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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


The flowers of the trees
Give us hope;
Especially if fruit ripens,
Its joy becomes real.

You have to spade the field that will give crop,
You have to cover the fire that you ignited, with ashes.
You have to wave your handkerchief at the darling who comes from the path.
That darling is the one
Who makes yourself be known to you,
Who makes you exist [together] with your surrounding, [? Who makes you become [spiritually] mature with [thanks to] your surrounding, ?]
Who makes you find the one that you look for. [? Who makes you find The One That you look for. ?]

My mind, my eye, my essence
Found His Oneness,
Stayed in His Oneness,
Came from yesterday to today.
Let the greeting of the one who comes (Big Spirit)
Be upon all of you.
He said:
Do not add the lie to your words,
Do not keep the sin at your table,
Do not say word that will [may] offend anyone.

I turned around Mevlana and my Yunus.
I thought the science of each one of them [were] different.
[however, I learned that] There is no separation, no difference of divine science,
[that] Human does not discover the one that is not in his/her Rab. [i.e. human discovers the one that is in his/her Rab]
[The previous two verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Every thing that is visible to human eye is HIS LIGHT in the form of the matter, is HIM. HIS LIGHT is shadowless, matter is imaginary. HE lets His Matter act according to some rules that may be expressed mathematically. HE permits humans to discover these rules that humans describe as 'science.' What humans call 'science,' however, is indeed His Science [in material/imaginary environment] That is in HIM, That HE allows to be found out...]
My Rab makes the one whom HE wishes, speak, [? My Rab makes what HE wishes be spoken, ?]
HE reunites the one who wishes with the one whom he/she wishes. [? HE reunites the one who wishes with the one whom HE wishes. ?]
My Rab Who does not separate one from the other one, [my Rab Who does not discriminate among humans]
My Rab Who does not favor anyone over another one,
Sees the essence [heart] that is in you, [HE sees your heart]
Makes [you] come together with Darling.

We brought greeting
From beyond purple colors,
From the roof of Yemen.

Meryem and Fatima said, [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
The greetings that we get
Bring us to oneness.
The structure of oneness gives word to Ali:
Each word of Ali is
Religious faith, aman, time. [aman=1. Oof!/God!/Lord!/Lord help us! (indicating disgust or anger). 2. Please!/For goodness sake! 3. My! (indicating great approbation). 4. mercy.]
When religious faith and time become a united whole
Aman disappears.

Mevlana and Yunus said,
One sip [of] water,
One morsel [of] bread
Remind human of his/her humanity.
The ones who do not even find that
HE makes them be nourished by His angels.
Anxiety, worry do not come to my Rab as nice, [my Rab does not like anxiety, worry of humans]
My Rab loves His creations, HE cares [about them].

If ever we reached your loves
We are happy, I said.

They said,
You are happy as well as
You are blessed.
You are nourished sip by sip by His Divine Radiance.
You are adorned in order to add beauty to beauty.
In order to come together with my Rab's love
You should love the ones whom HE loves,
You should praise His creations,
You should embroider His Names on the dresses that you wear. [dress==body][you should make His attributes yours i.e. you should understand and act according to His attributes]

As long as I wander around in myself,
As long as I am bedaubed with love,
I will find the one that I look for,
I will always stay at that place;
That place is the dream of each human.
What makes human, human,
Is the yeast of his/her spirit.

Let selam [peace/greeting] be, let selam be, let selam be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel