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[Texts written between square brackets and some punctuation are added for the sake of making the meaning clearer.]


The One Whom I love is Beautiful,
The One Whom I respect is Beautiful.
I striped my heart, that is beautiful. [my heart does not heave any curtain any more, that is beautiful]
My Creator is Beautiful,
My Protector is Beautiful.

My Loftiest Rab,
Each being
That You created from Your Love,
That You decorated with Your Love
Has been with You,
Has been filled with You,
At every place that one sees
He/she has found You. [The last four verses may be better understood under the light of the following information: Allah created/creates the matter by transforming some of His Light into matter. Therefore, everything that is visible to human's eye is indeed His Light in the form of matter, in other words, is HIM]

Ya my Rabb, [ya= O ...!/Oh ...! (used to show strong emotion, especially exasperation): Ya Rab! O Lord!]
YOU made us join with His [YOUR] Representative,
You [have] let us chat with MEVLANA, YUNUS,
You made us share with all Your close friends
Our loves, our feelings.
How much ever we thank You, it is not enough.
Each moment, every side of each letter that You write for us
Is good deed, we should know [that].
We should believe that we come from good deed.
None of us, at no time
We should not stay [be] without hope.

Mevlana said:
We met with loves
That came into being in our hearts,
We chatted respectfully,
We shared our each moment,
We met with my Rab's close friends.

Yunus Emre said:
We got used to go around from heart to heart.
We worked to reach Hak's path.
The goal of each one of us
Is to meet with my Rab,
Is to work under His Command.

Yesevi said:
We sent torches to four [all] sides.
We received greeting from each one of them.
Each one of them said:
Let their thoughts, their feelings
Be for good deed.
On good deed days
Let [the] lovers meet with [the] beloved ones.

Meryem said: [Meryem=Virgin Mary]
What you, [and] I look for is from Him.
The children of whom I comb the heads, saying, "Orphan," [orphan kids of whom I comb the hair]
Are HIS.
In order to meet with Him,
How much ever wealthy you may be,
Bend forward in front of the poor.
What HE gives you is HIS as well as
What the poor eats is also HIS.
The difference [that is] among you
Is in what you eat, what you wear.

Fatima said:
Each day that Allah creates is good deed,
If you know.
Each thing that Allah created/creates is good deed,
If you see. [vision==to see Him in His creations]
HIS prophets are His humans with most good deeds.
If you love:
You should find that love inside yourselves in each moment so that
You have His giving.

Hazrat Ali said:
The one who can find him/herself in endless love
Is the one who stays without responsibility, [the one who knows that everything is from God, he/she does not try to assume responsibility to change the destiny, events]
Is the one who laughs from heart
At each being that HE created/creates.
In order to share one's love
It is necessary to share his/her sorrow as well as his/her joy.
With him [Mohammad] we [all humans] were also born.
For Allah's consent
Read [pray] your salavats. [salavat = prayers directed to Prophet Mohammad]

Let peace be, let peace be, let peace be.

Allahu Ekber [Allah is The Greatest], Allahu Ekber, Allahu Ekber.

Lailaheillallah Muhammeden Resulullah. [Allah is The only One to be worshiped; we wish to YOU and to Your Representative Mohammad.]


Love all HIS creations;
See HIM in all of HIS creations;
Share HIS Meaning.

© Sabahat Akþiray (Garib)
Translated by Tamer Özel