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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 39

15 September 1974

I am Mevlana.
“Path of Close Friend,” we said,
We arrived at the path with heart.
We mixed the halvah of chat, [halvah=a sweet prepared with sesame oil, various cereals, and syrup or honey]
We presented [it] to the one who wished.
The one who does not wish, does not mature [spiritually] of course.
The halvah that we mixed, never ends.
There is none that is not eaten, [however,] a single piece is not counted. [reading a few of our chats does not give any spiritual education; one has to eat our halvah continuously…]
Without [spiritual] maturation, he/she does not come,
The one who does not find, does not wish.
He/she is considered as religious, he/she comes to his/her senses day by day.
One knows the one who comes without question, [who comes] from The Giving.

We saw as beautiful, we remembered on the past day.
We conformed to what happened, we said, “What comes is from HIM.”
HE writes good deed for your dough that is kneaded, for the oven that cooks.
No narrowness comes from what will be taken.

Water that comes to the ocean does not go back. [ocean==God]

We fell in HIS deep love, we were/are cooked with deep love.
To the one who joined HIS food, we presented with bowl.

In the heart of the one who comes [to earth], there is 'himmet' of the building. [himmet=sincere effort to reach God]
If you say, “Is there himmet of the building?”
When your spirit arrives [in God], does the body not become [like a] building?
Does the building not stay on earth?

What we present
Is the flow of the [spiritual] water,
Is the looking of the flowing water at the ocean. [ocean==God]
Sooner or later it [? he/she ?] arrives in the ocean.

Do not say, “My day is sufficient,” it opens to the coming day.

How is fire distinguished from [on a] stove that does not burn?
[similarly,] You can not see the one who comes from turned-away path. [you can not see heart fire of the one who is not on HIS path]

You are carried away by the going, [the going==events]
On straight [flat] path you say, “I conformed to what my path opened.”

Life becomes one with Darling,
Earth skin disappears. [when human spiritually matures, when he/she finds Darling in him/herself, he/she knows that Darling is also in all humans, he/she erases skin color [i.e. he/she does not discriminate among humans based on skin color]]

Do not give up The One That you remember, do not get confused about what HE gives.

The door that you lean on is HAK’s door.
What you take when you say, “Hu,” is what you give to all [humans]. [hu==there is no other God but Allah]
What you give to all [humans] is what you spread to your heart.

Do not say, “He/she does [would] not become close friend,”
Do not pull your heart [do not turn your heart away]
From the one who asks about Close Friend, from the one who wishes to take.

My Yunus says:
I said my word not to please HIS human
But so that it blows The One Who burns my heart.
If you say, “Who is the one who burns your heart?”
HE is The One Who created the universe. [==I always talked about HIM Who was in my heart]
[Yunus continues:]
If he/she became one of the ones who hear,
[however,] If he/she turned his/her back when close friend came,
[then] He/she is mistaken.
Why? Because he/she did not conform to the one who knows.
Let us be among the ones who take the new one, who erase the old one.

If we said, “HE gave trouble,”
Let us know that HE will give its remedy.

To conform to the one who knows:
Not to look at what happens, as trouble…

As long as earth revolves, as long as HIS human burns [in heart],
One conforms to the one that comes from the [spiritual] water,
Both worlds [i.e. earth and after earth lives] are connected to one another.

My Yunus says:
Each spiritually mature one
Is from the ones who give,
Is from the ones who transfer his/her 'himmet' from human to human. [himmet== sincere effort to reach God]
If I came, I gave;
If I gave, I found;
If I found, I saw The One Who existed.
If you say, “What did you see in whom?”
The one who looked for Close Friend, [? The One Who looked for close friend, ?]
The one who combed the hearts. [? The One Who combed the hearts. ?]

One acts coyly toward the one who claims that he/she loves,
Lesson is learned from coyness;
Remedy is found for the trouble.
[God tests humans who claim that they are believers [by putting stones/trouble on their path]; when one learns his/her lesson, HE gives the remedy]

The one who seeks in the drop of water, does not see its color,
Does not reach ONEness,
Does not go on [a spiritual] journey with ney, [ney=a reed flute (often used to play Mevlevi music); [whirling dervishes are spiritually carried away by the sound of ney]]
Does not know the peace on earth.
Let us be from [among] the ones who know.
If we are not [among the ones who know], let us ask from the one who knows.
If we are witness to HIS Being,
Let us not fall in the narrowness of heart.

If you wish to hit, you learn to love.
If you seek from the one who teaches, you knock on the wrong door.
If you say, “How?”
Events teach human to love.

Is earth beautiful, or [is] summit [beautiful]?
Earth is necessary for the wild one,
Summit [is necessary] for the shepherd,
Secret [is necessary] for the one who arrives [in HIM].
Osman says:
Secret is in HIM, summit is in me.
I gave the summit, I arrived in Darling, I became secret.

I asked from the tulip, its color:
“The one [color] that you will take,” it said.
I asked from the heart, [about] HAK:
“The One Whom you will find,” it said.
I asked the one who found/finds, about deep love:
“For WHOM you will burn [in heart],” he/she said.
Burn as much as you [can] burn, as much as you find HIS [spiritual] water.

We became door for your heart in the direction of the ocean. [ocean==God]
The saints of HAK, the ones who give HIS science,
We tried not to hit them, but to embrace them, we found like that.
We came to the nest, “Salvation is from YOU,” we said. [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
The one who is in peace, the one who knows you, the one who gives to all [humans],
He/she is of course with HIM,
[he/she is] With the one that comes from HIM.
What we present will be added to the coming day,
Chat will say to all of you.

Be entrusted to my Allah.
Find peace in the service that is being given.
“What is the service that is being given?” is being said:
It is to say
That love brings [one] to The Being,
That one joins The Creator.

Do not say, “Do I separate your [? his/her ?] place from the one who criticizes?”
His/her place is taken by the genuine one;
The one who does not conform stays with what he/she did not hope for.

Be entrusted to my Allah.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

20 September 1974

I am Mevlana.
One says, “He/she does not mature [spiritually],” about the one who gets out of the intention for which path is convenient.
To give place
To what is written in one’s record,
[to give place] To what one tries to interpret
Is in the [human’s] formation. [to try to tell fortune is in human's nature]
To know the one who matures [spiritually] is of course not coincidence:
He/she does not come from “ill-gotten gain,” he/she does not fall in judgment,
He/she does not make mistake in selection, why?
Because he/she got connection from The Giver.

Ask the one who says, “I sensed spiritually”:
He/she does not know what it is because he/she does [can] not solve before he/she matures [spiritually].
Solution is in [spiritual] maturity, knowing is in the giving.
The one who conforms to The Giver, is the one who takes what will happen.
“How?” is being said.
There is no specialty:
Each human may see his/her extraordinary moment.
Beauty is "not to puff up the vision like in the example of cotton"; [what is appropriate is not to exaggerate the vision]
[because] Day comes, it [cotton] is pressed. [vision ability is taken away similar to how a puffed up cotton bed flattens after you lie down on it for some time...]
The one who says,
“I threw stone into the [water] well, I took its sound,
I went beyond,”
There is specialty neither in his/her throwing nor in his/her going.
If you ask the deaf one about sound, he/she tells [you] by sign;
However, there is no shape of the sound.

Niyazi says:
If there are so many leaves,
If flowers crowd on the branch,
If its place is known to be at you, [if the tree is on your property]
To whom is its fruit? [its fruit belongs to whom?]
If you say, “Of course [it belongs] to me,” then you are mistaken.
It belongs to The Lofty One.
Tree is at me, its fruit is at the market of course.

If you do not know to chisel, try to spread:
For the one who says, “I do not eat yogurt,” spare your milk [for him/her].
We gave before:
You know
HIS weed with HIS milk,
[you know] HIS milk with HIS meat,
You become One in HIS human.
Coming of the word became subject, it is given to question:
The connection of the word [the meaning of the saying]
"I was plant, I became animal, I was transformed into human" is this.
My Allah gave every one that HE created, to HIS human as gift.
HE made all of them ONE in HIS human;
HE made pir on HIS human’s path.
I gave the weed to the one that has milk,
I mixed its [? HIS ?] milk, its [? HIS ?] meat with HIS human;
Of course all of them became ONE,
In ONEness he/she found HAK.
“[spiritual] Maturation” is this, knowing is beyond this.
You found in knowing not as much as you seek,
But as much as it is traced. ["knowing The Reality" is as much as HE allows]

Osman says:
Write, write, write…
From whom do you expect to stop? [who do you think is going to stop?]
How do you add witness to your vision?
Are you the one who knows The Reality?
Are you the one who conforms to the one that happens?
If it is like that,
You become one of the ones who take day by day from the curtain that opens.
“Summary,” is said:
If you opened your heart, you look at the one that opens.
It is according to not how it happens but how you conform to.
What is necessary is not to know but to conform. [to conform is more important than 'to know']

Say to the one who says, “I loved,”
With what?
If he/she says, “With hal,”
Then there is mistake in love.
[because] One loves not with hal, but with Darling.
“Its difference?” is said.
The one that is loved with hal is when one looks at the form.
The one that is loved with Darling is the one that is taken as he/she/it exists.

Let us be in service of the door that does not close,
Let us be path to [for] the foot of all humans.
Let us lay [spread] the new one, let us know the old one.
Let us offer [our] hand to take saying, “Let us give [what we take].”
Each human who knows, wishes to take;
However, it is entrusted, it is spread [distributed] in moment.

Let us wish for salvation for the path of the one who passes through HIS day;
Let us say, "Eyvallah," to all of you.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

11 October 1974

The one that is not eaten [i.e. the one that is unripe/immature] is not superior to the one that is eaten [i.e. the one that is ripe/mature].
The one that is eaten does not stay in worry. [spiritually mature human does not worry]

The place where the one who is without smoke comes to
Is not the place where the one who is with smoke, stands at.
If you say, “Why?”
The one who is without smoke, walks;
The one who is with smoke, stops.
The one who says, “Let us disperse [the smoke],” is distressed.
Be among the ones who walk, find while you walk.

The one who looks for sifter at HIS sand,
Is the one who wastes his/her time.
What you sift is as much as the measure,
What you walk [is] as much as you go.
If you say, “Let us pass the one who stops so that let us not take together,” [if you say, "I'll leave him/her behind, I'll take alone without him/her,"]
Then you cover The Reality. [then you act against ONEness]
The one who does not come to his/her senses in The Reality
Is the one who does not have [spiritual] water in his/her heart.

The one who is seyyid, kneels down [seyyid=human who is from the lineage of Prophet Mohammad [i.e. all real humans]]
Not at the place where he/she looked for trouble
But at the place where he/she is remembered [with love].

The one who finds the new one, the one who erases the old one
Looks for leaf [even] on the dry one of the branch.

His/her oath continues at his/her time.
In reality, neither oath nor earth is necessary.
When one says, "Ya Allah,"
When one conforms to the neighborhood,
When one knows the customs,
When one separates the night and the day,
There is no place of the oath.

He/she does not stay not as hoped for but in the direction that is asked about.
Even if he/she finds on return, he/she does not see the one who walked/walks. [the one who is in smoke may still get a spiritual degree when he/she migrates to after earth life, however, [on earth] he/she does not see the one who walks because of his/her smoke]
If he/she does not fall in worry saying, "Let him/her not open the distance,"
Then there is no knot in his/her wool ball,
Then he/she does not stay in worry saying, “Let me untie [the knot].”
Let us say, “Eyvallah,” let us greet all [humans].

The one who takes a glance at his/her ancestor
Is the one who falls in ignorance.
There is no mistake:
One takes not with ancestor but with endeavor, one finds like that.
Neither is it taken from mother nor is it left [inherited] from father.
How many more humans take shelter in his/her heart palace,
That much his/her wealth multiplies.

Does the assembly of the mosque come to [for] its structure, or to [for] its door?
Neither to [for] its structure nor to [for] its door.
The one who wishes for soft path,
The one who says, “Make [me] conform to the neighborhood,”
For them to look for The Reality, one goes to the mosque.
If you say, "Is The Reality found there?"
IT is only sought [there].
Because The Reality
Is so lofty that IT can not fit into the dome of the structure.
You can know "to come to your senses" there,
You can see "the conformity" there,
If you have set up the intention.
When we take the new one, when we know the old one,
When we set up the intention in that direction,
The door that opens is to us.

No [electric] current is seen in the lightning that does not flash;
When it happens like that, no name is given. [one does not call it as lightning]
The rain that does not fall, is not called as blessing.
The taste of the grape that is not eaten, is not sought.
“[spiritual] Immaturity” is not subject to "explanation."
“[can you give] Example?” is being said.
“Explanation” is record,
“[spiritual] Immaturity” [is] the one that does not conform to the record.
Example is emptiness of the effort,
[example] Is the niceness of the event even if it is not liked.
“Explanation” [is] the one that is written, that records to the new one.
Yeast that gets old makes sour.
[whether human likes likes them or not, events will occur; spiritually mature human knows that they are created by The Creator and conforms to them without any complaint]

We said, "Let us be together
With the one who wears light shoe, [to wear light shoe==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
With the one who eats fresh grape,
With the one who is being filled in the name of HAK,"
We entered [started] the chat.
“Let them remember our name,
Let them present with pleading,
Let them see The Reality as One,” I said,
I took the word for you.
I gave the word to be said
To the one who goes with the wind,
To the one who adds litter to the torrent,
I have been remembered as Yunus.

The one who runs away from the burning one of the sun [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
Is the one who takes shelter in the darkness of the shadow.
If you say, “What is his/her action?”
[he/she is] The one who sets the cradle up in the emptiness.
“Is cradle set up in emptiness?” is being said.
If it is set up, how word is said?
What is the one that is sought in five hands, in five tongues, in five ways?
I gave to question. [I asked you]
What is five?
Is it not 'the five condition[s] of Islam'?
If it is only in hand,  where is your way, in whom is your tongue?
Let your hand as well as your tongue as well as your way be in five,
Let The One That is sought, be found like that.
If it is in your tongue, let it be on HIS path too, let your tongue turn too;
Turning is to HAK.
If you say, “Is it not known?” It is said to the one who does not conform.
Our writing is not for here only. [our writing is not for this congregation only, it is for all humans]

For each human to know the atmosphere that he/she is in
Is appropriate,
Is in accordance with HIS path.
“What does it mean?” is said.
The one who matures [spiritually] is filled from Where?
The one who is filled knows thanks to Whom?
When “atmosphere” is said,
When earth’s diameter is divided,
Is the measure given to earth or to human?
Each human is an earth in accordance with his/her own diameter
And there is atmosphere of each human as much as his/her diameter.
The solution is there:
The one who climbs over the atmosphere is the one who walks around as wise.
What is called as curtain is that.
Of course, wider is his/her atmosphere,
More concrete is The Reality.
Love makes [one’s atmosphere] wider,
It makes so wide that it climbs over the earth’s atmosphere.
I came, I gave, I laughed.
Let me return, let me say, "Eyvallah," for The Giving.

I am Mevlana.
My Yunus entered the word, gave with saz, returned with deep love. [saz==a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]

The fault of the one
Who knows the new one as appendage,
[who knows] The old one as a lot
[his/her fault] Is big.
The old one is appendage, the new one is a lot of course.
The new one is written, the old one is added to it.
When it happens like that, the new one multiplies.
Its solution [meaning] is open, do not be mistaken.
The one that was given before, the one that was said about, “He/she erased the old one,”
He/she was/is the one who did not conform to what was given,
He/she was/is the one who looked/looks for the new one.
How does the one who does not conform to the old one, know the new one?
Because the new one gets old when [time] passes;
When it is like that, one always waits for the new one.
Until where?
Until one finds the mirror,
[until] One sees him/herself,
[until] One says, “Hay Allah.”
Of course 'Hay' is my Allah’s attribute, [hay==human separating his/her heart from his/her body]
However, it only occurs when the one who knows and conforms,
Wakes up and sees.
[when] He/she says,
“My Allah, let the life be in my heart,
Let HIM take [away] the dead one [body] from me.”
We took the new one to the [your] day, we conformed to the new one on the [our] day [on earth when we were in body],
We stood with greeting, we gave to pleading [we pleaded].

If destiny does not conform to worth [pride], he/she meets The Mighty One. [if one does not conform to events [if he/she is not worthy], he/she confronts God [i.e. God educates him/her by putting stones on his/her path...]]

Let us be with pleading, let us know our night.
Let us come together not with torrent but with [spiritual] washer.
Torrent takes [you] away, [spiritual] washer makes [HIM] known.

We brought greeting, we made our night known.
We brought the greeting
Of the one who takes, who gives,
Of the one who conforms to five conditions in his/her heart, in his/her hand, on HIS path,
Of the one who hears, who says, “Let me conform my Allah.”
"If he/she does not know his/her place, let him/her spread his/her heart;
If he/she says, 'Where is Kaaba?' let him/her find [IT] in hearts,"
He said, he entrusted to my Allah.

Be entrusted to my Allah,
Know that there is good news on every path.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel