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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


The lands on which I promenaded step by step,
The leaves that I counted in bunches
Remember HIM in each moment,
Ask HIM [about] the ocean. [ocean==God]

The springs that are formed
By the snows melting on the mountain,
The sources that make humans
Come together with one another
Open HIS path,
In the name of humanity
They choose the beautiful path.

On the paths where I promenaded yesterday
I found the one that I sought.
In the waters that I found today
I presented my love in the name of Hak.

Mevlana said,
The ones who find that path
Are [spiritually] mature themselves;
Their surrounding is interpreted. [The Meaning of their surrounding is understood]
[spiritual] Maturity makes [one] go on the path fast;
Interpretation stops one’s time. [perception of The Meaning stops one's time]
Be careful! Do not say, “Time.” [previous verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: According to the teachings of ONEness of HEARTs, there is no time in after earth life...]
One hears you in desert,
Whatever is said,
They conform to the one that is beautiful.

Yunus Emre said,
There is no mercy that is without remedy.
The time of the one who loves and the one who is loved
Is not stopped.
Whatever you are,
Whatever you find
You can not unite both worlds, [whatever you do, you can not unite earth life and after earth life]
You can not roar saying,
“Worlds are mine.”

Hadji Bektas said,
I have never put [anyone] off,
I did not kick any ball with foot. [soccer / ball games did not exist when Hadji Bektas was on earth, in body]
Both in summer and in winter
I sought His beautiful one,
I combed the beautiful hair.

Meryem and Fatima [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
They kneeled down.
Each one of them said her beads for patience.
It should be known
That we have been taking from one another since yesterday to [to]day,
That we came/come together yesterday and on [to]day,
That we work for all universe.
It should be known in such a way that
One should get the habit
Of crying together with the one who cries,
Of laughing together with the one who laughs;
Then you may become
Partner of the troubled one,
Rafter of the hardworking one.

The one that is in Rabia’s eye, in her word, on her knee
Is the one who makes one find his/her surrounding,
Is the one who makes laugh when “glory” is said.
Let us be one of the laughing one[s], [to laugh==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
Let us roar, she said,
Rabia greeted.

Did you look for the close friend in the close friend?
Did you comb head of orphan?
Did you water young sapling?
Did you swaddle the little baby?
He said,
Pir Sultan Abdal took the word.
I learned the one that was/is right,
I made the fire that I ignited, ash.
I waved [my] handkerchief at the orphan.
I ignored the bad word that I took. [I ignored the bad language the I heard]
I passed [and guided] the one who tried to take my path.
Cure will be for the sickness,
Pen will stay in [with] us,
My Rab [God] will erase the zeros,
He said, Pir Sultan Abdal greeted.

In the hand of Yesevi
Thousand one flowers were taken care of. [thousand one==endless]
Each flower was fertilized by bees.
Its soil: we spaded, we planted roses in, we watered, [rose==1. Prophet Mohammad, 2. Saints]
We said the name[s] of His most beautiful roses.

Be among the ones who wait,
Find the one that is beautiful. [? Find The One That is Beautiful. ?]

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akţiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel