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[Berat night: the Night of Pardon, the night between the 14th and the 15th days of the month Sha'ban]

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


To be one [together] with each life,
To find ONE in each life
Is the pleading of the one who is human;
Each creation is in pleading [for the achievement of this goal].
All worlds [universe] that are created
Are the work [of art] of "BE!" order [of God].
To know The Creator, [and] the creation
Is success for human.
The ones who cross seas,
The ones who overflow in flowing waters
Should look for The Beautiful One
In him/herself and in his/her surrounding,
[they] Should find the secret of each beautiful one.
[The above verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: 1. Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of HIS LIGHT into matter. Transforming HIS LIGHT into matter form as HE wishes, is like saying "BE!" to matter... 2. Everything that is visible to human eye is HIS LIGHT in the form of matter, in other words is HIM. 3. Only humans have spirits that HE blew from HIMSELF. 4. Human learns about The Reality at the time of migration, however, the most preferred for human is to perceive The Reality while he/she is on earth, in body...]

We take [sense] all together
Mevlana's voice,
[and] His breath that comes closely.
We give our loves to earth, to universe.
Mevlana said,
"If we [have] set up one thousand one intentions, [one thousand one==endless]
If we embraced each human,
[then] Each one who takes our voice
Remembers us,
[and] Like in the example of butterfly,
He/she alights on each flower."

I should add the intention that is in my mind
To my heart,
I should hold each hand that reaches out [to me/us].

Yunus promenades, wanders around,
Chats with each beautiful one whom/that he sees.
He shares with the one who loves, [as well as] with the one who does not love.
His night, [and] his day are in life
Even though his body is in caravansary [in his tomb on earth].

Fatima said,
"Saints greet one another,
Knowing ones become [like] oil lamp; [the ones who know [The Meaning] become like source of light [i.e. [spiritual] guide]]
On these holy days
HIS Representative shares God's mercy
With each particle that is created."

"So beautiful are the ones
Who look at that day with love,
Who pour Kevser water
On the hand[s] of the ones who love,"
[Kevser = name of a river in Paradise]
She said,
[and] Fatima gave the word to Meryem. [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
Meryem [is] our mother,
Meryem [is] our lineage;
Let our habit be like Meryem['s].

Meryem said,
"There is pride in my chest,
[there is] Joy in me;
Freedom of being created
We know [it], [and] we make [it] be known
We love [it], [and] we make [it] be loved.
We came from the same lineage,
We are proud of our lineage."

"Neither are the lineages separate [different],
Nor are the habits;
Neither are the sperms separate [different],
Nor are the clans,"
They said, they greeted.

I saw a well
In the shade of a huge pine tree.
I asked the horseman who was coming at full speed:
"Your path [is] from where to where?" [where do you come from, where are you going to?]
He said,
"From west to east
Open doors will close.
The ones who are involved in adulteration will be ashamed.
Loves will be manyfold. [? Loves will tolerate. ?]"

On Ahmet Yesevi's horse
No bridle is put.
One does not ask [Yesevi's horse] saying, "do you know the path?"
What it knows is only One,
Its trust is a lot.
I asked Yesevi,
"Is time enough? [is there enough time?]
Do chimneys smoke?
Does each scientist sell his/her science?"
He said,
"Science, knowledge are not bought nor sold.
The ones who are far from science
Do not join in any word. [do not agree with any word]
We are participating, we will participate in the duty
That we know, that we conform to;
We will be remembered with Hakk science.
Each event that my Rabb gives
Is for the good deed of human,
Is for the good deed of the one who is human,
Is for the good deed of the one who is loveful, respectful.
In our prayers
Let us beg my Rabb's pardon,
Let us want, let us wait for the intercession of His Representative."

Let peace be, let peace be, let peace be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel