to the signature. [let you know that all events are created/signed by HIM, and conform to them without complaint...]

Our chat took place,
It is given to the one who is at our side.

It is known
That you seek [long for] the one who returned [to after earth life],
That you conform to The One Whom you lean on.
It is seen
That you take from high as in the example of cypress [tree].
The one who knows, knows,
The one who loves, sees
That you are bright like moon,
That you are well-lighted like sun.
Let my Allah be pleased,
Let HIM make [you] find in the one who loves.

His [? Her ?] return looks at day. [he [? she ?] will return in a few days]
Do not ask about its difference. [do not ask exactly when [because you have time,  there is no time here…]]
Do not say,
“Lantern is the one that is not sufficient,
Day is the one that does not end.”
He [? She ?] will return to day, [he/she will come in a few days]
Darkness will become luminous.
To the ones who say east and west,
Coming together in the south will suit,
Will be seen like that.

Be entrusted to my Allah.

There is specialty in the one who calls,
There is beauty in specialty.
If I say,
“Give hand to ayran,” [get/make some ayran] [ayran=a drink made of yogurt and water]
You know the milk,
You find in milk.
The Reality is as you know.

In your [spiritual] maturation,
There is no place for game;
[spiritual maturation occurs]
When you know to love,
When you love,
When you are loved.

[spiritual] Immaturity
Does not build wall around your lifetime.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel