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ONEness of HEARTs
Part 31

15 March 1974

I am Mevlana.
Earth day does not pass before putting heart to patch. [one would not be at ease on earth before wishing for patch]
Each human does not choose HIS direction if he/she does not pass [through earth life]. [? Each human does not choose HIS direction if it [day] does not pass. ?]
We came for [helping you to] return [to after earth life], for burning [in heart] before returning [to after earth life].
If we give word to the one who says, “If I do not burn [in heart]?” [to give word==to promise for something]
He/she takes [our word] saying, "Saz." [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)] [Even if we promise to the one who is doubtful, who says, "How about if I do not burn in heart," he/she would not take us seriously...]
Even if it is just by listening, he/she finds at the end.
Let greeting be to all of you.

We knew the coming, we came with Light.
“Let one be ready for the return [to after earth life],” we said.
If it is said, “We will conform when its day comes,” [I will learn about The Meaning later, when I get old...]
The Writer knows its day.
If human gets ready for the return saying, “[return will occur] In the closest moment,”
[then] He/she sets up the intention not to stop, but to arrive [at HIM].
Let my Allah make him/her set up intention for the one that HE wrote.

One pleads saying, “Let there be no question about separation.”

Do not wrap the waistband tightly, it harms your wool ball. [wool ball==lifetime on earth]
Do not give smoke to the subject, it harms your path.
Do not be mistaken, my word is for all [humans].

If “I have trouble” is said, is that [a] mistake?
If you are within your humanity, even if there is fault,
When shelter is taken in HIS pardon, fault is erased.
When it is known that The One who writes is HAK,
When you say, “I am on Your path,” if you still say, “Trouble,”
“Let my Allah forgive you,” I say.

The one who knows [HIS] path, the one who is on HIS path, does not complain about the stone,
[because] Even in the dark, he/she does not hit the stone.
If one hits [the stone], is the fault in the stone?
If the one who does not know [HIM] hits, it is in the one who put the stone there.
If the one who knows [HIM] hits, it is of course in the one who hits.
Stone is never faulty:
It is neither the one that[/who] comes nor the one that[/who] brings,
It is just the one that[/who] is brought [by HIM].

Let the path be with us, the word be with you, " the saz" be for all [humans]. [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
Let the chat with Darling arrive at infinity,
He said, my Yunus entered the word.
I kneeled in HIS direction,
I was tied to HIS heart. [according to ONEness of HEARTs, "heart" is from HIS Light...]
I was mistaken about HIS coyness.
I acted coyly, I turned.
Neither did I hear while going
Nor did I conform to the return.
I thought narrowness was in the universe.
However, narrowness was because of me.
“Let me [be] open,” I said,
I set up intention to be opened.
I got covered with snow in winter, with sweat in summer.
I woke up at the source of water.
Apparently, the more one opens the heart, the more it/one opens,
The more it/one opens, the more one runs.
There is no stop for the one who goes,
There is no drought
For the one who takes [the spiritual water],
For the one who knows to take,
For the one who is worthy.

If I came, it is not from me,
If I gave, it is not from you:
The One Who gives is HIM,
The One Who sends is HIM,
The One Who gathers is HIM;
However, The One Who will say, “Stop!” is HIM too.
When “Stop!” is said, our writing ends.
Previously we had told when our writing would end.
(At the migration [time] of Garib?)
When our writing ends, our path does not end of course.
It is known that each one that starts ends.
This is divine destiny.

In order to say, "We conformed to Your command,
We worked to learn humanity,”
Effort is necessary of course.
If you know HIS earth [as it was The Reality],
If you ask saying, “Where is my humanity?”
Then you are mistaken of course.

[The following verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Mansur was a Sufi saint who lived in the 10th century. He was tortured and killed when he openly said the equivalent of "I am Allah"...]
The one who says, “My existence is HIM,”
Does he/she have any mistake?
No border can be drawn for the definition of “the [spiritually] mature one.”
Each stone that is thrown to the ocean can not trace the same circle.
Sometimes the stone may be big, but the throw may come as slow.
For that [reason] do not seek fault in human’s word.
Do not say, “His/her circle is small.”
I gave the answer of the question,
I opened [explained] the word of Mansur.
What is sought in every word that is presented?
Mansur said the one that he conformed to, not the one that he knew.
His power was not enough to say what he knew.
What you seek in Niyazi’s word,
You can not give [it] to Mansur.
Because Mansur said definitely, Niyazi said superficially.
The One Who exists makes HIS Being be known HIMself,
HE makes [it] be said from the mouth that HE wishes, as HE wishes,
HE makes some be called “crazy,” some “wise.”
If it is like that,
The crazy one is from HIM as well as the wise one,
You are from HIM too, so am I.
In other words,
Mevlana is not beyond humanity
But in humanity.
The reason he is seen as superior is because of his deep love [for The Creator].
Among the ones who are chosen, the one who says,
“Darling my hand is to YOU,”
The one who gives his/her heart to HIM,
Why would he/she not become Mevlana?

I am Mevlana.
What is the one that is soft in life?
What is the one that is soft on path?
We said, “Eyvallah,” from heart.
Let us give the query [explanation] of the one who is soft in life:
YOU gave, I knew.
In the suffering that YOU gave, I reached Your taste saying, “Honey.”
The one who was mistaken,
I wished for his/her pardon from heart.
Like that I became soft in life.
I said about the one who was mistaken,
I did not attempt to forgive him/her myself.
If the fault is in him/her, the wisdom is in The Lofty One.

What is the soft one of the path?
The one that conforms to the passing of HIS human,
The one that melts its stone, its soil,
The one that stays away from the complaint of the one who steps [on it], who passes,
The one that is cleaned in torrent,
The one that is sieved in wind
Is soft path.
If you say, “Is this the description of the ‘path’?” Eyvallah.
Path is the path of hal, not [a] car ferry.

We said before, "Beauty is not sought."
Our word is for the one who is on HIS path.
In earth situation, “beautiful, ugly” are of course said.
Because what name is given to the one that has no opposite?
If you take the new one, you throw away the old one.
In other words, you distinguish between beautiful and ugly like that.
[however,] Do not direct 'beautiful-ugly' toward HIS human.
Do not find his/her word as faulty.
Do not compare the past one with the one that comes.
The one that passed is covered, the coming one is waited for.
Only the moment is lived.

We presented until the [current] day.
We will present in every direction.
We will whirl, when we whirl, we will erase the direction.
Whirling is that.
If human stays at one point, what he/she will take is limited;
If he/she whirls at the same point,
When endless whirling speeds up,
All directions become only one,
Similar to how colors fade and become white.

Our foot [is] on earth, our heart [is] at the summit.
Our heart is at the summit, this is not [a] mistake.
Human’s heart is at the summit.
When he/she finds HIS path, when he/she erases the ego,
It is given from the summit to him/her,
“My Allah is in You,” is said;
From each door [chat] that is opens, different Meaning is given.

Hazrat Ebubekir says:
One does not become slave at the door.
Let us be manual worker at the [construction of the] building,
Let us know HIS mortar as pure.
The one who holds the mirror is Mevlana,
The one who makes the universe love,
The one who says, “Let us always love,” is Mevlana.
He walked around with the one who said,
He had [a] heart-to-heart talk with the one who listened.
When “our place appeared, our nest is set up” is said, [nest==Mevlana's/Garib's congregation]
It was given to intention, its foundation was laid.
From the second door that is opened, the mortar of the building is being given.
One enters the building like that.

Osman says:
Each one who exists is one building.
Separately there are thousand buildings.
Thousand [is] manyness.
“Let us all be one, let thousand of us set one building up,” he said,
Ebubekir gave his hand.
Let your chat come [to you] as open,
Let thousands conform to ONE Building,
Let Mevlana take the word.

I am Mevlana.
The rule does never change:
Mevlana does not leave from hand. [Mevlana always holds the hand that is given [he is not the one who breaks the holding]]
Our building is being set up,
Hearts all become ONE,
[hearts] Direct deep love toward all [humans].

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

23 March 1974

I am Mevlana.
We presented when we came,
We saw when we laughed.
We connected word to word,
We added to our path.
We waited for HIS each human.
We have no [bad] word for the path
Of the one who came, of the one who did not come,
Of the one who does not know our path.
Let greeting be to all of you.
Let enlightenment come to eyes, [vision==to see HIM in HIS creations]
Let HIM make one be reunited with us.

We are together with the one who says,
Let us mature [spiritually] with the one who listens.
From the one that[/who] matures, let us know the one that disseminates.
Do not be mistaken, what is the one that disseminates from the one who matures [spiritually]?
It is [like] the seed of the ripe fruit.
Each seed is the summary of thousand seeds;
Each one who comes is candidate of [being] HIS human.
Let us join The Building,
When being added, let us know the point. [that we are just a point of the building]
Let us not say, "The building is my artwork,” he said,
Hazrat Ebubekir put the point [period] to the word. [he ended his message]

There is love in giving, there is respect in the one who takes.
The one who loves gives, the one who takes matures [spiritually]. [? The one who loves gives, the one who takes melts [i.e. erases the body]. ?]
The sand that does not find its place falls down.
What is the sand that does not take its place?
It is of course the creation of The Creator,
However, its place in the building is not ready.
Let it not be said, “Only [a] grain of sand,”
Let the grain not be seen as tiny.
When each grain finds one another,
When hand is given to hand, he/she sits in the foundation of The Building.

The one that is consulted, is of course not contrary.
The Architect draws, solves the building.
The one who works watches his/her day from HIM.
Consultation is on that path.
If there is no night of the day, its tomorrow is not known.

The slap that you give, finds its value not in you but in him/her.
What you give [i.e. the slap] is to your loss, to your sand that falls down.

If you leave the earth to the one who wishes for earth,
He/she erases you, he/she divides the relation. [he/she would take it and break the relationship with you not to share it with you]
Do neither walk nor leave him/her.
Let your effort be [toward] walking together so that
The seed finds body.

It was given from wine, meydan was passed,
"[spiritual] Washer," was said, was chosen.
The one who was chosen brought whom?
Each one who gave his/her hand, of course the one who came.
Does the one who says, “I do not come,” come?
Does he/she mature [spiritually] in HIS Being?

We knew not to hit but to wrap [embrace].
“Darling, from YOU,” we said, we gave.
To the one who said, “Does HE exist?”
“HE exists,” we said.
To the one who said, “Is HE Darling?”
“Ask,” we said.
WHAT do you find when you wrap [embrace]?
With word you say, “Mevlana,”
With essence you wrap [embrace] HAK.
You find HIS Name in tongue, HIS Persona in heart.

I am Mevlana.
We matured [spiritually] thanks to The One Who opens the table.
We asked from The One Who chooses its [table’s] food.
“Let him/her see his/her God-given share,
It is enough that HIS human knows HIM,” is said.

All [humans] became one with all [humans].
Let us love one another together with our faults,
Let us love one another together with all our sins.
At the place where we say, “We saw [his/her fault],” let us put patch onto our mouth [so that we do not talk about it].
Let us place [the] point[/dot] at the place where we say, “We knew.”
When point is not put, one comes to the endlessness.
[yet] There is never endlessness to human:
Point is put to each event, only the universe is without point.

Even if the smoke is far, [even if one sees some cloud far in the sky]
Let us say, “From HIS rain,” let us not fall in narrowness. [let us know that it is from HIM, let us never complain…]

Let me give question to all of you. [let me ask you:]
Let me seek the salt of the ocean. [ocean==God]
Where does it take its salt from?
Why is HIS rain without additive [pure/without salt]?
Salt is the matter state of the ocean.
Similar to how human returns [to after earth life] with only his/her spirit,
When returning he/she erases every [matter] state [situation].
Ocean’s salt is neither from its container nor from its taste.
The more its salt increases, the more its water becomes light [less heavy], [i.e. when water evaporates, the water of the sea becomes more dense, whereas evaporating water is pure and less dense…]
[in the case of human:]
Because one does not give place to smoke.
At the place where the spring [water source] occurs, evaporation starts.

Let you be entrusted to Allah.
In the interpretation of the word,
Take the example not from the path but from hal.

Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

29 March 1974

I am Mevlana.
Are the one who passes from the path and the one who runs, one [the same]?
Are the one who opens from heart and the one that flies to the one that opens [i.e. the bug that flies to the flower that blossoms], one [the same]?
He said, my Yunus came to word.
I did not organize the ONEness.
I did not separate the one who came and the one who went.
I did not worry for the one that did not happen. [? I did not worry for the one who did not mature [spiritually]. ?]
When I took my path,
When I gave my heart to the one who conformed,
I sat down, I untied one armful of knots.
If your knots are a lot,
If there is no one to untie,
Seek and find your humanity
So that your knots do not increase [in number],
So that it does not darken your heart.

The battle is with what, where, with whom?
It is against the one that finds the point with what he/she has in his/her hand,
It is against the one who shows HIS path when it finds.
There is no mistake.
“Why is the battle against the one that/who shows HIS direction?” is said.
Who/what is the one who/that shows HIS direction?
Of course my mind.
The one who says, “I matured [spiritually],” without being mature
Is the one that falls onto the root of the tree. [i.e. like an unripe fruit that falls to the ground before it is ripe; it will not be eaten and will become soil]
The one who says, “I found [HIM],” without having found
Is the one who knows the ocean, in the glass. [is the one who thinks that the water that is in the glass, is the ocean] [ocean==God]
If you ask the one who found about the one who did not find,
“The fault is not in HIS water but in his/her pot,” he/she says.

Osman says:
For battle, do not try to find the one who is your equal
Because battle is because of HIS command.
You can not know your equal.
You can not [even] divide thousand into two.
You can not die when you say, “Let me die.”
Know HIS command as HAK,
Find HAK in yourself.
Be among the ones who come to their senses.
The One Whom you find in yourself,
See [HIM] in every human.
HAK [is] in you, in me, in him/her, in all [humans].
The presence of the sin, is human’s narrowness.

I am Mevlana.
Let greeting be to all of you.
Let the universe stay in you,
As much as it stays, let it erase the narrowness.
“Is there [enough] space in the heart [for the universe]?” is being said.
If there is not,
How does one know the existence of the universe,
[how does one know] How it finds all humans?

The one who does not know to stop, can not conform to the walking.
If the flow of the [spiritual] water is not seen, one can not reach the beauty.

The water that you give to the grapevine, you can not take [it] back as you gave.
Because you only gave its water,
However, grapevine gives its essence.

The game, where does it start, where does it end?
It starts at the birth [time], it ends at the migration [time].

The one who looks at the path of the traveler, rubs his/her own foot.
For that [reason], let each human know his/her own path.
Let him/her give as much as he/she knows.
Let the one who takes say, “Let my Allah be pleased.”

We gave, we mixed, we rolled the chat up on the day.
Let my Allah be pleased with the one who opened the chat,
With the one who made it be open.
Lailaheillallah Muhammedur Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped, and Mohammad is HIS Representative.]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel