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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


Mountains, stones chat.
Soils share His blessing.
The ones who are in right [correct]
Reach their desire.

“Come my close friend,” said Mevlana.
Let us share His path,
Let us say among us His name,
Let us build close friendship with the universe.

I said,
We made each word reach our mind,
[we] Made [each word] come together with Koran.
We saw that
HIS love
Wraps all worlds.

Yunus Emre,
In each step that he took
Saw one [door, spiritual step] farther.
He wrapped his heart up in nature,
He reached the summit of the mountain. [summit of the mountain==God]
He reached, however,
He came together with The One Who had been in him. [i.e. Darling, God Who is in every human]

My Merkez learned his place
Step by step.
He said “hello” to some,
He waved handkerchief at some.
He took under control
The center of the earth.

In the order of Yahya,
Respect toward human,
Love toward universe,
Interrogation of oneself by him/herself
Are constituted.
In that interrogation
The negativities that are in oneself
Are erased.
In each word that he says,
The advice that he gives to human:
“Take out the darkness that is inside you, throw [it] away,
Taste the love, [taste] the peace,” he said.

Meryem and Fatima, [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Both came in one moment,
They came together in the same caravansary.
Meryem said,
To the son,
I did not say, “stop,”
I did not say, “hit,”
I did not say, “ask.”
Even if I said “stop,” he would not stop,
Even if I said “hit,” he would not hit,
I said “ask,”
He still did not ask.
Before and later
Is your knowledge,
Is our vision,
Is our love.
One does neither hit,
Nor beat,
Nor ask.

Fatima said,
We lived the seasons.
We saw that each season crosses one another.
Especially human,
When he/she gives his/her labor,
When he/she eats His fruit,
When he/she sees His beauties,
He/she finds The One Who is in him/herself,
He/she is carried away by the magic
Of the Lofty Love.

Hadji Bayram said,
If you take loaf [of bread] in hand,
If you put your “katik” next to you, [katik=a simple food additive (such as cheese or olives or onions) eaten with bread]
Thank your Rab.
For the ones that you can not find, be patient.
Day comes,
Each one of your morsel[s] becomes witness for you.

Hadji Bektas said,
I took basket in my hand,
I tied rope around my waist.
I laughed at my own hal.
Which vineyard will you enter?
Which soil will you plow?
Which close friend will you embrace?
My Rab is generous,
HE decorates from all sides.
I turned and looked at the soil,
Soil was spaded,
Was watered with His rain,
[yield] Has become abundant with His blessing.
With patience unripe grape became honey,
[with patience] Mulberry leaf [became] silk.
I reached the light of the day, [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
I wrapped the universe up in my love.
Let our pleadings be your pleading.
In the morning of each day,
Pray to my Rab.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel