home        ONEness of HEARTs:

(Berat night: the Night of Pardon, the night between the 14th and the 15th days of the month Sha'ban.)

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


We tied heart to the lofty one of the mountains,
We waited for the sultan of hearts every time.
Our hearts take what our mind knows,
Human knows that his/her Rabb is always next to him/her;
HE is in us together with us,
HE is in word together with us.
[Previous three verse may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Everything that is visible to human eye is indeed HIS LIGTH in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM. HIS LIGHT is shadowless, matter is imaginary...]
If my eye looks with Him,
[then] Our feelings are always in delight [pleasure].

I found Mevlana's word in me,
I rejoiced saying, "I found The Beautiful One."
Mevlana said,
"What you take from me is yours,
It is your day, it is your direction."

Yunus Emre said,
Flowing waters splashed,
The one who started to work in earnest, tied [a] belt around his/her waist.
Some [of them] wept [cried] from their joy,
Some [of them] tied their heart[s] to Hak.

Meryem presents her pleadings on LIGHTED paths, [LIGHT=HIS LIGHT]
She condemns the ones who do not know the [right] path, who do not come to word.
She says,
To know the most beautiful path,
To love the ones whom/that HE created,
To present his/her love to each one of His creations
Should be the duty of the one who is human,
One should know the importance of the humanity.

Fatima said,
We came, we stood at your table,
We loved your face, we laughed. [to laugh==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]
We pleaded for your salvations.
It is in your hand, it is written with white [clean, honest] pen. [your destiny is in your hand, when one is honest his/her destiny is clean, smooth, nice...]
The Reality is seen in the love of human.
Yesterday passed,
Day is new,
Tomorrow will come.
Let us fill each one of our day for the one that will come [for the future day],
Let us take our salvations on the one that will come [on the future day].
On each day, we should ask ourself [ourselves],
"What did I do today that pleases my Rab?
Whose heart did I please?
Whom did I please?"
[like this,] I prepared myself for my Rab.

Yesevi said,
You see a fort on each mountain.
You walk along the skirt[s] of the mountains.
You greet everyone who approaches you,
The greetings to him/her return to you,
They make you find the salvation.

My Rab Who recommends humans
Love, peace, trust,
Wishes that you also recommend [the same to]
The ones who come after you.

I opened one thousand one doors. [one thousand one==infinite number of]
At each door, I came together with greeting.
I saw that
I had reached salvation,
I had found the love of my Rab.
"Dear Yesevi," I said,
"Is passing one thousand one doors
For all of us?"
He said,
If you reach one door
It conveys you to other ones,
It makes you come together in salvation.
In the voice of Yesevi
I saw satisfaction.
I asked [about it].
He said,
Your table [is] bright
Like your hearts.
Your words [are] open
Like your minds.
My Rab chooses His humans,
He washes each human whom HE chooses
HE is Holy,
HE is Merciful.
HE does not leave anybody in the hand of anybody [else], [HE takes care of each human Himslef]
HE does not pour into the hand of anybody
Water that will not be drunk.

Hadji Bektas said,
Vineyards, gardens are ours.
One day, my saz will be played. [saz=a stringed instrument (which somewhat resembles a lute)]
If they listen to that day, [if they listen to the sound of that day]
If they call out on that day
In the name of my Rabb,
[then] Earth will become [a] promenade place.

The cloth that you wear [I used to wear a cloth like yours [i.e. I was on His path]]
Gave me my name.
The epic that I wrote
Spread my deep love.
Saints asked me altogether:
Whom did you take from, whom did you give to?
I took from Halik [God],
I presented to the people.
In my every hal,
I thought of myself as from people. [I always thought that people and I were "one"]

The hand of Hadji Bayram
Will hold the waist straight. [will help him/her recover]
The hand of the one who works
Should be at his/her wrist. [should be strong, powerful]
He/she should encourage people
In the name of Hak.

Hazrat Ali says,
You came to the beautiful one of the day,
You erased the shadows.
Each morsel that we present
Let it be peace and tranquility,
Let your hearts be filled with the name of Hak.
Beg my Lofty Rab's pardon,
Desire on earth
Knowledge, love,
Vision, respect. [know that all matter is made of The Light of God, and see HIM in HIS creations, hence, love, respect all of HIS creations...]
Take shelter in my Lofty Rab's mercy.
Make your prayers.
Know that my Rab does not want wars.
HE wants race in [making] good deed,
[HE wants] Peace on earth.
Be among the ones who want [the same].
Find the love of my Rab in yourself.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel