home        ONEness of HEARTs:

(Regaib day: the night preceding the first Friday in the month of Rajab,
regarded as the anniversary of the conception of the Prophet Muhammad.)

[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


The ones who stand on the path, [the ones who block the path]
The ones who hit the stone with stone
[they] Will see His sand,
[then] They will hold hand in hand with His close friends.

Without knowing right, curved, [without knowing right and wrong]
Without seeing [understanding] what is written,
You can not find cure for your heart,
You can not get greeting from anybody.

We [have] read His book,
[we have read] His address to His human.
We loved the ones who knew Him,
We loved the ones who laughed. [to laugh==to follow the footprints of Prophet Mohammad]

Mevlana said:
If you put packsaddle on the horse,
If you put belt around the waist,
[then] Path is yours;
[the] Traveler will laugh at you,
The ones whom you look at with love
[they] Will greet you.

Yunus Emre said:
Free like birds flying around from branch to branch,
Smooth like stones that are thrown to sea,
Like seeds that are thrown to field;
You will reach the beauty
That bursts forth when it takes His water,
That shouts [blossoms] when [it] sees the sun. [sun==Prophet Mohammad]
You will erase the darkness.

Meryem and Fatima came, [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
They attached roses [rose==Prophet Mohammad]
On the collar of each one of us.
They said,
[everywhere on the] Mountain [and] stone of our homeland,
Tear of the eyes of humans is flowing.
My Rabb will end the bloody war.
Meryem and Fatima,
Their words are one,
They love oneness.
Their path is difficult,
[however,] My Rabb will make [it] easy,
The faces of each one of you will laugh.
Meryem and Fatima greeted.

Ahmet Yesevi asked.
He saw the hearts of each one of us,
He gave the torches to the ones who know.
He said,
Share each beauty that you love,
Chat with each hearth that loves,
Stop by and share with the ones who wish for remedy for their troubles.
You will see
[that] Each beautiful [thing] that you make
Will come back to you;
My Rabb will present [you] His most generous gift.

I saw Hazrat Ali on horse.
I looked at his sword, [it was] on [the] dam,
His eyes [were looking] over the edge,
He said,
"I asked, I said,
I saw, I provided,
I executed the order of my Rabb.
That order is in hand of The Commander,
That order is in tongue of The Commander.
Each event that can not be solved [by humans]
My Rabb solves [it].
Do not be carried away by worry. [do not worry]
HE is next to the ones who know HIM.
My hands are on the shoulders of the brave ones of The Commander.
When I see the brave ones, I want to be brave one. [I wish I were one of them]
I want to be human together with beautiful humans.
Peace is the order [decree] of my Rabb.
To protect one's right is also my Rabb's order [decree].
The ones who do not know the east, the west,
The ones who do not descend to the north, to the south,
They will not be able to find remedy for their troubles,
They will not be able to enter the place where close friends are.
[humans who live in east, west, north, south are all "one", the ones who think differently [e.g. they think they are special, different than the others, etc] will not be able to join humans who are "one"]
Let greeting be to all of you,
Let each one of you erase his/her worries.
Let greeting be."

The ones who give heart to, [the ones who fall in love with]
The ones who give labor to, [the ones who work hard for]
The ones who hug with love
The respect of today,
[and] The service of humanity;
Let them get the divine merit,
The divine merit that they get,
Let them share [it] with all [humans].
Today is one of the most beautiful days;
Wish for salvation,
Read "Kevser" and "Salavat"s.
[Kevser: A surah [section] in Kuran; Salavat: a prayer in which God is asked to bless Prophet Muhammad and his descendants [i.e. all humans]]
Today is the day on which blood was given to His Representative,
[today is the day on which] Life was given [to His [God's] Representative],
Today is the day on which the biggest donation was given to humanity.
Today is the day on which
Mountains, stones,
Soils, waters,
Air tremble.
It is the day on which words harden;
The one who reads His book will erase the hardness,
Will learn The Reality of The Beauty.

All of them greeted all of us,
Celebrated our holy day.
They wished for love to spread throughout the earth,
They pleaded.

Let peace be, let peace be, let peace be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel